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Tuesday 12 November 2013

Job hunting?!

Job Hunting...

I would felt that the year of SNAKE is really not so good for those whom are born in the year of BOAR.

For me, it is definitely true that I still have bumpy life ever since in the year of SNAKE.

I did, found a job in the lunar calendar of DRAGON, which is at the favourable side for BOAR. However, ever since then, I have had numerous of bad luck and unfortunate incidents.

I had minor accident which involved me to have knocked a car from behind, causing me to pay quite a hefty amount. I thought that might just unlucky for that day... However, I had yet another accident in which my car being knocked from behind by a sleepy driver early in the morning. The driver had been dragging the compensation and until I stood firm and argue for the value to be paid with the reasoning of "I will make it huge and make an official police report that he is cheating".

Sigh, I thought that might be the end of the bad luck... until one fine day that I decided to park along the road side (because I saw a lot more parking at the same road side). What did I found after I came out from lunch? A nicely attached PDRM summon in which I had been slammed for RM 150 (if it is paid within 7 days) or RM 300 (if it is paid after 7 days). I had to pay as my renewal of road tax is just around the corner. Oh crap! What is even more crappy is that I went for an interview whereby this Prof was too into the STPM result that she had forgotten about the interviewee which she is talking with is holding a Master Degree. I would say that the Prof is too proud with her own achievement that she had lost her basic teaching which is to be humble. If she has no faith with the interviewee where the STPM result was too terrible, she could had opt not to call the interviewee for an interview. This will save time and cost!

Then I received news, that the product which I am dealing with, will no longer be available soon...What does that mean? Hard life for me, if I am still working with the company. No budget, but have to deliver more sales. Sh*t. I should start to look for a job, am I correct?

Therefore, I had started to look for jobs... Hopefully, I am able to find one soon.

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