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Wednesday 15 December 2010


Oh...due to such a coincidence, we met gingerbread!!!!

WC, Carolyn and I were walking at Sunway Pyramid looking for USB fan at LG2. Out of the blue, we saw one orange mascot, sitting on a bean bag. After such shocking view, we approached the orange mascot and we keep on laughing there, saying 'It's the gingerbread!!! It's the Gingerbread!!! and it's lying on a bean bag!!!' LOLz...

So, we decided to take a short break, forgotten our purpose to look for the USB fan and took some picture with the Gingerbread.

Ginger bread lying on a bean bag!!! ^_^

Gingerbread ready for KungFu fighting...

Once WC reached the Gingerbread, it collapsed...lolz

See the happy Gingerbread.... XD



At last, we found the USB fan at Living cabin, and purchased it at the very last minute that they were closing their shop. Although it's kind of late, but at least we found what we wanted and thank God, Living Cabin having it at the price that we were hoping for. In fact, initially, it's only Carolyn whom wanted to purchase it, and after some time to look for it, both WC and I felt that we would like to get one for ourselves as well... XD

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