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Sunday 23 June 2019

There will always that some one trying to bring your day to the darkest point

There will always that some one trying to bring your day to the darkest point.
For that some one might have been lacking of security,
For that some one might have been facing difficulties.

For whatever the reason is, life is shown beautifully just like a sky...
It will have the bright side, where sun shining bright...
It will have the dark cloudy side, where rain is shadowing behind...
I have to keep reminding myself that, whenever those whom are giving you hard times,
Please to remember that karma is the best teacher.
They be have their lessons be taught soon, so soon that they will never expected it.

Hence, please do not treat those whom are trying to provide to you a solution badly,
You will be wondering why there is no help, as you had taken away your solution~

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