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Saturday 29 January 2011

Today definitely is not my day


Today definitely is not my day.

When I were driving out from Kota Kemuning towards shell for pumping in petrol, saw a very fast avanza driver, did not let way and driving very recklessly in the middle of the rain. (The driver was very fast, hence, I slowed down the car for the avanza drive to overtake me.)

When I were finished my petrol pumping at Shell, something happened on my way to drive out. (can you imagine how slow your car moving around at Petrol station...) When my car coming out at the same time an Ah Yi (auntie) open her car door without looking at my incoming car...the result was? My car right front bumper has some scratch and slightly loosen its alignment. Luckily I were driving superb slow at that time, the impact wasn't huge! The Ah Yi came down and said, I did not see/notice got car when I opened the door to her daughter. Her daughter came by and said to me that I can bring the car to her mechanic, cause her family owns a mechanic shop.

Fast deal, as I mentioned, I do not want to claimed superbly, I just want the little scratch and the loosen alignment to be fix. She gave me her number and vice versa, and she said Monday only can contact her mechanic as today is Sunday. So, I head off towards uni.....thinking that, what a day!!!!!

Alright, the story haven't ended until I reached uni and walked out from the car towards the uni main gate. Along the walkway, there was an irresponsible Gold Myvi car plate start with W...and splashed the rainwater all over my right side, inclusive my sling bag, and my pants and my shirt. Luckily I manage to move the bag and saved the computer bag from getting wet. Now when I am typing this, I am soaking wet (my right side), and freaking cold. [I do not think that the driver did not saw me, I am so huge!!! The driver driving superbly fast after the bumper, and speed off after knowing somebody has been splashed.. =="]

All would not be happened if...I go out earlier or later, but all these happened at the same time that I were happened to be, at a wrong place at the right time!!! =="

Okay, chinese saying that a person will have 3 bad(s) and 6 good(s)...Now can I say that the bad(s) token had been used up? Can I expect something good happen?

EEG CNY New song

New year for Lunar calendar is coming around the corner, folks are rushing back to hometown for this festive celebration...

This year EEG Chinese New Year song-CNY2011

Friday 28 January 2011

~Nichole's Bday~

Celebrated Nichole's birthday a day later.... {Happy Birthday, Nichole!!!!!!!!!!}

and asked along her boss and the rest of the lab-mates...

 the set lunch menu.....

 Birthday girl with KY

 Birthday girl with WC

 The signature decoration from Garden Lifestyle restaurant...

 Imagine you have to clean this decoration when you found dust... =="

 Fruit cake for the birthday girl....

 (Nic!!!! What are you doing??????)

 Enjoy you cake!!!!!!!!!!

The set lunch(s) that we'd ordered....

Sunway Pyramid mascot...

Sunway Pyramid CNY decoration...

There were 'choi shun'- god of prosperity and a lady dressed with the full opera styling standing near the stage for photography purpose. I did not manage to capture their picture as many people rushing to meet the 'cho shun'.

 Haha...I met the Sunway Pyramid mascot, again!!! Asked the mascot to say Hi with my cam... lolz...

This was taken last year, when visiting the my honeymoon at sunway pyramid, and encounter a very bad customer service. well, forget about the poor customer service, lets focus with the mascot pose... XD

Thursday 27 January 2011

Petition Against Malaysian Dog Abuser toward SUSHI the Brown Toy Poodle

I saw that there is a petition going on...

So, I thought of to share it out and here you go...

Dear Friends,

I have just read and signed the online petition:

  "Petition Against Malaysian Dog Abuser toward SUSHI the Brown Toy Poodle"

hosted on the web by, the free online petition

service, at:

I personally agree with what this petition says, and I think you might

agree, too.  If you can spare a moment, please take a look, and consider

signing yourself.

Best wishes,



At last, went to T-Bowl for a lunch. Sadly, not during weekday...because on weekdays, you can enjoy their set meals which comes together with a drink and dessert.

The T-Bowl (toilet bowl) concept eatery place...At Sunway Pyramid branch.

1. Mango Lime Bubble Mocktail...

2. Kiwi Dlight Burger

3. Signature Giant Sausage

4. Volcano Spicy Chicken

I should say the food are just so-so, because I found out that the food that they served that day weren't hot ans sizzling... felt like being warm using a microwave before served, especially the giant sausage. The first bite, I felt it wasn't hot and in fact, a bit cold as in left at room temperature for some time. They really needed to look into this. Serve sausages that were not warm--> not fully cooked; left at RT for quite long; reheat the sausages that had just been thaw--> my assumption of the possibilities)

Well, I guess we can always enjoy the uniquely design in the place, but not the food. (my 2 cents)

Wednesday 26 January 2011

Has anyone seen this dog abuser?

There is a group of animal lovers, they made a poster for people around to find the abuser of the poor poodle doggy.

(credit to Malaysian Dogs Deserved Better and Andrew&Michelle's 'save the Poodle" Mission)

Please help to find the abuser and do lot let these maniacs ruin the dog's life.

Thanks...and please circulate this around.

Tuesday 25 January 2011

- trust???

I will say of the LORD, " He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust." 
                                                                        Psalm  91:2 (NIV)

 I trust that there is something called destined, arranged by our Creator...

Are you with me?

Monday 24 January 2011

---sigh---- =="

I thought I will receive my kit on Friday, and received this bad news that the kit would not be arriving on time due to manufacturing problem.

All those time that I prepared for the arriving of the kit is wasted...all wasted.

Now can anyone tell me...what should I do?

This is really discouraging, a real stress moment.

Things really would not goes right, when you wanted it them to be...


Saturday 22 January 2011

prosperity burger for lunch~

Prosperity burger...

A way to make yourself prosperous in the coming year...

Well, the prosperity burger can really be taken once a year. Not only because McD only offer it during CNY, but also the too pepper seasoned chicken burger will caused the person not to take in twice. (Well, this is my 2 cents...I felt that too much black pepper seasoning inside, I am not too sure about your taste, though...)

I think I rather have luck than prosperous. I needed a lot of good good luck this coming year... and please pray for me-->lots of luck...

p/s: the prosperity burger set comes a long with a fizzy drink. you can ask for carbonated drink, and it's even rm1 cheaper...

Friday 21 January 2011


Take away burger from SS15.

Mushroom Burger (Black pepper + onions) Taste like the prosperity burger but, this had less black pepper and it just blended well with the glass lettuce. Prosperity burger lack of the lettuce, hence making it very meaty and the chicken meat overly sprinkled with black pepper.

The Chicken Special Burger (Benjo sandwiched with the chicken meat and chili sauce) Liking this very much, even though it seems like an ordinary chicken burger without any specialty.


Cny is coming....real soon.... XD

Thursday 20 January 2011

-vegetarian 'sushi'

Went to this vegetarian restaurant again at Sunway Mentari. It is situated just opposite Sunway Pyramid same block as the McDonalds.

The shop named 'Shiang Hai'...and here's their menu front cover...

Just to fill the free time while waiting for the food, I snapped this photo...

The 'sushi'...vegetarian sushi served...(forgotten the name... :p)

The dish of the day--> Curry Mee (each day, the shop served different specialties)

Another vegetarian 'sushi'... (yin he)...

please vote for her...

A friend of mine, ShinHwa is in a competition. She has posted her work and needed votes to help her to get the recognition and win the price.

So, please join me to give her support, vote for her song and her (ShinHwa) with the details as shown below.

歌名: 长恨歌 
作词: 郑凌旭 @ Mike Ringsea
作曲: Shin Hwa
编曲: Shin Hwa

Please click Here for the link.

You will need to register or sign up to become the voter. Once you had received the notification to verify your email in your email Inbox, click the link to activate your account, and can vote now...

Oh, bear in mind that one IP address only can vote once a day. (Sigh, maybe they are trying to reduce cheating via multiple vote, but sad that if we're using router to share a line, sorry...can't help much... I am not IT literate...)

Thanks for all the support...and don't forget to vote everyday. XD

Wednesday 19 January 2011

asking for food...

I remember I had this video taken back at hometown with Lucky chai....

Sharing it out now...


Lucky chai, asking for food...and he's waiting patiently until I finally gave him the food...

Oh, what food was that??????!!!!!!!!!!

hehehehe....try to make a guess...XD


Take a look at this Oscar...

He's at the upper floor of the house, sitting next to the stair case and licking his leg while I am using the camera to peep on him.

Snapped some photos before he rushed towards to my room, and investigate what I am doing there.

Tuesday 18 January 2011


There are times when...

You're looking very much like a free man,

but in fact you're having thousands of problem haggling in your mind and it's like a never ending story...

You're looking happy,

but in fact you're having your own sadness and you cannot share out your sorrow just because you cannot...

You're looking fine,

but in fact you're having your discomfort and words of discouragement whispering to you...

You're looking great,

but in fact you're having depression and your stress level is much more greater than the pacific ocean and

higher than the twin tower of petronas...

You're looking confidence,

but in fact you're having butterflies in your stomach tingling and your body trembling....

And that what's happening to me...

I can write a blog anytime, anywhere... but I just can't write/type my Introduction...yet... =.="

Sigh...I am a dead meat soon... real soon...

 and you'll see me in this form...

     Sh*t....................I am a real dead meat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

p/s: please drop me messages regarding to any ways to get to write a good introduction...I am having high bp and high stress level... @@

Monday 17 January 2011

What to do when you are insomnia?

What to do when you are insomnia and could not write anything to form a chapter?

Found photos from the previous cooking...and thought of uploading it for fun...

 I did not know what is this dish. I just simply cooked some marinated chicken fillet, with some pineapple and tomatoes and macaroni.....

Glass lettuce ... my favourite type of greens... and fried garlic with oils to pour onto the veges.... yummmm

so...what to do when you're insomniac?

find some photos to blog!!!!~~

~~Empire mall...

This is the 1st time I step into Empire mall.....

Kinda lost when I enter the mall....

today Toys R Us personnel in charge that had been sent over to meet us, was a nice pleasant lady.

she gave us the rm 50 voucher as a token of appreciation and also, explained to us the Star Card membership application and assisted us to apply for the card. However, I did not apply for the card. Only Wc did.

we went to I love Yoo for lunch. They have another set c which consists of a glass of soy bean, a bowl of porridge and a bowl of 'char kui'.

Photos? coming up next....

 The Empire mall welcome note for the coming Lunar Year...the year of Rabbit...

The overview of the decoration, not much excitement except for.....


 The huge fat rabbit....(kinda cute and adorable...)

 Close up...1

Close up....2

Sunday 16 January 2011

big nose?!

I am testing the page break using Lucky chai's photo...

Lets see if it works...

Big nose Lucky chai.....I just love capturing his big nose photos...whenever it is possible for me to capture it.

~pre-departure briefing?

Went to a pre-departure briefing at Boulevard Hotel from 1pm to around 3pm?

Without having any breakfast, lunch and immediately rush over there indeed caused me to have gone insane.

Once we found the place, registered and seated; I rushed to get a cup of Milo to warm my stomach from being upset.

I am not too sure, if it's necessary for us to listen for the pre-departure briefing, because it was something that's really very basic...

Like for example bring your passport, your visa, your letter of acceptance, your travel adapter, your cash which is not more than AUD10k otherwise, you need to declare...and so on.

There was a reminder of to use either credit card, bank draft or TT to pay the fees. Once again, do not bring too a lot of cash...

Then they brief about the banks available in the campus, the transportation, the accommodations, the environment, the city, as well as the student society... ==" (I went to the loo, when the MUMO's president just started his speech...I don't know why, but the way the president persuading and promoting the MUMO did not seems promising and interesting...)

Friday 14 January 2011

@t 1U---

I had forgotten to put this up, when I received that news on Thursday.

Alright, here we go...

Dropped by at 1U to search for something, but no luck.

Then, saw a God of Prosperity (Choy Shun Yeh) in front of Eu Yan Sang outlet, giving out red packets and mandarin oranges.

So, we queue to get those goodies, and once I reached there, the Choy Shun did not gave me the red packets, not even mandarin oranges. But Wc got the mandarin oranges and no red packets.

So I head back to get the red packet and when I opened, it was a RM5 voucher from Eu Yan Sang. I asked Wc to get it as well, because of RM5 voucher in the red packet.

There she goes...and the red packet she got, only having a piece of paper written Gong Xi Fa Cai... =="

I captured the photos of the voucher and the red packet as well.

Not to forget the grapes that we had in PG room...

The red packet and the mandarin orange given by the Choy Shun...

Lets check what's inside......

Here we go...the red packets opening.....

Wc got the the wishing, and I got the RM5 voucher...

see the grapes...

Da Grapes.....

Thursday 13 January 2011 in early of Jan...

It was such a shock to know that news.

I did not know how to react and respond towards receiving the news.

I am so surprised with what I had heard. This was a type of news that I could not imagine in the early of year 2011.

I am so sorry to hear that and I wish I am there right now to share your sorrow and to comfort you.

But I cannot, because I am not there.

Whatever the situation now, I hope you can continue on with your strength and your wills.

Will pray for her... for you... and your family as well.

I will call you, some time later.

Take care, friend...

God bless you and your family and your loved one.

May she rest in peace and God be with her now and forever.

Wednesday 12 January 2011

customer service from HK Toys R Us feedback

Received a call from Toys R Us HK regional office customer service department.

The person who called named Peggy, was nice and pleasantly spoke to me regarding to the complain.

They had performed their investigation and they are sending some tokens of appreciation to me.

She apologised on behalf of the country manager and Toys R Us...and she told me that they had rectified the matter with the customer service department at Malaysia. They are going to take this incident as an example for their staff training purposes and she personally thank me that such matter had been brought up and forward to the regional department.

They sincerely regretted and apologised for what had happened and they are looking forward for feed back by customer be it good or bad, as this will give them the knowledge to serve better in future.

I had informed them that will send them an email regarding to the place and time to meet.

At least, the matter had been taken seriously by the HK customer service department.

pledge to educate ppl abt cervical cancer

There is an event going on organised by Power Over Cervical Cancer (POCC) with the interesting kickin' title ' Fight Cervical Cancer in Style BFF campaign'.

I had blog about Gardasil, a type of vaccine available in the market right now, as a preventive measures for HPV (s). It did not targeted all HPV (s) but at least the test and research regarding to this vaccine shown promising result. There might be others reporting negative outcome regarding to this vaccine, but there will be always cases whereby different individual reacted in variant despite the conducted research shown test subjects derived minimum allergic or non at all. However, there were death cases reported as well regarding o the intake of this vaccine.

In fact, the vaccine has been suggested to be taken by young girls for better prevention. The vaccine it not limited to only female, males are suggested to take the vaccine as well.
For more regarding to the vaccine, you may click here.
do make the effort to make a pledge that is up now at POCC web here.
It can changes the life of someone you loves, you cares, you treasures and it can protect them from getting the harm. Most importantly, via such information widely distributed, women will be more alert and aware of the existing vaccine also regarding to the cervical cancer prevention.
Pap smear is another powerful diagnostic tool for detecting cervical cancer. Women who has been involved in sexual intercourse are advised to seek doctor for more information regarding to pap smear. The early detection through pap smear save lives!
To know more about the vaccine and pap smear test, do ask your doctor and for girls out there that interested to get the jab, do not be afraid.
Some of my friends had taken the jab, including me. I am not trying to make the company that producing the vaccine to laugh all along the way with the profits entering into their pockets, I am just trying to spread the words of prevention is better than cure. Those researchers and companies that had put in huge amount of money for the findings, they are indeed seeking ways to help mankind to lead a better life.
A photo of the card given to me, when I were schedule to inject the gardasil... Fortunately, I am not over-aged that time... ^^,

TnG e-statement...

I just found out that my e-statement for touch n go card had been expired. It is required that the user renew it every year...and I had forgotten!!!


I quickly emailed touchngo careline for resolving the matter and viola!!!

My on-line e-statement has been renewed!!!

I wanted to check for the toll payment that I had done since last December. I needed to show evidence of the toll payment, and thank God I have the e-statement.

You can check your touch n go e-statement, once you had register your card at this site.

Print-screened the statement and going to print it out as a receipt as the tolls that I had paid for a seminar.

Tuesday 11 January 2011

Frenz's ktv

Wanted to attach this video in the blog for all to view... :p

Friends, do mad at me, okay, for this video had been uploaded and lets share the joy... ^^,


The original version, sang by Andy Hui...However Sammi Cheng did sang this song during one of her performance at HK.

The embedded version is the KTV version of Sammi's performance.

唯獨你是不可取替 (by Sammi feat Andy)

Sammi's way of singing this song was splendid. The song came so alive that I thought Sammi was singing this directly for Andy rather than to the rest of the audience!!! Lolz...

Monday 10 January 2011

---ktv?friends?i love yoo?!---

Friends (CW, WK, Vic, Ting),

Thanks for being able to come out for the past gathering.

It was a great weekend for the kick-start of the month, as well as a great day to rise the BP as well. ==" (You'll know what I mean, when you read further)

I had called to gather-up friends for January, and everyone agreed on 2nd week of January.

Hence, we'll be having activity as usual; which is to ktv and continuing with chit-chatting session at anywhere.

All together we had made appointment with 7 friends including me. Thus, I had called to book a ktv room for 6 on sunday. Why 6 instead of 7? I just had a second thought that book room for 6 will be more than enough as if, (okay as IF) there is anyone of us could not make it, we would not need to pay for extra; and if we wanted to add in more person, we will be able to do so in the last minute as th ktv rules can slot in more but not less.

Well, out of a sudden, after I had informed the room booking details; I received the replied with one of our friend would not be joining. I was so shocked as in luckily I did not book for 7?

On the sunday, we received bad news again from another friend that because of fallen sick, and would not be able to join us.

OMG!!!!!!!!! That will caused us to pay one extra person for the ktv and it was a waste of time, money, effort and personally I would said that a waste of my heart-will to make gathering!!!

I have always know how hard it is to be the organiser with less co-operativeness by those whom wanted to involve. That is why we are not making this as frequent as possible. We are trying to bond as time permitted us to do so... However, if there is so little commitment derived and poured out, it is meaningless for such empty promises saying that one wanted a gather-up, and disappointed all when that one disappear.

FFK--> a term of chinese (cantonese) saying fong fei gei...which is a slang for empty promises. For example: I had promised Jane that I will be attending the concert with her to night, however, I FFK her when I did not show up and instead of the concert, I went directly to home for a good night sleep. (This is be easier to understand, if you try to translate the sentence into cantonese.)

For the FFK chairperson, and vice FFK chairperson, I hope that you will try to appreciate what-ever that we are doing now...not just for the sake to well as to draw us closer and to re-bond us. If you could not put out such a simple commitment, please just deny us, and say NO. Do not gave us false hope and anxiety.



Meanwhile I wanna thanked Ting for getting us to 'I love yoo!' for the chit-chatting session.

The drinks and food indeed generally tasty.

Hmm...just that I am not too happy with the incident whereby the cashier asked me to pay for one more 'tau fu fah' when I requested that we were lack of one bowl. Just after I paid, only she served the tau fu fah, and fortunately I took a look at the receipt and saw that the cashier had keyed-in 2 bowl of tau fu fah, and I had now made to pay for one more bowl, which I did not claimed at all. So, I demanded a refund on the spot and showed the cashier the previous receipt.

Here are the pictures.....enjoy...

(ma jeuk--mah jiao, hot soy bean drink, sweet potatoes ball, tall glass warm soy bean drink, yau jar guai--you tiao, tau fu fah)

Sunday 9 January 2011

curry puff at Ikea

Curry puff from Ikea....

Ikea indeed has done a good job in serving their customer not only for purchasing of their goods, but also fulfilling their customer's stomach.

The foods provided at their kiosk are affordable, economical and tasty.

There are two set available, which are Hot Dog served with a refill-able drink, and Curry Puff with a refill-able drink. There is a topping section, where the customer can fill in their favourite flavour from sauce to the onions and the greens. The refill-able drinks available are soft drinks-pepsi, 7-up, miranda strawberry and orange; the hot drinks served are coffee and tea.

The food's price did not burn a whole in you pocket and it did not interrupt you budget to purchase the Ikea's goods. Therefore, it was indeed a great concept by Ikea to continue with such a service for their customer.

Not to forget to mention that their curry puff is a signature food item. Almost every of the customer will dropped by to purchase a half dozen of the curry puff as a returning to their homes.

Oh, they served ice-cream cone as well. The taste wise? Splendid....of course, you cannot compare with stores that served ice-cream alone such as Baskin Robin, Haagen-Daas, Natural New Zealand and etc...