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Monday 28 February 2011

-aural hematoma-

Checked on Lucky's right ear, and his aural hematoma seems to be getting smaller. The bulging water bag still visible, but the aspirated fluid seems to be reducing. Thank God for such speedy healing. I hope 1 month later, no more visible bulging on his right ear.

(Click here to know more about Aural Hematoma)

Lucky's right ear...the bulging still visible...

 The is how the normal ear looks like. Thanks God, Lucky's left ear is unaffected.

Any  veterinarian can help me? I had thought of sending Lucky to Ipoh's vet, as there are some recommended vet to visit. However, I don't know how to get Lucky transported to Ipoh from Kampar. The main concern is, Lucky gets anxious easily in the car, and he will tend to move around when the car stop moving on the road. That can be hazardous to the driver and the passenger whom help to hold Lucky in a stay position.

pets at home~

I couldn't help myself, but to take out the camera, and snapped these few photos... :p

See, Bobby's big head photo...he's very sleepy at that time...

When I want to click to capture the photo...Bobby slowly opened his eyes to peep... ^.^

After I captured Bobby's photo...I saw Lucky chai was observing Bobby... he was caught in action... hahaha

Tuesday 22 February 2011

底衫电视新闻快讯:Nasi Lemak 成员被逮捕!

Watched something very special on youtube... Should watch it, for your entertainment only~ LOLZ

Credits to nasilemak2020.

~ginseng choco pie~

Wc present souvenir from her Korea trip...

This is one of the packet snack that utilised ginseng with a chocolate mashmallow which looks like a choco pie... (I called it ginseng choco pie)

The snack~~~~~

Look at the appearance, it looks like a choco pie~~~~

The texture is a mixture of "mochi"+"Marshmallow"+Ginseng+Chocolate.

Monday 21 February 2011


Watched a chinese traditional performance called "bian-lian(mandarin:变脸)@face-changing at Ipoh during CNY at Kinta City.

I managed to reduce the size of the video before uploading it...and...tada...

One of the infamous Sichuan opera : 变脸;face-changing

Saturday 19 February 2011

photos of...

Here are the photos of Bobby...

He just don't want to sit still for photography...

I candid snapped his big head photo...

This is Lucky chai...half way asleep and I disturbed him just for a click of photo...

Friday 18 February 2011

Finally, send Lucky chai to vet...

Finally, send Lucky chai to vet, and got an antibiotics jap.

Initially, thought of using my dad's old car to drive Lucky chai to the veterinary department, but...again...the car did not want to accelerate when the oil pedal was press... =="

So, at last, my sis drove my car, and I were at the behind passenger seat, holding Lucky chai in a "stay still" position until reached the veterinary department.

Besides checking on the ear flap, I had asked for the eye medication, as that has been going on in Lucky chai's left eye for quite some time.

Hopefully, the medication prescribed will worked, and Lucky chai would not need to re-visit the vet department again...

Thursday 17 February 2011

Thank you for all your help to vote for my friend...

Thank you for all your help to vote for my friend...(Please refer to the previous blog here)

The song composing competition's was ended and the winner is... Shin Hwa's song...


Thank you very much for all the readers help to vote for her genuinely...

Congratulations to Shin Hwa~

Wednesday 16 February 2011

lou yee sang together...

Thanks to 'Popo JT', we had lunch and lou yee sang together...

Our wishes?!


May our life as colourful as the yee sang, as lively as the yee sang, as nicely blend as the yee sang, as to get the togetherness as the yee sang, as sharp as the yee sang, as whatever-we-want- as the yee sang...

Hope to have a lots of luck, a lot of good news, a lot of great deals, a lot of hope, faith, love...

Tuesday 15 February 2011


I met up with an important friend yesterday... and got to know something important as well...

Thank you friend, for telling me all the things that you wanted to tell, and thank you for sharing your good news with me...yesterday...

Yesterday I also got the chance to pick up the pup at Kota Kemuning McD... his name is Bobby (temporarily, until my mum rename, or she want to stick with the name...)

Yesterday was a day that I met the uncle and auntie whom always drive me to church every sunday when I were staying at USJ 3... Thank you Uncle Michael and Auntie Helen for your time and hospitality...

Any photo of the pup? Well...stay tune for the coming post...I might be uploading it real soon... (when I got the right shot...)

Monday 14 February 2011

Happy Valentine's day~

Today is 14th February...2011...

Every year, in this day, couples, and peoples from all over the world are celebrating this...

Be it married, dating, single, separated, heart-broken....

Valentine day is not only for him and her...

It's for us to value and treasure those who cares for us, those who love us, those who are with us always...

Hence...... Happy Valentine's day~ 

Sunday 13 February 2011

Both tasted differently...

Two packets of Ipoh white coffee....

Both tasted differently...

Can you tell me which tasted nicer and have a better aroma?

Between SYL and NH, I found out that SYL coffee's quality has dropped as compare to NH. Their white coffee did not taste as smooth as what they served before, and NH had beat them over this. The aroma of NH's coffee also increasingly smells better than SYL. Maybe SYL coffee maker that day had been struck by bad mood, I am not too sure.

Thumbs up for NH for keeping their coffee up to the standard, and if I am visiting Ipoh old town again, I guess I am sure I will be visiting NH and not SYL. (That's my preferences...)

Saturday 12 February 2011

Another CNY dinner gathering for ACS Kampar Perak Class of 2000

On 5th of February 2011...

Another CNY dinner gathering for ACS Kampar Perak Class of 2000...

Special thanks to organiser: Mun Chong, Chee Mun, Lai Yue, and Sien Theng. (I am sorry of I missed out any.) Photo courtesy of Murphy Chan MF.

Thanks to Wei Lee and Weng Yew for their attendance as well.

Thursday 10 February 2011

-Pray for Lucky-

At last, the car front bumper alignment being fixed. Unfortunately, did not have the car scratch repaint. I do not wish much, just wanted to have the bumper alignment being fix. The rest, depends to the time in the future, whether should I get I repaint all or not.

Sigh... such a way to celebrate my New Year...

Pray for my doggie at hometown, so that his ear flap will not be bulging like a water balloon

Pray for Lucky chai at hometown, so that he will get well soon...

I know Lucky chai is old, but he has been with us so long, long enough as a family member, as a child, as a friend, and as my pet.

Pray to LORD that HE will pour HIS blessings, and healing for Lucky chai illness...

-dinner with Lc-

Delayed this blog post for quite some time...

Now only I realised, I haven't posted it out.

Had dinner at Bibiwok, Bdr Puteri Puchong with Lc, Ky, Jing, and Wc.

Sort of dinner reunion before CNY for Lc, hahaha.

Ky posing with the apparatus for the bbq, lolz

Before the bbq started, Lc already felt warm... @@ luxurious...Feeling kind of full when I look at the pics.

Greens are good...real good...

The interior design of Bibiwok, didn't manage to take other pic, except for these statue.

The wall design of Bibiwok, once you walked upstairs, you'll be welcome by this view.

"Sawadikaa....", "Sawadikapp..."

Tuesday 8 February 2011

heart cried-

There is always a day, when everything seems to be alright, but everything went wrong.

The timing went wrong for all the planned plans-(Man can only plan, but God will make the plan to success; this is so true...)

The arrangement for everything seems perfect-(Arrangement has become very subjective for every individual have their own preferences...)

The procedure seems to be so easy-(Procedure made easy for there were steps been done before it reached to us...)

The words seems to be a truth-(When every one speaks falsely, the false became the truth and vice versa...)

The heart seems to be slightly hurts-(When the thought of fairness, there is nothing fair in the world, no equalities...)

Monday 7 February 2011

Saturday 5 February 2011

Friday 4 February 2011

recycled steamed fish?

Having dinner at places almost anywhere during CNY is a headache.

For the CNY eve, we booked a place called Luen Fong to have our seafood feast...

However, I had noticed that they are very dishonest in giving food to customer.

Have you seen recycled steamed fish?

We ordered to have cantonese style steamed fish a.k.a ching jing fish. Cantonese style, the only style that utilised soy sauce and hot oil as the base for the taste and aroma, without any other ingredient, besides sliced ginger and spring onion. With this way, the freshness of the fish was well preserved without other thick sauces taste.

Well, the incident that I had mentioned recycled fish was...The lady boss decided not to change the fish that

they had made wrongly for us, instead of cantonese style steamed fish, they had made heavy sauce steamed

fish; which we did not made the order for it. I asked for a change, as I dislike to have sauced steamed fish...The lady boss insisted we had to have the sauced steamed fish, because they do not want to return the fish, and did not even apologised for the wrong ordered that they had made.

After I mentioned that if I were to take the sauced steamed fish that I dislike, I would like to have huge discount because you are forcing me to consume something I dislike to eat...The lady boss quickly taken the fish to the kitchen, and returned with the cantonese style steamed fish, whereby, they just wash away the sauced, and replace the sauced with soy sauce and hot oil. I can still taste the sauce spice and the evidence was nicely captured with my camera.

Cantonese style steamed fish, would not have any traces of chillies flakes because it only utilised soy sauce and ginger and spring onions. So, where will be the chillies flakes came from? Definitely from the sauced steamed fish that they initially served, but wash away with some warm water and refurnished with the hot oil soy sauce. =="

Such a dishonest restaurant serving recycled fish to their customer. I am going to say, I am still keeping

the evidence in photos. Although taking bad regarding

to food and services of certain restaurant or whatever places for eatery might caused us trouble, I just wanted to get people informed that this restaurant owner is dishonest and be well prepared for being cheated.

This is my experiences for dining here for a second time, and from what I heard from the local, this restaurant indeed getting more and more expensive, bad service attitude, and dishonest in serving their customer. I am not going back to this seafood restaurant ever!

Therefore, I had got to know that there are several more seafood restaurant located nearby which has more customers crowding the restaurant and decided to try in those places and definitely will not wanted to eat at Luen Fong seafood restaurant again!

Can you see the traces of the sauced steamed? Some chillies flakes left over...

I purposely scooped out a little bit of the so-called Cantonese style steamed-soy sauce... Soy sauce only steamed fish did not look like this...

Happy New Year...again...lolz

After much attempt to surf and finally, I managed to get connected for just a little while...

And taking this opportunity to wish every one to have a joyous and wonderful Lunar New Year... May you and your family be blessed with good health and good wealth.

Ahem ** Happy New Year again? Yup, this is a new year celebration for those whom are living with lunar calendar, and this is the Lunar New Year... not only Chinese celebrating this, but with lots of other races across the world as well, are celebrating this New Year...

The year of Tiger might not be a good year, but hopefully, the year of Rabbit will brings the luck and God blessings...

Signing off for now... =) Nitez...

Tuesday 1 February 2011


Departed early from KK to Kampar was indeed a right choice.

Smooth traffic and reached Kampar at around 915am. (yay!!!!!!)

Had my lunch at Ipoh and then rushed back to Kampar to meet up with Menaka, Irene, and Guan Yee at Secret Recipe, Kampar.

Kind of disappointed that the S Recipe (SR) Kampar did not participate in the Tea Time promotion. Such a waste, and I found out that there is no information regarding to the participate outlets given by S R's website. The webpage only shown *Terms and conditions applied. ==" (I clicked on the terms and conditions link at the bottom of the page, and found out again, that no information regarding to the participating outlets)

I am having doubts as the outlet can let us know that they are not offering/participating for the Tea Time special, but they Franchised S Recipe?! They (SR)served uniformed menu and promotions; otherwise stated clearly that which outlet (some outlets) may have price vary and limited promotion offer. I understood that certain outlets will not be carrying the promotion, but at least they get the customer well-informed?!

I am truly disappointed with the SR at Kampar. Maybe I anticipate too much? I had heard before that SR Kampar has been showing bad customer service from friends and from relatives, however, I did not know how far the truth is, until I experienced it today. Well, well...that's my two cents...