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Sunday 4 March 2012

Eating at Klang~

When the brain had gone out of order, the urge to have foods (especially tasty food) had emerged.

So, here we go..... The Klang Mee Hoon Kuih of Pan Mee named Restoran Fatty Mee Hoon Kuih House.

They served tasty barley by charging it RM1, and I am quite happy that we can still have shop to charge this kind of price. Good job for the boss.

The barley drink~

The Mee hoon Kuih a.k.a pan mee...

After that, the urge to savour glutinous rice ball called us to this kopitiam situated near Jalan Pekan Baru 32. I could not recall the full name of this kopitiam, but I remember it started with a name like "pin zhou?"

The glutinous rice ball (small-without any fillings; big-with black sesame fillings) This was great!!!!!

The muahchi served with extra coconuts sweets. It was fine with me, but I still prefer the glutinous rice ball with ginger soup~

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