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Tuesday 18 January 2011


There are times when...

You're looking very much like a free man,

but in fact you're having thousands of problem haggling in your mind and it's like a never ending story...

You're looking happy,

but in fact you're having your own sadness and you cannot share out your sorrow just because you cannot...

You're looking fine,

but in fact you're having your discomfort and words of discouragement whispering to you...

You're looking great,

but in fact you're having depression and your stress level is much more greater than the pacific ocean and

higher than the twin tower of petronas...

You're looking confidence,

but in fact you're having butterflies in your stomach tingling and your body trembling....

And that what's happening to me...

I can write a blog anytime, anywhere... but I just can't write/type my Introduction...yet... =.="

Sigh...I am a dead meat soon... real soon...

 and you'll see me in this form...

     Sh*t....................I am a real dead meat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

p/s: please drop me messages regarding to any ways to get to write a good introduction...I am having high bp and high stress level... @@


  1. you had a funny post here! i like the clip art! love your blog! hehehe! keep in touch! :D
