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Friday 7 March 2008

One Life?!

I was wondering what do this One Life exhibition means? I saw the banner posted way up at the entrance of Monash University (Sunway Campus). Luckily, there were many of us whom had our curiousity to venture out and to know what that's really about.

Firday (070308). We took the oppurtunity to experience the One Life journey. It's a kind of AIDS/HIV+ awareness programme organised by the Worldvission. Overall, its a worth to try out the 'walking' experience. Quite an eye-opener.

We bought some exhibition souvenirs. Actually, they didn't call it purchasing...they call us as donours...We donate a require sum of money to receive some free gift from them... I got a t-Shirt, @udrey, Mei Zhen and Iris got the car stickers. This Friday wasn't any ordinary Friday...It was a very meaningful Friday.

On the other hand, back to before attending to the One Life exhibition; we went out to lunch at 3K. In my own opinion, I think this is really a crazy Friday...not Happy Friday...Why? Why I have to say like that?'s very easy... Lets' see the craziness we had...We went in to order our food and starting to behave crazily...since we had the 'rojak'. We were chatting about many other side topics...until a very amusing phrase came out from Iris. @udrey was wondering if 'Harm yu' is called Ikan Masin, then what about 'Yau yu'? Iris spontaneously answered 'Ikan Yau' ....@@ Are you agree? Kekeke....

Then back at home, I received an email from a person called Mrs GW. She was sicked at bed and she wanted to have someone to inherit her late husband Trunx Box which later have a purpose to be used to the community if permitted. She wanted to find someone who responded to her mail....Yes..Yes...I am one of those who blindly responded...due to boredness...and curiousity. This Mrs. GW is indeed for real. She didn't spam me and she even can swear that this isn't any fraud email. She send in picture of her for me to verify, she asked me only to let her know my full name...and her wish is to have her last wish fulfill before she left the world. Should you or should you not believe in her? She speak and swear by the name of God our Lord. This isn't a joke.... The company that she had given authority to shift her stuffs called me!!!!
They said thay are from Abidjan-Ivory Coast. They even asked me to read their incoming email...that soon to be sent to me. I felt scary yet curiousity still rocks. :p

Whatever will going to be happen...I will never know. May He leads and guides my follow what is righteous to Him.

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