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Thursday 30 December 2010


Forgive me, I am really not aware that tomorrow has been declared for a holiday as M'sia has won the AFF cup over Indon for 4-2.

This morning was a hectic morning. Flu still messing around, and I had to rush to UKM with WC for a day seminar 'National Postgraduate Seminar 2010'.

Well, we did not know the route to UKM from Bdr Sunway, and we roughly estimated the junction and way by browsing google map.

The journey was like full with guessing..... and Thank God that both of us arrived at the CRIM at ukm safely.

Well, having participated as a poster presenter, I had to brought along the A1 size poster and that' done for my job.

Having flu and at the same time needed to be at the seminar hall with full power of air-conditioner on was not good at all for my breathing...

I managed to capture a picture of the seminar hall, and the seminar summary?

Well, it can be consider successful, even though they gave out such a short notice for all the postgraduate. The awards presentation session was entertaining and the lecturer she was good in keeping up with the crowd. The topic wise, I guess it's more from participant from the host, and well it's an experience.

For WC's opinion:- she found out that most of the poster not up to par! hohoho...for those of you whom had seem before, you might know what's her meaning. The presentation in the seminar divided into 2 portion, and the seminar room is way too small to fit other participants whom were interested in the topics presented at seminar room. I were too, disappointed that I could not listen to any of the topics presented at seminar room. There was one more quote of the day that she had said...

"I saw a lot of PCs at ukm" - by WC

Those who wanted to know what is that means....please do not ask me, you got to ask WC... XD

OK, signing off now... tomorrow (31st December 2010) is a Declared Public Holiday by PM, but I will still need to go to lab...and experiments still going on....

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