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Wednesday 31 October 2018

Online friend detained by checkpoints-scam

Believe it or not, this is happening to me as well. Those nigerian scammers are way too good in this.

The get some good imposers, to steal photos of people around and then, try to be friend with you.

Once they get the flow, they will pretend to visit you and then, said they are being detained at the immigration check point for reason that is they brought in more than 110k USD into the country and failed to declare it.

Panic and lost for awhile, asked the name and the ID of the officer who call, because real officers would never mind of revealing their name and Id for people to verify at the web or by call. Suspected something amiss, called the nearest police station, and they said, 100% is a scam and do not do any transaction, because even if they were to ask the detainee to pay fine, they can do it themselves, because they have valid cash, and more importantly, officers would not call from mobile phone for official matter. They will call from their registered official line, and they will allow the detainee to seek for help, because it is their right to do so.

Totally stunned, and could not believe myself that I had been scammed, but such m*therf*cker, and they are d*mn good in acting like a genuine person who wishes to visit you from afar.

1. They will befriend you, and try to take time to gain your trust.
2. Once they know you had lower your guard, and trust them, they will try to give you a reason that they will be visiting somewhere nearby, and can pitstop at your country to visit.
3. Thinking that is quite genuine and nothing fishy, they will then plot their scam by saying that their visit to your country is being stopped.
4. Most of the reason they use is bringing in more than 10K USD into the country. Declare it, and you'll be ok, but they will say the person failed to declare and now in detention. Imposer -Officers from the department will call and say will need to pay a fine, to release the person and the belongings.
5. The imposer-officer will be very rude, and not providing any information at  all. (those real cases, the officer are require to tell it clearly of what had happened, if not, when it involved court case, the officer will be at fault because of failure to inform)
6. The friend of mine, is not allowed to call, to talk, and all sort of communication had been confiscated. (The police officer told me, that immigration officer can only start investigate and confiscate items that is not allow, personal belonging is still allowed for the person at check point. The real police officers also highlight to me that, no custom immigration is allow to have bank transfer into personal account. It should be via documentation at the counter, and then to pay to the custom department)
7. After much panic, and released that I myself had been conned, I am relief that at least I did not respond by transferring the money (because I do not have that much), and also knowing that these online friends are quite b*ll-shit.

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