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Tuesday 12 November 2013

Job hunting?!

Job Hunting...

I would felt that the year of SNAKE is really not so good for those whom are born in the year of BOAR.

For me, it is definitely true that I still have bumpy life ever since in the year of SNAKE.

I did, found a job in the lunar calendar of DRAGON, which is at the favourable side for BOAR. However, ever since then, I have had numerous of bad luck and unfortunate incidents.

I had minor accident which involved me to have knocked a car from behind, causing me to pay quite a hefty amount. I thought that might just unlucky for that day... However, I had yet another accident in which my car being knocked from behind by a sleepy driver early in the morning. The driver had been dragging the compensation and until I stood firm and argue for the value to be paid with the reasoning of "I will make it huge and make an official police report that he is cheating".

Sigh, I thought that might be the end of the bad luck... until one fine day that I decided to park along the road side (because I saw a lot more parking at the same road side). What did I found after I came out from lunch? A nicely attached PDRM summon in which I had been slammed for RM 150 (if it is paid within 7 days) or RM 300 (if it is paid after 7 days). I had to pay as my renewal of road tax is just around the corner. Oh crap! What is even more crappy is that I went for an interview whereby this Prof was too into the STPM result that she had forgotten about the interviewee which she is talking with is holding a Master Degree. I would say that the Prof is too proud with her own achievement that she had lost her basic teaching which is to be humble. If she has no faith with the interviewee where the STPM result was too terrible, she could had opt not to call the interviewee for an interview. This will save time and cost!

Then I received news, that the product which I am dealing with, will no longer be available soon...What does that mean? Hard life for me, if I am still working with the company. No budget, but have to deliver more sales. Sh*t. I should start to look for a job, am I correct?

Therefore, I had started to look for jobs... Hopefully, I am able to find one soon.

Sunday 8 September 2013

Remembering Lucky zai

Watched a movie that shown returning soul to find their loved one for last goodbye.

It makes me remembering Lucky zai, my pet dog.

Saturday 24 August 2013

Stolen Isuzu D Max - WTD 3707

If anyone happen to see this car, Isuzu D-Max plate number WTD 3707 dark beige colour on the road, please let me know immediately.

This car was a stolen car by 3 man (2 of them were suspected to be Malay, and 1 of them was suspected to be Indian). They had forced to take the car from my friend at Jaya Grocer, Mutiara Tropicana 3. They were suspected to have been waiting at Jaya Grocer or some shops nearby to spot for potential victim. **To those who frequently drive there alone to purchase some grocery, please pay attention to your surrounding.

Fortunately there are some passerby men whom to help and had prevented my friend to be kidnapped together with the car.

Now, please be extra careful when you are approaching your car alone at car park. Always be prepared with the car key, and if you are alone, please ensure that no one is walking close to you which seems like they are eyeing on you. My friend, whom had learned martial-art before had found it useful during such incident. Although martial-art could not protect much in recent days, but it might be useful to defense oneself during emergency. I would say, always be prepare and be caution is better than defense.

And, if you had seen the car WTD 3707, car model Isuzu D-Max, dark beige colour, please contact me ( I can't provide my mobile phone here, as I do not want to receive spam call. Thanks in advance for readers help, and please help to share this news.

Saturday 6 July 2013

Dreamt of "The End of The World"

A weird dream of mine had shown signs of the end of the world.

I opened my room window, and saw a clear blue sky with bright shiny white clouds.

And what's more amasing was the formation of the bright shiny clouds.

Those clouds clearly display the world map, and it reflect like a mirror image on the ground!

Continuing after the world map clouds dispersed was the seven wonders of the world.

The sky then, changed from clear blue sky into grey which seems to indicate disaster is coming soon and the world is going to be doomed!

I did not manage to finish the dream, as it halted at the moment the sky went grey and shaky. I woke up at the moment I suspect it might be "The End of The World".

It seems like my brain activity during sleep is getting more and more challenging.....

Saturday 25 May 2013

Congratulations to Irene

Congratulations to Irene.

I had captured one of her graceful moment before her tea ceremonial at her condominium in Puchong.

Hope she likes this photo.

Saturday 20 April 2013

Home made fried spaghetti

~ My home made fried spaghetti ~

I took some initiative to cook for myself, when nobody is at home. I do not know what to cook until a fine moment I thought of fried spaghetti.

So, I took out a small pot to boil water for the spaghetti and while waiting for the water to boil, I grabbed a few cloves of garlic, peeled off the skin, and chopped them.

Then, I took out the chilli hotdog, let it at room temperature to defrost. At the same time, I searched for spring onion, or parsley (whichever ingredient is in the fridge), and one tomato from the fridge.

I slice a small opening on the posterior and anterior of the tomato, and dumped into the pot of boiling water to enable a smoother and easier peeling of the tomato's skin. Cut the tomato into small cubes and put aside.

Washed the spring onion thoroughly and then pat dry then with a paper towel. Finely chopped the spring onion and put aside.

Now take the chilli hotdog, sliced them into any shape that you would like to stir fry them together with the spaghetti.

Grabbed some spaghetti, put into the boiling water with a pinch of salt and a few drops of olive oil (to ensure the spaghetti to have smoother texture). Then, leave it to boil for about 5 minutes.

While waiting for the spaghetti, heat a pan with adequate olive oil. Put in the chopped garlic to fry and add in a tiny pinch of salt to flavor the garlic. It will force the garlic aroma out completely and then put in the sliced chilli hotdog to fry. Once the chilli hotdog seems to be almost fully cook, put in the tomato cubes. Continue the frying of the tomato cubes with the previous ingredients, until it dried off.

Now the boiled spaghetti should be done, and sieve to dispose all the water. Put the spaghetti into frying pan, and continue to fry; add in the finely chopped spring onion and add in a small pinch of salt to the spaghetti for taste. Continue to fry for 2 more minutes with full heat. Add in pepper (black pepper preferably) and lastly a small mount of lemon juice (depending to how large your spaghetti portion) for taste and aroma.

Close the heat, and serve :)

Wednesday 6 March 2013

Bobby with "hand" trick

I thought Bobby would not learn "hand" as he is too naughty and playful. He is too energetic that I suspected he is on high dose of sugar level that caused him to have hyperactivity...

Well, after Chinese New Year, I had stayed back while looking for job and playing with Bobby at hometown. I thought of teaching Bobby "hand" as my friend Ruby said is time to teach Bobby while he is still young. Yup, you seen it right. Bobby is around 2 years old. Teaching Bobby tricks too young might just seems like throwing salt into the sea as the doggy brain have not fully developed. A 2 years old dog is mature enough to learn tricks, to play right and to behave correctly.

So, I decided to repeat the "hand" command every now and then when he is obeying for the "sit" command. Surely, Bobby did learn to behave and learn the "hand" trick.

Well done Bobby. You are such a good boy. ^.^

Wednesday 27 February 2013

BR1M (RM250) for Individual

Received a letter on last Saturday (23rd Feb 2013) stating that it was BR1M. It was written that the distribution of BR1M  (RM250) voucher for individual will be given on 28th Feb 2013 at Dewan Taman Sentosa, 11am.

I drove my motorcycle to Dewan Taman Sentosa to collect the voucher. All went on smoothly. No long queue and not crowded like what I had saw in the basketball court during the family BR1M. It took me about 5 minutes and I had got my BR1M voucher. All we need to bring together were the offer letter and our Identification Card.

I am not making any advertising on behalf of any politic party. 

I am just glad that I have some money to support as I am now jobless.

Updates: The BR1M voucher can be cash out at Maybank, CIMB, BSN and Publis Bank.

Usually, the bank will have a special counter for those who wanted to cash out the voucher. Remember to bring along Identification card as the bank will verify with thumb reader with ID card. 

Friday 8 February 2013

福 - Happy Chinese New Year!

The year of Water Snake is approaching and may it be a good year ahead~

May the happiness (福)be with everyone ^.^

Happy Chinese / Lunar New Year (^.^)

Friday 18 January 2013

Problem with thesis submission

All this while, I thought I would not draw any of the onion series again... 

However, the recent tragedy that had happened to me which had caused me to have such agony and stress that I had fallen sick for 2 consecutive weeks. Now that is a serious problem, a huge problem....

I had tried to get my thesis submitted to school. A couple of months ago, I asked the so called personal in charge managing the research in the school about the thesis binding and etc. Not to my surprise, a standard typical answer will be given which is " I am not sure, you can check the given website and follow the guidelines", "I have no preference, it is all up to you", "Can I get back to you in a day or two, I need to check with the OZ side" and etc. I made my own decision and asked a senior whom had submitted regarding to the initial submission and guidelines. After much awaiting weeks for submission (the OZ side was having holiday seasons), I could finally send in.... Yet, I had this devastating feedback which was my binding was not accepted and please redo to be hard cover hard bound (with the I'm not sure, it's up to you typical answer) by the person-in-charge. I was totally shocked. How on earth an initial submission was to submit in hard cover hard bound? It will be a waste of time and a waste of money, totally INSANE?! I tried to negotiate and even pointed how the previous recent submission being done and accepted. The person-in-charge told me, the recent submission was done in hard cover hard bound. I was SHOCKED! The very same senior told me she did not submit in hard cover hard bound. Now, how did this person-in-charge forgotten the recent submission looks like, if she is the one handling it? My own presumption was that recent submission had been given to the assistant of who-so-ever the person-in-charge can get to hand it over.

I made numerous email to the OZ side to inquire about the initial binding and at last, I had the answer that stapler binding or sew binding is accepted. I called to the person-in-charge in the morning to double confirm and by the time I asked regarding to the matter, I immediately receive the forwarded email (I had the gmail page on to check if there is any incoming email). No doubt, the email was forwarded after I made the call.

Just when I thought everything goes well... I received an email stated that the appointed examiner was invalid due to conflict of interest. I was totally speechless and shocked. I had asked the person-in-charge if my appointed examiners were valid and accepted, and she replied the system had accepted the nomination and is waiting for me to submit my thesis. The notification email came in late to me as well. I received the forwarded email on 18/01/2013 and the OZ had send the email to the person-in-charge and my PI on 11/01/2013. I had a week blank and I was not informed at all until the person-in-charge did not get any respond from my PI. I would say, my PI do have the responsibility to at least check the email and had it forward to me; but my PI did not. When I forward the same email to both PIs (A&B) and one of them  (B) responded that the other PI had the new examiner list, it was a relief. Not too soon my relief ended by an email from the PI (A) stating that I have to asked the other PI (B) whom shall I nominate to fasten the process...(I thought the other PI (B) had discussed with PI (A) and issue settled?) A few minutes later, a follow-up email by PI (A) that he will send in email to the person-in-charge to rectify the issue.

What is your verdict? I had yet to check my email and I will login after this to have a quick look.

p/s: Everyone's case is a new case to the person-in-charge and she will forever, eternally use the same typical answer - She's new to the case, your case is unique, let me get back to you, it's all up to you... and etc. In case of inquiries, I would suggest to ask the OZ side directly to get the definite answer and show her the proof.

Thursday 10 January 2013

SPRT T3 mini mobile Bluetooth printers by Imprimer Magnat

one is looking for a portable mini size Bluetooth printer, there is a company
in Malaysia that provides such device.

in Imprimer Magnat - SPRT Mobile Bluetooth Printer Malaysia or just click into
the hyper-link and you will find attractive promotions given by Imprimer Magnat.

T3 mobile Bluetooth printer is suitable for on-site billing such as printing
parking receipt, sales and service receipt, pocket size reminder, letter, and a
lot more according to your applications. For mini portable size printer, it can
print 32 & 42 characters per line, total weigh about 275 g with rechargeable
Li-ion 1.5 AH battery and the print head life last up to 50 km printing.

find out more about
SPRT TIII portable mobile printer in Malaysia, do click
into the hyper-link to join the Facebook page.

Wednesday 9 January 2013

SKMM-registration for RM200 phone rebate

I had read through news, regarding to the phone rebate given by the government to enable employee or students whom earn less than RM3000 per month to have a 3G smart phone.

Click into the SKMM website.

Select either students or employee according to your current status.

Just fill in whatever that is necessary in the application form and all you need is patience. Try to click to register as frequent as you may (for those whom had fail to register after the first click).

I had clicked a few times, and I indeed had given up on it. However, before I log out from the page, I tried again for the very last time. Only God knows... the last click was successfully done and had my name registered into the system. There an application rebate slip was generated to the applicant. Do take a look at the example given with all the confidential column blacken for privacy purpose.

Good luck in trying to register for your rebate!

The rebate slip only valid for a month 3 months from the date issued.