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Sunday 2 March 2008


Fu...yuh...what a weekend at Midvalley. Spend more than 6 hours there chit-chatting and also help a friend(K.Boon) survey for mobilephone. Not bad at all. After wasting so much of time talking and negotiation, he finally deal and bought it home... keke ^^

Learn a lot while looking for mobile phone though...Many of those bosses told us some points to look for an original mobilephone and avoid from being cheated by those tricky dealers that sell AP phone for original price.

Check your imei no: type *#06#
Check your phone originality: Check the 7th no and the 8th no...
Type * # 06 #

After you enter the code you will see a new code contain 15 digits: 355380000251550

IF the digit number Seven & Eight is 02 or 20 that mean it was Assembly on Emirates which is very Bad quality.

IF the digit number Seven & Eight is 08 or 80 that mean it's manufactured in Germany which is not bad.

IF the digit number Seven & Eight is 01 or 10 that mean it's manufactured in Finland which is Good.

IF the digit number Seven & Eight is 00 that mean it was manufactured in original factory which is the best Mobile Quality.

IF the digit number Seven & Eight is 13 that mean it was Assembly
on Azerbaijan which is very Bad quality and very dangerous for

(Credits to all mobile phone -Check phone originality authors)

I don't know whether this is true or not, but hey...not bad if you want to giv it a try. I heard that this is only appliable to certain mobile phone...but for sure...if you type *#06#...the imei no will show up in your mobie screen. Check it out ^^

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