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Friday 30 September 2011

Just thought of eating greens for my dinner...

And here're some veges on some random dinners.

Eating healthy? >.<

Thursday 29 September 2011

-pork noodles-

Went to Champ's Bistro at Centrepoint... on some random day at some random time...

(Can't recall when was the exact date, but somehow, I remembered the foods)

Ordered Penang Rojak and a bowl of 'chu yuk funn' (Pork noodles) --------------->

The Penang Rojak... variety of fruits including the Penang trademark-Nutmeg and some water convulvulus served together.

Since I had tried their famous Prawn noodles...  Pork noodles become the second target....

I personally loved the pork small intestine served together... they made the intestine slightly tender,chew-able, and most importantly they cleaned the intestine well.

Monday 26 September 2011


If I am called ignorance.....

Then, what should we call those people that do not know what they are talking about, trying to show off that they are brilliant, trying to tell you that they are knowledgeable, trying to tell you off that they know what are they doing, trying to f*ck you off when you tell them those weren't as simple as it seems, trying to kick your *ss off when credits given, trying to put the blame on you when sh*t came, trying to comfort you when the whole world knew it was a betrayal, trying to show superiority onto you when they can't even stand up to speak for other when there're troubles....

You knows, I knows, and HE knew!

Saturday 24 September 2011

Believe in God, as the truth is out there.
Believe in God, as HE knew the truth.
Believe in God, as people will deny the truth.
Believe in God, as the day comes-the truth will be revealed.

You might twisted the truth. You might denied the truth. 
You maybe laughing now, and I am crying behind;
But I believe, the truth is out there...

Monday 19 September 2011

The PhD Movie is coming to MUSC!!!!


The PhD Movie is coming to MUSC!!!!

The MUPA had send in invitation via FB event and I am so into it.

It will be screened on 08 October 2011 at Auditorium 1, MUSC from 1730-1900.

Entrance open at 1715  and refreshments will be served before the screening~

The event is made free admission for all MUSC postgraduates and open to other institutions/universities postgraduate students for an entrance ticket price at RM5.

(poster adopted from

Friday 16 September 2011

Flat tyre...

Tyre went flat when wanted to drive to the other institution...

Received call to let me know regarding to the flat tyre, but to tell me that I drove too long that I had not realise the tyre went flat?!

Fortunately helps arrive in the speed of light, which I am so thankful for that.

Changed the tyre in the public for the first time, and had the help even from the security guard!!!

The cause for the flat tyre? A nail!!!!

Once changed the tyre with LY's and JT's help, we quickly drove to the nearby shop to fix the tyre and thank God, it did cost that much...

Tuesday 13 September 2011

This is a life of a research student @@

When you had repeated something for that long...

Until you could not walk away from it...

This is a life of a research student @@

Monday 12 September 2011

Happy Mid Autumn festival+膏蟹

Happy Mid Autumn festival to all who is celebrating it...

And... I know it is kind of funny...

Why would the picture illustrated a person wish upon the moon for crab?

Haha... In fact, it was not. Just that it happened to be some one was lucky enough to get served with nice crabs with eggs ( 膏蟹) during full-moon period!!!

Wednesday 7 September 2011

I just took ChurpChurp How Malaysian Are You Quiz and I'm 90% Malaysian! Take the quiz to see How Malaysian Are You.

Indeed, 90% Malaysian aren't 100% Malaysian yet. Hmm, maybe because I am not that keen to keep myself updated with the Malaysian issue?

Well, If you would like to take up the test by ChurpChurp on "How Malaysian Are You?", you can click here ^.^

Have a nice day~

Tuesday 6 September 2011

Gopeng Museum~pt 2

Did not manage to upload every photos of the visit to Gopeng Museum....

Just slotted in some and will try to upload more in the future~~~~

 I still can remember my grandma used to ask me to help her to grind the beans and rice for making biscuit.

 Still saw some sinseh at hometown using this to weight the herbs...

Hand-powered ice grinding machine.... (Thinking of the chilling "Ice-Kacang"~)

Sunday 4 September 2011

Gopeng Museum~pt 1

Went to Gopeng Museum....

Shame on me, that I don't even know that there is a museum at Gopeng, Perak... Until my friend Ruby told me that she wanted to have a visit to the Gopeng Museum.

There are two shop-lots whereby the owner had converted them into a small size museum.

up coming next.....

some photos of the antiques in the Gopeng Museum...

(those antiques reminded me of the time when I was small...)