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Wednesday 10 March 2010

Days with alien, epi 4 (super invasion!)

I might make it sounds so serious, but heck, indeed serious for least!

I was surprised when Alf told me one shocking news...

What was the news?!

Alf said, around hour 15++, Wednesday 10th of March 2010...the alien called him... asking for S.O.S did not read wrongly... it was indeed S.O.S!!!!

What did the alien did?

Can you make a wild guess?
The photo above just shown the lab arrangement, like nothing notice that there was a masking tape plastered onto the bench upper column. What did the masking tape doing there? Well, obviously it was to cover up something...
Take a look at this photo below...
Can you spot the different? The burn mark?! The masking tape was used to cover this thingy...
And surprisingly....How did the alien did it?

The alien told Alf, that it was not there this morning, and she did not know how it happened! More over, she almost wanted to blame the other honours student in the lab, but she failed because the other honours student did not needed the flame at all for her project! So, to make life easier, so Alf answered if it was not You that had done that, meaning it was either me, WC or Ice! She immediately replied as in WC and Ice does not have the possibility using that flame and caused this burn.... (As clever as she trying to cover her own crime, her guilt already shown so obviously!!!)

See the view of the burn mark from below to the top...

The plastic at the edge of the bench upper column all melted...and would you felt weird as in the alien did not smell plastic burning? Oh, I forgot to mentioned that there is a possibility that the alien has no ability to smell, due to having a ring pierced and the alien smoke heavily until she can be hospitalised because of bronchitis! I doubted that she can smell, and even beta-mercaptanol is not superb smelly and irritating for her...

I am guessing that this burning happened when both WC and I were away for demo today from 1400-1700. Can you imagine she might have the possibility of burning the whole lab, if this was not a working day?!

Oh, did I mentioned that this alien did her PCR with the flame on, as in she needed the aseptic condition for her pipetting so that it would not be contaminated by the air?
Do not ask me why, I do not know where this alien learned the technique from. How did this alien manage to graduate from the Uni and holding 20% scholarship for enrolling in Honours in the Uni still a mystery. In addition, one of the lecturer even claimed that she recognised the alien, and the alien failed her unit! (So, do you wonder how on earth the alien can graduate from the Uni and attended convocation, plus, the alien has 20% scholarship offered for Honours enrolment!)

I do not want to risk my life working with such an alien. I am going to report this incident together with Alf and WC.

The alien should not be even allowed to do laboratory work, since the alien only has tentacle-like clothing all around and the alien specifically dislike having lab coat. I guess is either Malaysia temperature is too hot hor the alien to wear a lab coat in an air-conditioned lab, or the alien just wanted to show off the alienly tentacle-like clothing! Oh...the alien has long hair...and frizzy hair...I guess the alien wanted to show off the large brunch of the frizzy hair?!


  1. Wahahahaha looks like this time is an extreme one.. when u report u shud report all other last time incident ppl might die u know dun take it easy.. shud report to prof chow ler.. since he is the safety head...

  2. hahahahahhahaha

    no, the burnt part isn't funny. we should have a new rule in lab -- to ensure everyone's safety, aliens should be monitored by highly paid (think RM200/hour) demonstrator at all times!

  3. One word to describe her actions ... GENG!

  4. one word to describe her action ... GENG!!

  5. WL: We had the thought of reporting to Prof Chow directly, but had to go through SBK also...sien...
    Val: I think even if paid RM 200 to monitor alien is underpaid...I am not sure if anyone wanted to take care of the alien in my lab!
    Junie: I had told the lecturers of the alien that I afraid the alien will burn da lab one day...and this had become a truth!
