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Tuesday 12 February 2008

I am addicted @@

Yes...I am finally back...I think @udrey is right, I am indeed now getting to become addicted to blog...more towards to become a serious blogger. OMG...I couldn't believe it. I had just taken my medicine for my cough and sore throat (it happened since the forth day of cny).
I have lots and lots to patient...please wait... (arranging the blog from 7th Feb to 10th Feb) :P

7th Feb 2008

Today is the 1st day of lunar year of rat.
The celebration of lunar year for until presently is dull. Not much acts of
celebration being noticed. Luckily, the norm lunar new year: traditions during
New Year still proceeding.I am very happy for that someone fro
m Medan,Indonesia called to wish an early “Gong xi fatt chai”. I didn’t expect such a surprise.
Thank you, Wisianto.

At night, I went to pay a visit to a friend house nearby. After much chit-chatting at there, we proceed to have our “yum
cha” session…as usual. Someone bought fireworks and light it on during the hour
to 2nd day of lunar new year. It was fantastic, as we were at there
to celebrate another friends’ birthday which fall on the 8th Feb.
The timing was perfect, but unfortunately, the birthday boy went out to the old
town for awhile. Yet, we still manage to celebrate his birthday. Here want to
wish him once again “Happy Birthday”.

“The hour of happiness always end up fast, and
it’s time to say goodbye” (Is this verse familiar..?.check it out yourself...I
know you knew it :D). The yum cha gathering dismissed after reaching 2++ am in
the morning. When we all were to take our’s another happening news.
What a joke of the lunar year!!! Our driver-the birthday boy had to drive us home.
There in the car were Sarah, Vicky, WengKit, HoongKit and me. When we reached a
white proton saga-which is the driver’s(HK) car, we all rushed in as it was
late. The passenger’s door didn’t lock and V opens the door for us as well.
Then, HK as us to get out of the car… he noticed something amiss. He whispered
out that this car wasn’t mine. All of us were so shocked. We when out to check
the plate number…OMG…and to our horror, it was indeed not HK’s car. We find it
so funny and amusing that we can get into the wrong car and somehow…all of us
were in the car. The only thing that is amiss…is we still haven’t starts the
car… Oh my gosh…!!! We are all drunk even we didn’t consume any liquor. The funniest
thing is…we all laugh out loud when we reached the real car which was parked in
the opposite direction. :D Such a midnight… **Ahem* *an amusing midnight
incidents...that I wanted to blog out. I typed this in MS word before posted
this on blog. As I know I tend to have those so called “short term memory
lost”, I planned to type out this blog and saved in before I forgot all about
it. Hahaha….:D

8th Feb 2008

Second day of lunar new year. There was
this reunion lunch held at Mambang Diawan, my aunt purposely chose it for
saying that it was nice and cheap. Well, the foods served were indeed quite
tasty although the vegetables were a “no-no” taste. The lunch started very
late. With all the aunts and uncles delaying the time, the lunch which was
schedule at 12.30 hour was postponed to 13.45 hour. They rush out to serve the
foods and I felt kinda uneasy with the “speedo” though. Anyway, I am delighted
to taste out the red wine bought by one of my aunt. It was a little bit less in
aroma, but the smoothness of the wine is there. Yet, I still prefer the wine
suggested by Angela; it was great.

I opened it for my family and also share it
with my friends when we were out to celebrate WaiLeng’s early birthday.I am thankful to all those who came along
and make the celebration of WL’s birthday a success…really happy and glad that
all of you did make it for the gathering. And to YenLeng as well, thank you for
making a slot of your busy schedule for us. The same goes to all of you; your
presence meant a lot to all of us.

Well, the night was still young after the
gathering-so we ended up at Irene’s place. We went there to play mahjong all
along during the midnight. may call us crazy. We aren’t playing it
as gambling, no money transaction involved. We just play for fun. And I do
really enjoy the play. I had won a several times which I only win by the “7
tong”. Weird, but it’s the truth. After tired of playing mahjong, we play “chor
dai di”. Time flew fast when you are playing and gathering with some friends
and enjoying the moments. We played until 4 am in the morning…Yes, 4 am in the
morning. You aren’t seeing it wrongly.

9th Feb 2008

IpohIpoh Woke up quite early this day…and the reason
was…to watch movie at Ipoh.
Initially planned to watch CJ7 but, my friend couldn’t get the ticket. All
fully booked and sold out for mostly all slot-except for 12.45am (midnight
show). Anyhow, we still proceed to Ipoh
for any movie that’s available.

After much discussion, we watched Meet the
Spartans. It was quite funny and amusing when we entered the cinema. The cinema
mistakenly views out Sweeney Todd instead of Meet the Spartans. Then we waited
for almost 10 minutes later for the exact movie. Overall, we laugh all the way
for this movie. It’s kinda ridiculous and non-sense. But, the well-blended
jokes for the ancient and modern hit-news make it entertaining. There were a
total of 5 of us. We sit at the second front roll. Did I say sit? Actually we
lay back and watch the movie in a too near view position. We laugh out
real…REAL out. Couldn’t help. It does have the element of underage scene in a
non-direct form, but who cares? I even changed the name of the Meet the
Spartans to Meet the “N” (guess what?!). The scene when the King Xerxes
accidentally plucked out his nipple and staple it back with the wall stapler
was d*mn good. We were still laughing about the scene when we’re all out from
the cinema.

I went for the reunion dinner for some
photo session. Then proceed on to Bandar Baru to “yum cha” with Irene and Weng
Kit. Chat there until 2am midnight. Somehow, I had inhaled too many second hand
smoke due to a God “bless” smoker at the next table. He started smoking since
he arrived until the very hour that my friends and I planned to return home. (I
think he finished one large packet of don’t know what brand of cigarette) After
the yum cha, I felt my throat is getting sore…and now I really had sore throat
and cough. **Sigh** really thanks a million to that s*cker. (Ok…it isn’t rude
to use this to emphasize that he is really a s*cker :P)

10th Feb 2008

Most of my friends were leaving for work
today. They started the holiday early and ended it early as well. Anyway, Hoong
Kit had planned a yum cha session at 8am. Due to the midnight chatting at the
night before plus the sore throat sickness, I had over slept and miss out the
opportunity to meet all of them. When I arrived, Chee Wai already left for his
bus. Luckily still manage to catch up Ting and also LiYin. Later, went to
gather at Sarah’s house to play “Chor dai di” and been there for almost 2 hours
before proceeding to lunch at Golden Wing. Missed those ‘cau yun’ so much. I
bought RM10; five each packet-one for the friends and one for home.

Rest at home after the lunch. Felt like
getting old and tired. Felt fatigue and really wanted a good rest. At last, we
cancelled the yum cha at night. Really, really need a good night sleep… I
looked like a walking zombie after so many days didn’t sleep well.

11th Feb 2008

PenangWent out for breakfast with Irene. My
sister and my parents drove up to north to Penang Island
for a day trip. My brother and I didn’t accompany them. We had our own programme. Okok…our schedules were fully booked. :D Kekeke… After much
chit-chatting at Pasar, we went to Irene’s shop house. Tired of not getting any
connecting to the internet, we head of to KFC, since we missed Kampar KFC too
much…What’s the special of Kampar KFC? Erm…I can’t really tell…all I know is
that the aroma…do play an important role. We ordered a snack plate to share,
since we were still full by the late breakfast. Yes…yes…I still have the sore
throat and the coughing is getting severe…but since I had been in this kind of
situation, why not…to eat KFC…hehe. Coincidently, saw Yuen Yee, Mee Erh, Shan
Ni and the rest at KFC too. Irene’s bf-George came by to fetch Irene and
dropped me to my home. I guess these ended my CNY programme at Kampar. Well,
still have one more planning…soon to be…real soon. Anticipating for it…, though.

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