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Monday 18 January 2010

Wow!!! Avatar....


At last, watched Avatar (not a 3D), but it's satisfying. The sceneries created for the movie were it's such a place that beyond imagination.

How nice of the creatures and the ecosystems that are made to live as one...

Well, luckily I managed to kidnap Woon Ching to watch it with me, before it will be off from cinema anytime soon...because the festive season is around the corner...cinema will be congested with lots of festive season movies... (i guess). But, I had get myself wrong, as I thought Monday as a weekday won't be having many peoples going for a movie...but, the Avatar 3D version, Sherlock Holmes, Tiger Wohoo all sold out for the whole day today! Wow! I couldn't believe it!!!

Anyhow, no regret getting this movie watched in the cinema. It's worth for it. No wonder my friends keep on suggesting this movie to me.

I could have imagine if watching this in a 3D version, the effect should be superbly nice...but not for those who will be easily headache due to fast motion...lolz...
If the person is reading this right now, I am sure, pretty much sure, the person knew, whom am I referring it to. Kakakaka....

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