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Saturday 15 December 2018

Been told to resign voluntarily

I had personally received bad news consecutively...

I had been called to enter for a private one to one discussion session at office, and somehow I had been told to resign voluntarily. It was not a shocking news to me, as I had personally felt that this might happen sooner or later, with the current situation faced by company in the local market.

Hence, I asked if this is a Voluntary Separation Scheme (VSS), and my business manager had proudly said that it was not VSS. He asked me to tender resignation, and work as usual to serve the resignation notice, and then to leave. In this situation, he had emphasized that it was not VSS, and there will be no compensation, and would like to see me to tender my resignation by the month end. Since there is no other third person in the discussion room, I wish not to continue the discussion with him, and told him that I will consider about it.

On the next day, I had inquire with HR about this, and they had informed me that they were not aware of it. "Slow to hire, quick to fire", is quite a risk to the management, as it is not easy for an employer to lay-off their employee without proper compensation or without proper documentation to fire. At the moment, the business manager is pretending that he has nothing to do with it, and company HR had informed saying that since they are not being notified at all for such incident; I had been told to work as usual.

However, the company had express that they might want to downsize and would really hope to have less head counts. I guess, this served as a "hint" from the higher management that they would like to proceed with the official lay-off per stages. Therefore, I had been told to quickly look for a job, and to tender my resignation as soon as possible. What is more inhumane to hear, was that the business director had express his point of view from higher management perspective, and he had spit out unconsciously that he can easily issue letter of misconduct to lay-off employee immediately.

What could have been worst than, you lost job, and place to stay soon?

Since company is not willing to appreciate you, hence, it is time to leave the company soon.

P/S: Some HR friends had gave in some valuable feedback regarding to this.

1. If there is no warning letter prior to the issue of Letter of Misconduct, the employee is entitle to file in a complaint with Malaysia Labour office (Jabatan Buruh Malaysia).

2. If the Management if allowing the lay-off, the letter should be signed by either the business director or business manager to acknowledge that they knew about it. The letter should not be from HR alone, and the employee should not act by just listening verbally. It should be all documented.

3. Should the business manager wish to proceed with company lay-off, they have to ensure there is a third person present in the discussion room, which is preferably the HR personnel.

4. If the company wish to proceed with the lay-off, they have to pay the compensation according to the letter of employment resignation period. This is applicable to those employees earning more than RM2500 basic. Hence, no company is allowed to lay-off their employee without proper compensation. This could be brought in to industrial court shall the employer is being ignorant about compensation.

Monday 10 December 2018

A decision that was made 4 years ago had caused me lost credit score from bank.

A decision that was made 4 years ago had caused me lost credit score from bank.

Just would like to share my situation with readers, if are searching or googling something similar.

I had a joint loan with my sister, for a condominium named under my sister and brother in law. Why is that so? At the time of purchase, my brother in law had already own second house, and if were to loan for a third house, his joined loan with my sister would only be around 70%. Hence, he asked to use my name for it, and it was a total disaster to use my name now, for a house that I did not own.

Bank would not recognized that as our internal settlement. Bank would not know that my joined loan with my sister for the condominium is not wholly under my commitment. It was a joined commitment divided between 5 person. Each has to contribute a small portion and this, is not made know at all with bank.

This loan of mine, which I do not even own anything from it, had made me realized that, you should not easily agree to use your name for loan, even if that's your sister husband, your brother in law, as he is just related to you by law. He has nothing to loose, if anything went south. I had regretted on this, ever since I know I will have harder time to apply for a loan; all no thanks to my brother in law.

You know what's the best part of it? I am going to be jobless soon, and he is asking me to move out from his house. This is what we call related only by law. They can put relative, relationship near to their mouth, but never to their heart. Therefore, if any of your related only by law is asking you for any loan or whatsoever, please bear in mind that they had nothing to loose and we can lost everything!

Saturday 8 December 2018

Tai Feng Taiwanese Hot Pot (台風台式火鍋 )

During down time, would like to put up at least something that create happiness for me.
This was a throwback dinner, when I had saw this place at The Landmark for quite a while. Thought of to give it a try and, walked in for a hotpot. Klang Tai Feng Taiwanese Hot Pot (台風台式火鍋 )

They offer a wide range of healthier choice of hotpot steamboat. They had their own dipping sauce, which it quite to my liking. Tasted like some friend chili flakes, with peanut sauce and fried shallots. This place is quite crowded during dinner peak hour. You may want to call them for a reservation, if you plan to dine in for this hotpot during peak hour.

Friday 30 November 2018

Shocked, to first arrived at Dhaka Bangladesh

Shocked, to first arrived at Dhaka Bangladesh, where the citizen would drive and cross the road as to their liking. There are traffic rules, and none of them is abiding it, except when there is presence of traffic policemen.

Imagine, you will cross the road everyday, risking your life or either being knocked by the on coming traffic, or from the opposite traffic. They can drive from the opposite way, even though it is the main road at the city. Yes, they do have overhead bridge or underground subway to cross the road; and those are only available for one or two places. I did not notice any zebra crossing or pedestrian stop either.

Almost 90% of the time, you will hear vehicles honking for the traffic, and it would not stop until near 2300 hour. The amount of noise pollution at the surrounding is good enough to raise your blood pressure, and not to forget that it started as early as 0600 hour.

Aside from the chaos of the traffic and the noise pollution, the airport security is stringent. When one foreigner is entering the country, the arrival card must be filled, and one must be able to provide a local phone number for the authority. Moreover, when one foreigner is leaving the country, there is another departure card to be filled in before entering the immigration counter.

To enter the international airport in Dhaka, one must line-up and there are a lot of the un-sincere airport security personnel will target the tourist or foreigner to ask for tips or they will pretend to help you for money. Not a surprised that even the airport security open their mouth asking you for money before putting up baggage for scanning. Perhaps this is their usual practice, but this is way to much corruption. Imagine is one had bad intention, and to smuggle any illegal items? All they do is to have money to pass to these security and they can enter freely?

Not a surprised that when both me and my other colleague collected our baggage when arrived at our home country, we noticed that our baggage pass-code had all switched to 000, and sign of our baggage had been searched prior to our flight. The internal compartment of my baggage had visible knife cut and visible sign of force ripped-off.  The same baggage had been used for entering Myanmar, Thailand, Singapore, Taiwan, China, and San Francisco; and nothing happened. If you were to ask me that would I go to do sigh-seeing at this country? No, I would not, not at the moment.

Saturday 17 November 2018

Ragnarok M: Eternal Love

Ragnarok M: Eternal Love
Playing this nostalgic game again after almost one decade of not playing it. It brought up memories of creating a acolyte character to a priest and reincarnate into high priest. 

Thought would like to change into playing a different job in RO mobile. Hence, created a mage, and waiting to change job into wizard soon at Geffen.

Screenshot of my pet "purring" while overlay-ed with another character, that brought a lunatic pet.

Like their FB page for more update.

Tuesday 13 November 2018

Throwback on Taiwan trip~

Remember those were the days where we went to shop crazily at Taiwan 7-11 just because their food is too fancy for us.

While it was a foggy night for us uphill, and we do not  have much choice, but to shop at 7-11 for foods to fill our empty stomach!

 One of the chips with fried eggs+oyster flavor. It was flavorful to us~yummy.

These were the items that we had purchase to fill our stomach; while it was cold at night, we did not forget to get the soupy instant noodle to warm our tummy.

This, the fruity flavor beer from Taiwan. I personally like it so much, as it as mild taste of the pineapple juice flavor with 3% of beer.

Saturday 3 November 2018

Chicken King Taiwan - 大王活虾啤酒城

Throwback of the visit to taiwan, where we visited this restaurant when we were on our way to visit CingJing farm.

We thought of to try the apple chicken, and unfortunately, the restaurant closed down permanently and we had no other choice but to try some other shop. Since this restaurant conveniently just across the road, and it was also recommended to us by our charter driver, we had decided to give it a try.

This restaurant is apparently famous for it Urn-roasted chicken. We had placed our order for a 4 pax package, where it was included unlimited rice, vegetables, soup, prawns, and kimchi as side dish. 

 This was how they serve the chicken. They provided the gloves and recommended us to use hands to tear the chicken. We did, and placed the chicken back to the dish, and one whole chicken on the plate presentation!
Here you go~ the Urn-roasted chicken (窑仔鸡) on the plate for us to dine in. It was served with two separate plate of seasonings (one is a lemon/citrus type of sauce; while the other was salt), All of us prefer the salt, as it provide the most original taste to bring out the aroma of this roasted chicken. Tender, and succulent juicy urn-roasted chicken; worth to give it a try! You may search for chicken king at CingJing, Taiwan.

Check it out here~ 大王活虾啤酒城 :

Wednesday 31 October 2018

Online friend detained by checkpoints-scam

Believe it or not, this is happening to me as well. Those nigerian scammers are way too good in this.

The get some good imposers, to steal photos of people around and then, try to be friend with you.

Once they get the flow, they will pretend to visit you and then, said they are being detained at the immigration check point for reason that is they brought in more than 110k USD into the country and failed to declare it.

Panic and lost for awhile, asked the name and the ID of the officer who call, because real officers would never mind of revealing their name and Id for people to verify at the web or by call. Suspected something amiss, called the nearest police station, and they said, 100% is a scam and do not do any transaction, because even if they were to ask the detainee to pay fine, they can do it themselves, because they have valid cash, and more importantly, officers would not call from mobile phone for official matter. They will call from their registered official line, and they will allow the detainee to seek for help, because it is their right to do so.

Totally stunned, and could not believe myself that I had been scammed, but such m*therf*cker, and they are d*mn good in acting like a genuine person who wishes to visit you from afar.

1. They will befriend you, and try to take time to gain your trust.
2. Once they know you had lower your guard, and trust them, they will try to give you a reason that they will be visiting somewhere nearby, and can pitstop at your country to visit.
3. Thinking that is quite genuine and nothing fishy, they will then plot their scam by saying that their visit to your country is being stopped.
4. Most of the reason they use is bringing in more than 10K USD into the country. Declare it, and you'll be ok, but they will say the person failed to declare and now in detention. Imposer -Officers from the department will call and say will need to pay a fine, to release the person and the belongings.
5. The imposer-officer will be very rude, and not providing any information at  all. (those real cases, the officer are require to tell it clearly of what had happened, if not, when it involved court case, the officer will be at fault because of failure to inform)
6. The friend of mine, is not allowed to call, to talk, and all sort of communication had been confiscated. (The police officer told me, that immigration officer can only start investigate and confiscate items that is not allow, personal belonging is still allowed for the person at check point. The real police officers also highlight to me that, no custom immigration is allow to have bank transfer into personal account. It should be via documentation at the counter, and then to pay to the custom department)
7. After much panic, and released that I myself had been conned, I am relief that at least I did not respond by transferring the money (because I do not have that much), and also knowing that these online friends are quite b*ll-shit.

Saturday 27 October 2018

Ragnarok - Poring

While walking to find Chiang Kai-shek memorial hall, we bumped into these four cute porings! These porings brought back a lot of memories on the Ragnarok RPG online game. From starting as novice to have the 'Priestess" character to reincarnate to become "High-Priestess"... It was totally mesmerizing. It will be great if they showcase angeling~RO miniboss. 

It was more than a decade ago... and now they have launch Ragnarok2

Meanwhile, thought it will be fun to have a panoramic picture taken for 4 of us near the Chiang Kai-shek memorial hall walkway. 

Monday 22 October 2018

Charlie Brown Cafe at Taichung

An accidental discovery of Charlie Brown Cafe at Taichung. When we alighted at ChaoMa from our bus; we intended to search for a connecting public transport to FengJia. However, when we were walking towards the bus stop, we passed by this cafe~ Charlie Brown Cafe. Just that we thought it will be our first pit-stop, we walked into the cafe for a short break.
 The Charlie Brown Cafe front view

The restroom is well-equipped with drawings, and me too, done what tourist will do~ 

 Two large snoopy plushy for visitors to take photos with them... and the one wearing a brown shirt is actually "the captain".

 You can have customised drawings of "Charlie Brown, Snoopy, or Woodstock"

The interior front counter.

We had the waffle to share, as we do not wish to stuffed too much to our stomach (we intended to grab more food at the Fengjia Night Market)

Thursday 18 October 2018

Tamsui Fisherman's Wharf-淡水渔人码头

Wanted to post in more throwback of the recent Taiwan trip.

Went to TamSui Fisherman's Wharf for it famous "Lover's Bridge" and for a ferry ride to watch the sunset view. Although the sunset view is slightly disappointing due to the gloomy and cloudy weather, it is still better than rainy day.

 Captured the 'Lover's Bridge" picture, before it is getting dark~
 The "Lover's Bridge" with 7 colors combination~ You will be able to capture the changing color when it is fully dark~
 Took a horizontal panorama picture when the colors were changing~

Monday 15 October 2018

Project Gutenberg (HK Film) 2018 - 無雙

One of the highly recommended Hong Kong film this year.

Starred by Aaron Kwok and Chow Yun-fat, this movie will takes you to a different thought of how counterfeit being handled, process, and even the mastermind of it. Every minute of the movie is worth for one to buy for a seat to watch in the cinema.

Great plot, with some unexpected story-line, and this movie focused heavily on the character played by Aaron Kwok, as one of the arrested member for a money counterfeit organization under the leadership of "Painter" played by Chow Yun-fat. A 130minute movie, must watch in the original voice-Cantonese version. Personally, this movie worth 4.5 stars out of 5 stars. 👍👍👍👍

You can watch the trailer here : Project Gutenberg (無雙).

Official film poster here.

Friday 12 October 2018

Trip to Taiwan: Cing Jing Farm

There is always an excitement when visiting Foreign Country, especially for your own leisure trip.

Always looking for a chance to rewind, as this could help to recharge, and to rebuilt exhausted mind, and soul.

Jump shot at Cing Jing Farm (清境農場).

Did not manage to see Alpaca, only to see some sheep.

Leisure arrangement for our Cing Jing farm trip. We had our charter car driver to drive us up from Taichung city centre to Cing Jing. Foggy and chilly uphill too. 

Took a photo while walking up to the only available 7-11 store for a hot soupy meal. Sadly, it was all sold out, and we could only grab some instant noodles, and hot dogs to warm our tummy.

You can refer more about Cing Jing here.

Thursday 27 September 2018

Lokap 7 group : Throwback~

One thing that I personally cherish the most, is however we "Fu-Lan" with each other, we will still compromise and come out as the "Lokap 7 group". Lucky Seven I guess?

Where're the 6th and 7th person? 

One is based at Penang Island, and the other is currently away to pursue her study at New Zealand. Never doubt who's your friend where you had already be in the friendship since age 18 years old, Many more years to come~

Great to have such activity to remind me that there're always "Lokap 7 group" to looking forward.


(What's "Fu-Lan"? F*cking D*lan = Fu-Lan)

Sunday 23 September 2018

My kind of raw fish slices Cantonese porridge

Whenever I am back to hometown - Kampar, Perak; I will always want to fix my cravings.

This is especially to fix my cravings on Cantonese style porridge with raw thin slices of fresh fish (if not mistaken the local called it 鲩鱼). 

 Here's a mixture of 3-combos. Raw fish slices porridge with port meatball (inside the porridge bowl), with steam which chicken. The best 3 combo you could ever wish for! There is an additional creamy white dessert there, which is actually soy bean curd ginkgo barley dessert.
 Look at the pork meat ball in served with the porridge. If you wish not to have anything inside, you can order a plain porridge.
 The smooth and chewy steam white chicken~ Yummy
My favourite! The thinly sliced raw fish meat-my kind of sashimi porridge!!! 

I could not recall what is the fish stall name, nor the Uncle's name. It is situated at the Kampar Medan Makan, and operating at night from around 630pm-till sold out (sold out quite fast, though).

Thursday 20 September 2018

Double rainbow~

Double rainbow~

Throwback photo of a double rainbow which caught our attention when stepping out from car to attend a friend's wedding.

How many times had you see double rainbow? A second rainbow which is lighter and faint, looks like the rainbow is echoing~😎

Saturday 15 September 2018

Pokemon Go with local community

Recently, I still receive comment on friends and family members asking if there is really any Pokemon Go players? They thought that the game is dying and no much players left. It is not surprising that they had such comments, because they had seen less players on highly occupied place as compare to Pokemon Go firstly launch on August 2016. Some of the players had converted themselves as "spoofers" to enable them playing this game at home without having to walk or to drive to certain places; some had abandoned the game and let their friends to adopt their account; some are seasonal players -  as they do not have much free time during weekdays and could only play on weekends, and some are hardcore players.

We had a few Pokemon Go community day organized by the local community members. We even have our local community t-shirt. The photo below as taken a few months back, but it was all worth it! Pokemon Go had enable me to know a lot more neighborhood members, and to discover a lot more "short-cuts" en-route to certain gym raiding. What's more, was that one of the member even helped me during one of the raid, as my car was down due to worn-out car battery. We are not just playing games together, but also leaning towards to become a huge local family. I guess, that's what other players had missed, if they are "spoofing" or "botting" 

I had played much less now, as I had been occupied with more busy schedule from my work and family matters. However, I am still playing this Pokemon Go whenever I am free. In addition to that, Pokemon Go now had launched new features to have friends around the globe, and enable trading as well!

Monday 29 January 2018

Along With The Gods: The Two Worlds (2017)

Along With The Gods: The Two Worlds (2017)

This became a rising sensational movie, where it catches the audience attention by becoming the top Malaysia Weekend Box Office for January 18-21, 2018 (TheMalayMailOnline, 2018). Not surprising to me, as I personally felt that Korean dramas, and movies has been keeping up on par, that it might surpass my favor from Hong Kong drama to Korean drama. 

"Along With The gods: The Two Worlds", has one great element within the story, which brought up the value of living as a human-being, and how it affect your afterlife. Each and every stages of the story-line, made me teared-up. Perhaps, my inner-soul do agree with you reap what you sow. One might find it too fantasized, but for me, nothing is beyond impossible, especially for imagination. Hence, be well geared-up, for onion ninjas will be there, cutting tonnes of onions. 

Story of a nobleman died, and how he is being judge in the afterlife, and the dignity that he had lived all these while until the moment of death is challenged by appointed death-prosecutor. For those whose belief rely heavily on karma, this can be quite awakening. Good deeds repaid with good...

Watch how this nobleman go through his 7 trials in the afterlife, along with the appointed grim reaper advocates in the world ruled by Yeomra. There are some humorous element slotted in between the trials which tickles and made the movie plot elevated from sadness to curious, from furious to sympathies, from foe to friend, from sin to forgiveness, and a lot more of such flavor of life being integrated in the movie plot.

Recommended to watch it, as the story-line had been beautifully plotted and acted by the movie cast. It has a plot-twist too... and I am anticipating for it Part II.

(Movie trailer source from: New Trailer Buzz

The MalayMailOnline (2018, January 24). 'Along With The Gods' Tops Malaysia Box-Ofice On Opening Weekend. The Malay Mail Online ShowBiz. Retrived from