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Friday 24 December 2010

Christmas!!! It's Christmas...!!!!

It's Christmas Day....

Born is the King!!!

Attended the Christmas morning service at Kampar Wesley Methodist Church.

Thanks to Anil, for the information that he had sms me.

The church choir group had prepared something special to replace the sermon, and it was indeed splendid! They really had done a great job.

This is a day of joy,
This is a day of mercy,
This is a day to rejoice,
For God has given His mercy,

This is the day of birth,
A son of God is given,
This is the day to repent,
For all our sins been forgiven,

This is the day of Christ,
He is born with us,
He is Christ the Lord,
Our savior and redeemer!!!

*** Let us not to forget, to wish our Lord, Happy Birthday, for today is His day, today is His birthday.........

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