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Friday 29 January 2010


Hey, ok, forgive me for the not very nice background. I am still at home, and not much nice scenery available. The evening was raining quite heavily...and some more, I am sweating all the way; so can't walk around to look for a nice place to pose.

Well, I guess this is the only first time, readers, my friends, even my relatives can see me look like this. ^.^ suppose, I guess, I don't think I will dress like this, until don't know when will be the right time. Lolz...

So, uploaded this for all of you to view it. View as long as you want. Hahahaha...

Well...that's all for now....coming next, a surprise for all readers....

ngeh ngeh ngeh....


  1. phewwweeettttt! looking good there!

  2. val, val, val, i m now looks like ghost, damn tired, a couples of days haven't sleep more than 5 hours, luckily got Ipoh old town white coffee... lolz
