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Sunday 10 January 2010

New Year, New Blog

I hate to say, but I am thinking to make a little switching from wordpress to blogger. Due to some circumstance. So sorry for friends, who are keeping your support to read, do find your update over here. I still have no idea yet, how to export the comments from wordpress to blogger. I still need some time. I found it kind of hard, to make this switch a success.

I would like to still keep the wordpress, though. So, here am I, having this running.

Good to blog again.

Soon, will have uploads of friends singing at well as previous video during a friend's wedding dinner.

See ya...


  1. ah you ditched wordpress!

    but glad to see you blog again after a brief hiatus

  2. argh...i m so damn stress for the cDNA thingy...that's why I didnt manage to blog...
