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Tuesday 25 August 2020

Deja vu?!

 Deja vu?!

Recently I have been having different kind of dreams, that one of it was quite a deja vu.

Have you ever dreamt of someone that you have not seen for more than a year. and then this particular person appear in your dream? Not surprising, but the deja vu kick in after a day later, where this long missing person suddenly text and pop out from an unexpected event.

It was not the first time, that such coincidence occurred. Although some claimed that the dream might be something regarding to self-conscious, some has beg to differ that it might be that person is thinking or missing you. I would prefer the later, as it definitely make me feel being appreciated and missed.  

Should have I send out the text first, will the other felt the same (the same deja vu)? Perhaps?! 

Maybe this question should be thrown to the other person, and to check, if I'm visiting their dreams? Either way, this could be a good deja vu, as it reconnect the dots again...

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