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Saturday 25 December 2010

List of job(s) done?!

Found a tyre shop near by at Taman Angkasa here to make tyre rotation and balancing. The boss quite good, after he had taken the tyre out, balance, pressure and checking for the ring; he even washed it before fix to the opposite direction as in the front tyre to back and vice versa.

The job done for RM20. I am not too sure if it's cheap or expensive, but at least, I had done with the tyre rotation.

List of job(s):

Hair cut: Done
Tyre rotation: Done
Purchase knitting thread for WC: Done
Add Weng Yew at facebook: Done
Purchase Nippon Paint for front gate: Not done, the shop closed on Public holiday.
Purchase Glutinous rice ball: Not done, needed to find at Tesco...
and to Ipoh : Done (going to post out picture soon)
Amend poster content for seminar: partial (OMG!!! I am gonna be a dead meat soon)

Hopefully, there will be not much changes for the poster, because I really have no idea how will the judging criteria will be... =="

Signing off now to sleep. Felt sleepy.... eyes are lazy and I need to Zzzzz.........

Edited: Oh, today is Boxing Day....

Happy Boxing Day everybody...

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