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Thursday 28 February 2008


**Sigh**...I suppose next time I must tell @udrey to sent photos to me not later than 12 midnight. I waited like super idiot...(luckily I was chatting with my friends via msn while waiting and watched The gentle crackdown II). So, here are those photos from yesterday's event...
Dsc00097 The sauce and side ingredients to be put into it...which suits your bud taste.
Who's hand?--->Angela's la...
Preparing the plate for us to bbq there. Those whittish coloured are actually pig's fat.
Dsc00099 @@ Looks like my hand... hehe
Taking fillet to the plate...(yum...yum)

@udrey took this while paying at J.Co. It do have some eye-catching value. (For me, Yes...I do found this quite interesting :p)
(All the photos above are provided by @udrey- SE S500i)

Lab While busy doing lab works, we still can steal time to celebrate birthday and take pictures. ^^

(This picture provided by Chien Wen)

Ok...i guess now I should stop and ciao...Oh...wait..wait...
Today when to Sunway Pyramid once's already twice in a week. Mei Zhen wanted to buy 'wang pos' and we ended up going to Sunway Pyramid and had our lunch at Pizza Hut. OMG, did I say I go to Pizza Hut? Yup...I did. =.=
I had boycott Pizza Hut for some time due to the bad services and still wanted to charge consumer for 10% service charge. They don't deserve the 10% service charge.GG
What's more...?! Lots of activity coming soon...hehehe :D

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