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Friday 4 February 2011

recycled steamed fish?

Having dinner at places almost anywhere during CNY is a headache.

For the CNY eve, we booked a place called Luen Fong to have our seafood feast...

However, I had noticed that they are very dishonest in giving food to customer.

Have you seen recycled steamed fish?

We ordered to have cantonese style steamed fish a.k.a ching jing fish. Cantonese style, the only style that utilised soy sauce and hot oil as the base for the taste and aroma, without any other ingredient, besides sliced ginger and spring onion. With this way, the freshness of the fish was well preserved without other thick sauces taste.

Well, the incident that I had mentioned recycled fish was...The lady boss decided not to change the fish that

they had made wrongly for us, instead of cantonese style steamed fish, they had made heavy sauce steamed

fish; which we did not made the order for it. I asked for a change, as I dislike to have sauced steamed fish...The lady boss insisted we had to have the sauced steamed fish, because they do not want to return the fish, and did not even apologised for the wrong ordered that they had made.

After I mentioned that if I were to take the sauced steamed fish that I dislike, I would like to have huge discount because you are forcing me to consume something I dislike to eat...The lady boss quickly taken the fish to the kitchen, and returned with the cantonese style steamed fish, whereby, they just wash away the sauced, and replace the sauced with soy sauce and hot oil. I can still taste the sauce spice and the evidence was nicely captured with my camera.

Cantonese style steamed fish, would not have any traces of chillies flakes because it only utilised soy sauce and ginger and spring onions. So, where will be the chillies flakes came from? Definitely from the sauced steamed fish that they initially served, but wash away with some warm water and refurnished with the hot oil soy sauce. =="

Such a dishonest restaurant serving recycled fish to their customer. I am going to say, I am still keeping

the evidence in photos. Although taking bad regarding

to food and services of certain restaurant or whatever places for eatery might caused us trouble, I just wanted to get people informed that this restaurant owner is dishonest and be well prepared for being cheated.

This is my experiences for dining here for a second time, and from what I heard from the local, this restaurant indeed getting more and more expensive, bad service attitude, and dishonest in serving their customer. I am not going back to this seafood restaurant ever!

Therefore, I had got to know that there are several more seafood restaurant located nearby which has more customers crowding the restaurant and decided to try in those places and definitely will not wanted to eat at Luen Fong seafood restaurant again!

Can you see the traces of the sauced steamed? Some chillies flakes left over...

I purposely scooped out a little bit of the so-called Cantonese style steamed-soy sauce... Soy sauce only steamed fish did not look like this...

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