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Monday 24 December 2012

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year~

It's Christmas eve....

In less than an hour it will be Christmas Day~

Merry Christmas everyone, have a wonderful blessed Christmas 

and a Happy New Year!!!!!

Friday 21 December 2012

The doomsday on 21.12.2012 and Winter solstice?


According to the Mayan calendar, 21.12.2012 is the end of the world. They had predicted the world calendar until 21.12.2012.... but do you believe that today (21.12.2012) is the end of the world?

Nope, I personally do not believe in such prediction. I would say the Mayan calendar had just manage to predict until year 2012 and not further than this. So, it to be more precise, after 21.12.2012 is another new calendar counting for the Mayan. However, since the ancient Mayan tribe could not predict their own apocalypse... I would definitely support the new calendar counting after 21.12.2012 than doomsday on 21.12.2012. 

If we live life with goodness and moderately, I would think that everyday is a good day. If we live life with stress and unhappiness, I would think that everyday is a hell day. Although we could not secure every good day, we could really spend our good day to the fullest!

Today is the chinese winter solstice celebration day. Do not believe in doomsday today, I will be heading to get my glutinous rice ball dessert later~  ^.^

Friday 7 December 2012

I thought it should have ended...


I thought it should have ended...


It seems like the nightmare is still persisting... =.="

Please, I need to move on. Just let me go.

Tuesday 20 November 2012

Lion dog?

Dog 101 featured Rhodesian ridgeback which also known as the lion dog a few weeks ago.

Upon watching the looks of this "lion dog", it seems to be a little familiar and it brought me to Bobby's look.

Although such mongrel colour and looks are quite universal and common amongst the wild dogs, Bobby did showed the attitude of lion dog. 

According to mum, Bobby always seated at a corner, cautiously preying on a subject and will run for it whenever he felt that it is a good timing. Looking at the photo below, Bobby did shared some similarity with the real "lion dog". Indeed, Bobby's silly looks quite alike as the Rhodesian ridgeback photo on the left. =) 

Saturday 27 October 2012

Dreamt of lucky zai

I dreamt of lucky zai twice, since his
death back dated at 6th of August 2012. The first dream was pictured as I am
returning to hometown. I saw lucky zai and bobby zai playing at the living room
when I am approaching the front gate. The scenario was as per usual in which I
will great lucky zai first, then to bobby zai as to make bobby zai familiarise
with the routine that lucky zai is elder and thus be respected. In the dream, I
saw lucky zai showing turning himself and showed his belly for bobby zai. In return,
bobby followed exactly what had lucky performed. They seems to be playing
cheerfully with minor aggressive behaviour due to domination by lucky zai. All these
seem so real, and I patted both before I walked into my room.

In the recent dream, I saw myself had
realised that lucky was no longer in house. It seems that I had accepted the
fact that I will only see bobby zai at home. However, the odd scenario in the
dream was; I am able to see lucky zai and pat him with my own hands. I told my
family member about this, and surprisingly only my sister, brother and me can
pat the illusion-ed lucky zai. My parents could not see lucky zai's presence.
Therefore, only us, the siblings were seen playing with lucky zai, patting him,
and letting him rolling to show his belly. It was lucky zai's favourite act,
when he was happy and done with his food. Sometimes, he did this purely an act
of boredom. I find it amusing to see lucky zai rolling on the floor, showing
his belly.

Although these were just merely dreams, I
could feel and touch lucky zai. Maybe this is an act by my brain signalling due
to missing lucky zai; or unscientifically, this might be the way/message that
lucky zai trying to inform me that he is living happily as though he is living
with us. Whatever it is, thank you to my lucky zai, for visiting me in dreams.

Tuesday 23 October 2012



I am wondering...if I am doing something that I want?


I am worrying...if I am making mistakes that I can't?


I am frustrated...without help and direction,


I am devastated...with all the comments and correction,


I just couldn't understand...what is wrong with me being me?


I just couldn't withstand...all those words of lies in spree,


I am thinking...if these will end some day?


I am feeling...if I am not on the correct pathway?


I am tired...I am scared...I am de-motivated,


If there will always be another time?

Friday 19 October 2012

Worst customer service given by RT Pastry KK

Yesterday visit at RT Pastry House Kota Kemuning branch was really disappointing and time consuming.

We walked into the shop, hoping to ask for our pre-ordered cake. However, non of the worker seems to be bother and there was nobody at the open chiller counter. There were 2 to 3 workers congested at the cashier counter and I saw another worker arranging breads and buns at the rack. We went to ask the worker to check on our pre-order cake, and we were asked for an invoice number. We said we don't have it, because the person whom had answered the phone reservation did not gave us any number, and we proceed to ask them to check on it with the customer name. At the same time, we asked the worker to get the last moo swiss roll for us, while we were waiting for the cake. None seems to be bother when we inquire again our pre-ordered cake at the cashier counter. All they did was standing at the cashier counter, keep on waiting. I do believe of out the 3 worker, one of them can check on it without having any problem to leave the cashier counter as there will be 2 worker left. Again, when the other worker went out with the cake, we asked for the last moo swiss roll. At the same time, they had given the last moo swiss roll to another customer and what do we have? "Sorry, it was sold out", uttered from the worker. Didn't we asked them to reserve it? Do they have any communication among each other to keep the last swiss roll for the customer whom had walked in first, and reserve it first while waiting for them to check on the pre-ordered cake? The answer that we had all the time while we had asked this and that was "Wait". In fact, we were WAITING! 

RT Pastry house Kota Kemuning Branch, if you do not think your workers are well trained to serve customer, please do PROVIDE them the training! If you do not have enough man power to host the branch, please hire more worker. If you can have a superior to monitor the branch, yesterday incident would not happen! Such incident was a disgrace to your brand name.

Sunday 14 October 2012

Potatoes with garlic topping

Making food at home when no one was in makes me feel good.

Hahaha... at least I can cook anything I want to cook. =)

~Potatoes with garlic topping~

Lemon+Chilli+Ketchup dipping sauce for the potatoes.

Friday 5 October 2012

Thank you, Kak Puria

I am in such a panic mode when I saw my own car key dropped into the toilet bowl. I have no choice but to run out to get help! The first ever help I could think of, is from the security. I asked the guard regarding to the matter. Sad to say, the head of security, the fat old chinese man (Mr. C??ah), didn't even bother to help but to pour cold water and said "That's the end of your key. No way you could get the key back." I was shocked! The current security head is way unhelpful than the previous security head Mr. K?m. He is way much better than this current useless security head.

Thankfully, there was another security guard offering advices and personnel to look for. At last, after much running and searching; I found the cleaner deputy head and with her help, I can get my car key again. She told me it is common in the campus, that students or staffs dropped their belonging into the toilet bowl. Accidents do happen and I an thankful to her for her help that she had gave to me. Her willingness to help is way much better than the security head. I am not too sure, why on earth the university want to hire such useless person, without giving any help or advices. The only thing he is good at, is sitting in his office or accompanying VVIP walking around the campus. If there is a possible way or channel for me to express this to the campus authority, I would definitely do so. 

Would like to thank the cleaner whom had lend me the help, Kak Puria. You had done a very good good in helping the one in need. Thank you.

Tuesday 18 September 2012

What an experience...

It was suppose to be a happy day, when the journey went out of order and making numerous u-turns did not broke our heart to reach to the desired destination. It was kind of bad, during the arrival, as there were none greetings at all from the host, but the host relative was the one whom greet us and welcomed us.

It was not all. Once we were seated, things when disorganised; the other friends sat awkwardly without much to do. No allocated  food for them, which luckily they were smart to have had something before depart. Once I had had the food, even before finishing my drinks, we were chased out by the host, as if we were to chit chat, please chit chat at somewhere else. Indeed, I felt it was inappropriate to chase your guest out, and we had given all our honours to the host. We honoured the host, and stepped away from the table and chit chat at somewhere else. If we were that un-welcomed, just do not asked us to attend at the beginning. It will save all the hassle and make our life easier.

When at the exact day, before I could even step in properly and were talking over the phone with my university friend; I was shocked to hear my name shouted from far and asked me to walk into the dedicated table number! What a disgrace for me, as it were I am deaf and too late attend the big day. I am surprised to receive such attention and invitation manner. Maybe I should have just turn down the invitation, and have my own dinner with some best friends and chit chat without having the starring from some wild eyes that does irritate me.

I do not wish to say that I am the best, at least, if you have the heart to apologise that everything might went out of order but thank you for coming and giving such a huge blessings it will changed the whole scenario!

What an experience for me, from my friends. I could not ask for more, but please do not put me into such situation any-more as I do not want to be the clown of the day!

Tuesday 4 September 2012

Cyst in womb...

Ultra sound check-up went on smoothly this afternoon, although I called in for doctor in late afternoon. Drove as fast as I manage to, which had enabled me to reach USJ Taipan before 3pm and entered the clinic before the doctor step out.

I had asked Dr Tan regarding to the previously found cyst in the womb, and he proceed the ultra sound scan to further verify the anxiety of mine. He had scanned the liver, kidney, gall bladder and the uterus are all normal and good. However, the cyst which was found last year is still attaching and he explained that this is something in the medical term called functional cyst. The size of the cyst had not increase at all from last year to now and it is smaller than 3cm which is less alarming. Usually, cyst more than 3cm will be indicator for more serious condition and the patient will be required to have another follow-up verification after 6 months. Nonetheless, the size of the cyst found in me is not significant and will be consider as normal unless I have any unusual symptoms such as pain in urination, irregular menstrual, lower abdomen pain frequently and etc. 

I am glad that the cyst is not causing any abnormalities in me. Thank God for this blessing. Now, I can have body check once every 2 years which is a great news to me. 

Sunday 5 August 2012

Lucky zai

Tribute to Lucky zai.

My dog from 2000-2012.

May you rest in peace.

We Love You.

Thank you Lucky zai for you had given to us a lot of laughter and safe guarded our house since you were brought in. You are not just a dog for us, but a member of the family. Your love that you had given to us, will be remembered. May God bless you, and may you rest in peace.

Goodbye to our Lucky, Lucky zai, Lucky bear, Ah bearz, Lucky-lucky.

Thank you for being with us.

Sunday 29 July 2012

Maggi mee...

New Maggi Mee flavour... ^.^

When no one is at home, and no friend is free to accompany you for lunch or dinner; I guess Maggi mee becomes the best food and best friend.

Tuesday 17 July 2012

Starbucks again!!!

Seriously... if Starbucks Malaysia cannot cope with the tremendous usage of Starbucks Card users in Malaysia, they should stop issuing it.

What on earth did Starbucks technical system had done to buckle up? Every now and then, there are card users who faces problem such as rewards not yet updated, card had no balance where the user check it online with they account, it still have balance more than to purchase two venti caramel macchiato.

If such well-known food and beverage chain could not perform, who else? Please-lah Starbucks, you do have man power, money and also brain to do this, why do you want to create a system that do not work? Upgrade your Starbucks card system, PLEASE!!!

Fortunately, Starbucks do have lovely and kind-hearted barista whom had brighten up my day every now and then. Starbucks had trained their staff well, for their front-line customer dealing barista work perfectly fine. However, this does not apply to the Starbucks card system which seems to have glitch every now and then.

Thursday 12 July 2012

Samsung e-Warranty

I am definitely in panic situation when I learned that the samsung phone which I had purchased has no warranty card with it.

A quick search and there was indeed a piece of paper which was written "Certificate of Warranty" slotted in between the user quick guide books.

However, the certificate of warranty did not carry any numbering on it, which render confusing for me to register the e-warranty by samsung via their website.

Fortunately there are a lot of people facing the same problem and you can find out here; one of the solution besides asking the dealer to register it for you... (If the dealer had forgotten about it, or the dealer ask the purchaser to do it themselves, or the person bought it second hand from another buyer...etc)

Click HERE  HERE for samsung e warranty product registration website.

Get ready with your new samsung mobile phone.

If you wanted to validate the e warranty from samsung (whereby the dealer had helped to sms the e-warranty or you had purchased the phone from some other people); do the followings:

Type the alphabets PC<space>IMEI number  and send to 62002(Digi/Maxis User in Malaysia) or 33802(Celcom User in Malaysia).

If the feed back had written the IMEI XXXX had not been register, please do register it at Samsung E-warranty by yourself. If the phone had been registered, the feedback will have the IMEI number and the dates(duration) of the warranty.

For those who do not know where to find the warranty card number when you are registering it online by yourself, please key in the IMEI number in the warranty card number column.

The serial number is easily available at the back of the phone, covered by the battery compartment.

Do bear in mind that the IMEI in the phone must be matching with the number in the box, and total match when you keyed in *#06#

**Note: The e-warranty will still require the dealer or the proof of purchase to enable the purchaser to have their device register under samsung e-warranty. I had not been able to do yet, only successful to register the product. I am too...looking for alternative to register my phone.

I did not earn the credits on all these information. Further details can be found with Samsung website, or other available forum such as LowYatNet Forum.

Wednesday 27 June 2012

Talkative people...

I wonder why people don't know how to converse softly when someone is sleeping? Why this can't be considerate?

If this people is poor in hearing or what-so-ever, just speak directly face to face. Why on earth need to speak from downstairs to upstairs and vice versa?

For God's sake, couldn't this people shut up when other people is watching TV show? If were to converse, couldn't this people speak softly so that the other people can enjoy their show or movie?

Talkative people...please be considerate!

Thursday 14 June 2012

fill in the blanks?

There was a funny incident happened when 4 of us were dining at BBQ plaza Sunway Pyramid. Guess what? Below, and illustrated emotions of each person, and try to fill in the blank to match the responds...

Do you manage to fill in the blanks? =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =)

Saturday 9 June 2012

Please, I need the sleep!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I wonder why some people cannot be considerate and talk softly when someone is sleeping in the room?

Talking non-stop everywhere, so loud even it still can be heard when the conversation was downstairs at living room. Did I ever made noise the unnecessary noise when you are sleeping?

Please, I need the sleep!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday 2 June 2012

There is always something...

There is always something, that a person will reflects to it; from every now and then. Something special and memorable. Something one could not forget, something one will try hard to remember. Somehow, the harder the person tries to hold back, the greater the pain to be. What would happened, if there is really a chance to turn back time? What will be the outcome, if one is not in the right time at the right place? Will the ending differ? Will the matter still matters? Chances are thought to be real, until the moment of truth reveal. There is always something, that a person thought to have the best; but left out the rest.

Saturday 19 May 2012

Trip to Awana Kijal Terengganu~ part 3

Long overdue blog post...

Trip to Awana Kijal Terengganu was amasingly fun and comfortable. Take a look at their sweet note when they came in for room service in the evening. It was written 'Good Night' and I took the opportunity to capture this.

 Some of the available rooms that are provided by Awana Kijal Terengganu. Awesome!!! ^.^ (More regarding to the room availability here)

My friend told me that their spa and massage service is definitely worth to try. Jawanase massage and spa~

Cosy and ambient environment.

Saturday 12 May 2012

Happy Mother's Day

~Happy Mother's Day~

~May all the mum be blessed and keep on prosperous in their life~ 

- Healthy and happy always-

Friday 4 May 2012

Hai Peng Kopitiam (Kemamam)

Hai Peng Kopitiam (Kemamam)

The toast bread  from this coffee shop was absolutely great and should try the hot coffee or hot cham (tea+coffee). I would suggest to get the nasi lemak and kuih takung(petak).

Address: K3753, Jalan Sulaimani 24000 Kemamam Terengganu.

~Sponsored by rwgentings and nuffnang =)

Monday 30 April 2012

~ Teaser --> Toast Bread

A teaser for reader....

Toast bread... anyone?

Want to know more about this yummy-licious looking toast bread?

Stay tune~ 

Saturday 28 April 2012

Trip to Awana Kijal Terengganu ~ part 2

I was overwhelmed with the welcome cold towel and drink from the Awana Kijal staff, as the journey to reach the destination was hot and dry. No wonder the schedule  express bus I took from hometown to Terengganu and vice versa, was put at night time. I guess it was to reduce the anxiety to reach the destination by leaving the passenger to sleep through the night...

It had been years I had not visited Terengganu and I never been to Awana Kijal before. Awana Kijal  Resort situated near to Kemaman, Kerteh and Cherating. The activities given were all around driving destination and traffic-jam free

The given sea-view room was amasing, fully equipped and most importantly comfortable for the occupants.

One may found he/herself looking wild at the private beach just behind the resort and indulged into relaxation listening to the rhythm of the ocean waves.

Since it was near dinner time when we arrived, and it was eye-catching everywhere, I just snapped some beach view and head on to dinner.

The dinner was serve as buffet dinner at Restoran Kampong. I did manage to try on some tasty food such as the locally made prickle - the umbra prickle was awesome, grilled salmon and tempura were great! 

The fun and adventure activity schedule on the first night was fire-flies trip at Sungai Yah Yah. I could not capture any photos to show - forgive my unprofessional in using my Lumix DZ7. How I wish I manage to keep a piece of the memory of viewing fire-flies, and it was not in photos but will be kept in my memory for lifetime. The fire-flies guide Mr Ghani told us that fire-flies seasons is from April until July and the most spectacular scene of fire-flies can be expected in June. Mr Ghani also advices that one should not apply insect repellent when joining trip to fire-flies, and join the tour during no moon seasons to enjoy the full darkness of the night along the river with the stars brightly shining above...

It was late, and courtesy of bring us to view the "city of light" in Terengganu, the tour bus drove up towards north and arrived at Kerteh, where all the plants by Petronas are situated and the night view was extraordinary lively with the lights all over the plants. I was not surprised, I had been seeing this ever since I was studying my undergraduate at Terengganu, and this was the only view at night when the bus reached Kerteh and fast moving towards Dungun after Kerteh.

Tired after a whole day journey and travelling, I opted for a hot shower and landed straight to bed until the next morning.....

Friday 27 April 2012

Trip to Awana Kijal Terengganu ~ part 1

Trip to Awana Kijal Terengganu was fun and exciting. It was an awesome trip with a change of my perception towards Awana Kijal Terengganu and indulge into the available cuisine with entertainments from the nearby town and village~

The journey from Kuala Lumpur to Awana Kijal Terengganu by bus taken about 4-5 hours depending to the speed and on the road condition. On the journey towards Awana Kijal Terengganu, we dropped by at this seafood restaurant named Pak Su and had our lunch there.

Fried squids, steam grouper, garlic fried sawi flowers, thai sauce tofu, lala fried meehoon, fried rice, and kam heong crabs. The grouper served was a little overcooked and disappointed with it because I had tasted the same dish from the same restaurant and it was way better than this. During the journey at East coast, I believed everyone was anticipating to reach Awana Kijal for the getaway....

Stay tune for more...

Part 2

Part 3

Credits: Thanks to Genting (Awana Kijal) and Nuffnang  =)

Saturday 14 April 2012

Marvel’s The Avengers

This superheroine can
utilize the weather when there is dangerous encounter. Clear blue sky can turn
into dark gloomy surrounding and harbuoring electricity for this superheroine to
use as shield and weapon. Unlike mythology god of lightning Zeus, this superheroine can
convert any type of weather as the last resort of combating evil. A watch
equipped on the superheroin’s wrist can act to collect the high amount of solar
power and convert it into laser beam. High technology gadget such as lightning
powered high-heels shoes to enable the superheroine to run as fast as
lightning, without failure. Of all this, why this superheroine is
added into the reformed S.H.I.E.L.D team? This superheroine act as
the teleporter in the team sent to investigate in advance at any place on
planet earth. Why? It is due to the ability of to run as fast as light and to
utilize the weather whenever required. This will greatly benefit the team as
information on the darkness forces can be obtained in no time for combat
preparation.  Who is this superheroine? Her name is 
ęTroN, the one who is able to
control the weather and utilize any type of energy generated in the
surrounding; exactly just like a woman emotion swift. Sounds ridiculous?
Welcome to the world of creative story…

I can't think of the costume,
however here's the badge which symbolising the name and the ability~

Friday 13 April 2012

Homemade minced meat noodles

Sometimes, cooking at home is fun! 

I found some minced meat, mushroom, garlic, baby romaine lettuce, and noodles... and Viola~ Homemade minced meat noodles XD

Our stomach can be happily digesting the home cooked food, so cook regularly~ 

Wednesday 11 April 2012

Ze Yuan Seafood Restaurant

No 33, Jalan Jati 1, Gohtong Jaya, Genting Highlands, 6900 Bentong

Deep fried salted egg squid tentacles ~

Fried tong fun

Pig intestines

Garlic fried Young Water cress vegetables

Steam red tilapia fish

Belly Pork (Fam Lam)

Nice trip with brother to genting highland and goh tong jaya for food hunt~

Cabin in the woods

Cabin In The Woods...

Thanks to Nuffnang, I had 2 free tickets to watch Cabin In The Woods at Cathay Cineplex e@Curve.

However... I only managed to watch the first hour... and due to some urgent matter...I had left the cinema... T.T

Anyway, thanks Nuffnang for your tickets. =)

Edited: Finally watched the remaining "Cabin in the woods" movie. No spoiler for readers, however, do anticipate a different kind of ending from this horror movie from the rest of those systematic horror movie ending. 

Wednesday 4 April 2012

Sunday 25 March 2012

The Hunger Game~

The Hunger Game

One must be thinking of the game of
starvation, the game to kill, the game to strike, and above all it's about the
fittest survive.

Given a background of the rich as the
manipulator and the poor had to be enslaved for the sake of the rich's
entertainment; this game, must be a cruel game to force young teenagers to
fight, to kill, to destroy and to survive. This had embedded a definite thought
in every child from every district that those whom unluckily chosen from the
lot will die and only one survivor to be crown the winner in the game.

Courage and bravery does not safe guard the
victory in the game, while alliances and friendships shown to be something
worthy in the process of elimination of the weaker opponents.

Growth of love forces the manipulator to
change direction of the game and how would the manipulator endure the lost of
their pride as the host and as the riches’ representative?

The movie character girl Katniss Everdeen
by Jennifer Lawrence had successfully brought the story alive together with
character boy Peeta Mellark by Josh Hutcherson to be the player in the game, to
face the unforseen destiny which they have to embrace together towards to the
end of the Hunger Game. 

I never did read the book by Suzanne
Collins, nor realised that the Hunger game comes in trilogy. However, after
watching the Hunger Game movie, I believe I wish to read or to watch the
continuing Hunger Game sequels- Catching
, and Mockingjay.

Watch the trailer here : The Hunger Game

Sunday 4 March 2012

Eating at Klang~

When the brain had gone out of order, the urge to have foods (especially tasty food) had emerged.

So, here we go..... The Klang Mee Hoon Kuih of Pan Mee named Restoran Fatty Mee Hoon Kuih House.

They served tasty barley by charging it RM1, and I am quite happy that we can still have shop to charge this kind of price. Good job for the boss.

The barley drink~

The Mee hoon Kuih a.k.a pan mee...

After that, the urge to savour glutinous rice ball called us to this kopitiam situated near Jalan Pekan Baru 32. I could not recall the full name of this kopitiam, but I remember it started with a name like "pin zhou?"

The glutinous rice ball (small-without any fillings; big-with black sesame fillings) This was great!!!!!

The muahchi served with extra coconuts sweets. It was fine with me, but I still prefer the glutinous rice ball with ginger soup~

Tuesday 28 February 2012

A Wet Thai Food Cafe

A Wet ThaiFood at Cheras 

 The person in charged called Prawet, so I assume the name A wet came from the person? =)

 The list of their branch. Kampung Kayu Ara branch do not serve pork. Newest news from the branch at Kampung Kayu Ara. From May 2012 onwards, they had started to serve pork (good news) =).

 The superbly awesome roasted pork neck~ D@mn, it makes you want to have more of these with the perfectly mixed thai chilli sauce.

 Stir fried four angled beans. (quite salty)

 The seafood tom yum. (again, i felt it's quite salty)

 The water chestnuts dessert served with a few slices of jackfruits.

Oh, I had forgotten to take the photo of the untouched green curry chicken. Sorry for the unclear photo.

Overall, I still thinks this A Wet Thai Food taste better than the other Thai Food restaurants that I had tried. However, I must say that maybe I am not too used to too salty food, where almost all of those Thai food resto that I had visited served quite salty foods.