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Saturday 6 March 2010

Pizza Uno

Oh...on the same day (5th March), KYan, WC and me went out to lunch/tea with Chels at Secret Recipe in Sunway Pyramid.

What was kind of surprising was that, when WC having her baked fish...she shouted to us that the fish was not cook! So all of us take a loot, and indeed the fish was raw in the middle and we asked for a refund of the dish. We did not proceed to exchange a new one, due to we had to rush plus WC do not know what to get. So, we cancelled order and after that we head off back to uni.

Then...we had dinner at Pizza Uno, USJ Taipan. Well, both WC and I were late due to waiting for the autoclave to be done and pour plates before we drive out for the dinner. At Pizza Uno, I ordered Aglia Olio, Iced Mocha and WC order for a baked pasta and Sparkling apple and summer berries juice (330ml). As what was written in the menu....
Why I needed to be specific in the name and also the amount of volume? Haha...Read the followings and you'll notice.

Alf and the rest... (YQi,LiLian,Nichole,Jing,Junie,Carolyn) had had their meal and when both me and WC arrived, they were dining a pizza for sure. What was to our surprise is that the pizza was soggy in the middle. It does not seems to be the usual, Alf asked the captain to exchange the pizza. And the captain explained that the pizza was soggy because of the pineapple. Oh well, other pizza outlets also served pineapple pizza, and why it was not soggy? Then the captain further explain as in the kitchen did not manage to dry the newly opened canned pineapple because they did not realised that they had just ran out of pineapple. So, they proceed baking pizza with not fully drained and dried pineapple. That's why the pizza was soggy. If the PIzza Uno were to replace a new pizza, the captain asked us to maybe exchange to another type which do not have pineapple. So, like it or not, they had to accept it.

Meanwhile, over here at WC's side, I noticed a different when Junie asked the content of the juice. I mentioned should have apple and berries taste, due to the name sparkling apple and summer berries... I immediately taken a sip to try out the juice...and to my surprise, the juice does not seems to be right. Well, what wrong? When Junie and Carolyn read out the ingredients of the juice at the labels, I notice no berries were mentioned! And, I even looked carefully in the bottle label...and OMG! I saw that the volume written was 275ml and the menu given (330ml) description. So, I quickly asked the captain to explain why the different and I immediately felt cheated. What was written in the menu was totally different from the product given. So, he explained that it was different brand and it was also a different product from the initial order that WC wanted. Oh...if you were in this situation, what would you think? Frankly speaking, the person who had taken our order should had to inform us that the original brand stated in the menu was no longer available and they had switched to another new brand. More over, they should had also inform us, in case the waiter forgotten to explain to us, that the bottle of juice they served us was from different brand and different from the menu, and just kindly asked if we would still like to proceed with the order?

I am really so freaking felt cheated. So, I keep on repeating to the captain, I felt CHEATED! He then politely said, please do not say like that, and he will inform the boss to kindly change the menu and also for informing the customer in the future. So...what he can do right now was to refund the product given, and it will be a FOC item. Well, that's much better. (I might sounds like I am very demanding and acted such as a barbarian, but I fight for my consumer rights. If everyone fight for their own rights, those business man/woman will not be so daring to cheat customers!) Hmm, I also wondered, if it's alright for the restaurant to charge up to RM1 for a sky juice. If we(I mean a lot of us joining that dinner) do not mistaken, the government did mentioned something as in the impose charges for sky juice cannot more than 50 cents. So, what do you think?
Taken the front page of the Pizza Uno menu...
This was the so-called sparkling apple and summer berries without the summer berries juice... ==" WTF.... Baked pasta.....I like the cheesy taste, though...
The aglio olio...I felt it was too salty for me...(that's why I put more chilli flakes) Alf the 'taiko' briefing on how to survive 'demo-ing' in the Uni...Lolz...

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