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Sunday 19 December 2010

delay from purchasing department

I am so damn screwed by this uni purchasing process.

I had submitted a requisition at the 1st week of December, and they has messed up my requisition with the account to spend charges to WC's. I called and send in emails to fixed the matter, and now, another matter arose.

The purchasing department still let the requisition pending and d@mn it, S***thi told me in a @mn slumber tone that, "i had submitted the requisition! what you wan me to do?" WTF!!!!!!

Call that d@mn Mr Goh from purchasing and kick his @ss-lah. What else? I am too fed-up with the school purchasing system to be so independent and always needed to go through the other finance department for approval. and h3ll ya, they told me it's in pending status at their side and they're still holding it. I would like to know, why on earth that this uni needed such a system as it's not appropriate and it's too red tape.

Oh my gosh....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dear Father God,

Please bless the requisition and the purchasing of the kits and reagents to be smooth. Be it no obstacles and the approval of the requisition to be fasten by Your blessing.
All this I ask and pray in the Lord most precious name Jesus Christ, Amen.

***If the kits and reagent did not came in on time, I will be a dead meat, soon, real soon.... =="

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