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Saturday 20 February 2010

Lou Sang at Wei Lee's house...

On Chor 3 late afternoon (16 Feb 2010), we (Wei Lee, Weng Kit, Irene, Xue Li, Ruby and I), were at Wei Lee's house for a short gathering plus 'lou sang' at her house. Due to Wei Lee is a vegetarian, we asked her to prepared a vege yee sang for us. Her aunt prepared it, and it was splendid! Look at the mixture of vege to become the yee sang (but this yee sang is without sashimi).
Time to bully Weng Kit...
all prepared to 'Lou Sang'
The after effect of us, 'Lou-ing' ...@@

Thanks to Wei Lee for offering her place for the Lou Sang. Thanks to the friends that made their effort to empty the slot for this small gathering.
Forgot to mention, that thanks to Wai Leng also, for manage to drop by. But you arrived too late. All of us are rushing for the dinner at East Ocean Restaurant, because all of us were late on that day. Hope to meet up with you, Wai Leng, on some other day. But, hopefully a small gathering will make all of us cherish each other more!

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