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Friday 21 March 2008

Good Friday

There are people saying that good friday isn't good at all. There are also some people wish others "Happy Good Friday" as in Good Friday is one 'Good' day. There are also some people feeling sad and humble on Good Friday. Some even didn't know what is Good Friday is.

Whatever Good Friday is to us, there is always a meaning towards Christians. Good Friday, a day which we remember, which we respect, which we glorified and a day to celebrate...What?! Why I mentioned Celebrate? Yes, I do celebrate Good Friday. Even Christians (with old and traditional thiking) will think that Good Friday isn't a day to celebrate. but why not? If we understand the meaning of the Lord sacrified, we must celebrate instaed. Jesus Christ surrender himself to be sacrified in this day. HE fullfill the scripture foretold by prophets. HE made a once and for all sacrified that all men might live and forgiven. Why shall we not celebrate? We shouldn't felt sad that the Lord left us. He didn't left us. He is still with us by His way that we all can enter into His kingdom. His sacrified is a new life, a new begining, and a new hope. He mend the broken ties between God and men. He builded the bridge for men to cross their sins, so that men can have their reunion with God. Celebrating Good Friday is meaningful. We need to bring out the message that a sacrified once made by the Lamb of God is sacred. We need to understand as well, the suffering He bear; when He crucified on the cross. We indeed didn't suffer the pain, but we felt the pain that He bear. We didn't know His journey, but He knows our journey. That is why He took the cup of drink, that no one can, except Him-our Lord. This is also the reason he is called the Lamb of God. He, our Lord; is the choosen one to bring all the sins to the cross as an act of forgiveness. His sacrified redeeemed freedom. From the moment of His dead, God the Father forgave us who proclaim that Jesus Christ is the Saviour, Jesus Christ is the Lord, Jesus Christ is King of King...Those who accepted Him will bear no more sin, but peace...
Peace of the Lord will always be with you...May God bless you and God be with you.

Easter is the rising and resurrection of the Lord. I will talk about it, after Easter Sunday.

To attend the first service at the Methodist Kampar new church building, is indeed a privelege. It's such an honour to glorified God. by His grace and blessing, Methodist Kampar Church had been relocated to a larger piece of land, with more space and more symbolic as the Church-The House of the Lord.

Praise God from whom all blessings flow,
Praise Him all creatures here below,
Praise Him above ye heavenly host,
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.

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