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Thursday 11 March 2010

Such a supervisor... ==

Why the hell that my supervisor S.B.K always want to ask me what do you think is wrong?

If I know what is wrong, I guess I already had the result and need not to report the bad news of no result isn't it?

I had tried to troubleshoot one by one to reduce the possibility of loosing any results, but yet, he still can ask me, what do you think is wrong? I am not the PCR thermal cycler, I am not the sample, I am not the reagent, I am not the enzyme, I am just an ordinary person, trying to do RESEARCH! What do you think I would know what is wrong if the PCR previously had result and now did not produce the same result?

If research is so straight forward, I guess it would not be named RE-SEARCH? I guessed it should be name as HAD-SEARCH?! WTH!!!!

I felt totally speechless and so frustrated when being agitated by this kind of reaction given to me by the supervisor. My previous lady boss is far much more better...I think near to perfect... to handle this kind of situation. I myself also desperately needed some result, as I know I had to prepare for a presentation soon... Hence, I tried to troubleshoot as much as possible by myself as among the other HDR students...just to get back the results...

How would you felt if your supervisor said, are you sure you did the correct PCR? Ok, if I only tried once, it might be my problem of not getting the PCR product, but these were more than 3 times, until I felt of wasting of reagents to keep on trying. I had narrow up the trial to limit the wastage of reagents. Yet, still want to emphasize that this kind of molecular work, very straight forward, suppose to get result easily... (C'mon, if it's easy, do you think it is even worth to work as master project? Might as well do as a third year project for 3 months!!!) I am so disappointed when hearing this supervisor saying such a thing as in, 'How come you could lost the product via the gel extraction?) I don't know...Maybe the gel extraction kit not reliable, because it was not only me alone whom could not get the required product, some in the same lab experienced the same! or Maybe I do not have the luck and the magic hands that can make everything working fine?!

But what the heck as in S.B.K asked me that have you done this kind of molecular work before...asn in doing PCR and as well as to gel extraction? Wow...what do he want to hint me? Indeed my project at my ex-uni wasn't focusing on molecular, but I started to work with Stc on year 2007 and she and Angl as well as the rest did shown me and taught me a lot before they left! So, he's now questioning me, whether is it because I am first time in doing PCR? WTF!!!

I felt, it's like no point to keep on following such a supervisor, even if he is expert in molecular as well as bioinformatics (in fact, he always wanted to do the bio-informatics analysis and always pushing me for that). I definitely wanted to finish my work fast and produce the result fast as well as to graduate fast...But heck, you think it is that easy to do lab work?! He, himself is a PhD grad and hasn't he been through all these? I suppose, he do more dry lab than wet lab? or Did he born with the magic hands as well as been blessed with the luck? If that's the case, can he donate the luck to me?! ==" @&$#*$^@&*$^*


  1. he's such a dick. report to stc!

  2. I felt so sh*tty...
    somehow, i cant escape coz i am still registered under him in da uni...
    felt so s*cks!
