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Thursday 18 February 2010

ACS Class of 2000 - 10th Anniversary CNY Dinner

I should have start to blog regarding to the CNY's dinner held at East Ocean Restaurant on 16 Feb 2010(Chor 3).

Thank you to MC, that with his mostly dedicated and determination to organise the 10th anniversary of the class of 2000 CNY dinner. Well, no fake compliment. He indeed had done a great job. If I were in his shoe, I don;t even think I can get 2 table full with attendance.

It was huge and grand. Needless to say, the atmosphere full with 96(err..or maybe less than that) people was astonishing.
Photos to tell you the story...
Old time buddies...haha... :D
The whole group, 9 tables of ACS class of 2000
5 Sc 2 Class of 2000....
The misture of Class of Science and Voc(Arts)...
Our Mr President-MC Tham....together with us for a photo
Non stop group photo-ing...

With the Class Assistance (Theng)
Lets intro this famous girl... hehehe... ( Li Vyen)


  1. eh geng wor who organized one? how did you guys manage to get almost everyone to dinner?

  2. Val, this is MC's effort. He made an event at fb, invited all those from class of 2000,but still some could not manage to come...anyhow, he did organised it very well with the help from lai yue, sien theng, yin kit, and also foong thai, plus weng kit.
