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Thursday 9 December 2010

Penang Trip 2

I had forgotten to include the second session of the Penang Trip photos...

Cendol at Penang Road....

The taste still as superb as the one I tasted before about 8 years ago....

The Laksa sold nearby the cendol stall was just so-so...the impression not deep, and lack of laksa taste. Friends whom are Penangite told us to go for laksa at Kek Lok Si...but the place hygiene is out of control and might be kind of disgusting for first timer... I am not too sure... haven't got the chance to visit there.

Later at evening, (after we had trapped in the jam around Komtar for around 1 hour, moving only around 500m) we decided to deliver items to YQ's popo...near Perak Lane...

Soon after delivered the items, we played awhile with YQ's popo's doggies... and they are so obedience and adorable....

YQ brought us to a nearby hawker stall to have crab porridge....However, the boss informed us that crab had been sold out, only fish.... So, I ordered fish porridge.

The fish porridge served. It's more like cooked rice with a base of soup stirred with the rice and cooked fish meat.

There's a stall selling something called 'Peanut Soup'...and I would wondering how do this peanut soup looks like, and taste like... The peanut soup looks whitish and I thought it tasted like the canto version peanut soup...but it was totally different! The peanut soup sold at here was sweet, and the folks here usually take 'yau char kui' together with the soup. Tasted fine...even though I still prefer the canto version of peanut soup... :P

Wanted to got for a different and thought of to try out the Clinic Cafe at Sunway near Bukit Mertajam... Unfortunately, it's not our day... the clinic cafe wasn't open.

The lok-lok we had taken to share... the good thing regarding to this lok-lok was there are variety types of sauce to choose. Nice!

The lai chee kang that we ordered during eating at a hawker stall at Bukit Mertajam.

We head on to Indian style apom before we head back to YQ's home.

An indian uncle selling this apom. Tasted different with the apom that I usually eat. This had heavier santan (coconut milk) taste and thicker in the middle.

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