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Sunday 16 January 2011

~pre-departure briefing?

Went to a pre-departure briefing at Boulevard Hotel from 1pm to around 3pm?

Without having any breakfast, lunch and immediately rush over there indeed caused me to have gone insane.

Once we found the place, registered and seated; I rushed to get a cup of Milo to warm my stomach from being upset.

I am not too sure, if it's necessary for us to listen for the pre-departure briefing, because it was something that's really very basic...

Like for example bring your passport, your visa, your letter of acceptance, your travel adapter, your cash which is not more than AUD10k otherwise, you need to declare...and so on.

There was a reminder of to use either credit card, bank draft or TT to pay the fees. Once again, do not bring too a lot of cash...

Then they brief about the banks available in the campus, the transportation, the accommodations, the environment, the city, as well as the student society... ==" (I went to the loo, when the MUMO's president just started his speech...I don't know why, but the way the president persuading and promoting the MUMO did not seems promising and interesting...)

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