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Monday 4 February 2008


As the festive season drawing nearer and nearer, it reminds me of those reunion dinner or get-together time that we have to spend with friends and family. I heard from one of the chinese radio station stated that one doesn't need to only go home or "balik kampung" during festive season. Non festive season also is appliable. To return home is the greatest feeling that you are now back to your own family, your childhood place and memories lies. Of course, to return home during festive seasons meant a lot to your family, relatives and friends. They had not seen you for some time and we are all only to meet one another during this big seasons. Although heavy traffic will be caused due to the celebration, but everyone are willing to bear it because they are happy to be back to their origin. Those who didn't return to hometown or those who is far away from hometown under some circumstances can always send their greeting via phone, email or even a card by snail mail. All these shown to your loved ones how you'd care and thought of them. I will felt heavy-hearted, everytime when I have to depart from hometown. Anyhow, this is how life goes by. One must learn to go and return; then only they will realise that there is none other that loved us like your family, relatives and friends. (Okay, it might not appliable to all, but yet there is the truth of it). Wherever we are, there is always an origin place for us to return; our home. Be it a happy or unhappy family, isn't important. The most important is, you love them and they love you. Before my reunion with my friends, I will surely have my reunion dinner with my family first. Like it or not, they are still my family. For those who is at hometown, spend the quality time with family, those who is not going anywhere, remember you family is always be there, those who is staying with family, love them more than you love yourself, you'll discover the happiness behind all these. Even without much talking or cummunication, action speaks louder than voice. What's your plan for this coming festive season? Be it nice and be it wise. :D Greetings to all of you.. :P

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