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Thursday 28 February 2008


**Sigh**...I suppose next time I must tell @udrey to sent photos to me not later than 12 midnight. I waited like super idiot...(luckily I was chatting with my friends via msn while waiting and watched The gentle crackdown II). So, here are those photos from yesterday's event...
Dsc00097 The sauce and side ingredients to be put into it...which suits your bud taste.
Who's hand?--->Angela's la...
Preparing the plate for us to bbq there. Those whittish coloured are actually pig's fat.
Dsc00099 @@ Looks like my hand... hehe
Taking fillet to the plate...(yum...yum)

@udrey took this while paying at J.Co. It do have some eye-catching value. (For me, Yes...I do found this quite interesting :p)
(All the photos above are provided by @udrey- SE S500i)

Lab While busy doing lab works, we still can steal time to celebrate birthday and take pictures. ^^

(This picture provided by Chien Wen)

Ok...i guess now I should stop and ciao...Oh...wait..wait...
Today when to Sunway Pyramid once's already twice in a week. Mei Zhen wanted to buy 'wang pos' and we ended up going to Sunway Pyramid and had our lunch at Pizza Hut. OMG, did I say I go to Pizza Hut? Yup...I did. =.=
I had boycott Pizza Hut for some time due to the bad services and still wanted to charge consumer for 10% service charge. They don't deserve the 10% service charge.GG
What's more...?! Lots of activity coming soon...hehehe :D

Wednesday 27 February 2008


My blog looks weird when I try to start with something that I needed to push away due to one reason. I am waiting for pictures again...=.= I will refine this blog the day after today... :p Sorry for the mess...and blame it to @udrey...please.Thank you.GG

Went to pyramid and ate at BBQ plaza...which is also, the first time of me going there...Thanks to Angela, @udrey and Iris...^^ Well, really have a good time there especially to eat delicious food. The superb tasty sauce that they are serving really makes a different for the meal. I bet Iris and Angela won't forget to choose a better place to sit next time when wanted to eat at BBQ plaza again. keke. 8)

Oh... Today is Chien Wen's birthday and we had planned to celebrate with her...not using cake, but doughnut. Went into J.Co also to buy half a dozen doughnut for a special purpose which was held in the lab again. Yes..YES, we eat inside the lab again. Against the rules? Who cares, as long as you take care of yourself. We didn't add in extra toppings to the doughnuts from the lab. :p

Pictures? Explainations? Whatever... Please be patient...

Tuesday 26 February 2008

Oh... can't believe it that tonight is the first time that I have a walk at the 3k night market. Thanks, Val...because I do have a great time walking, eating and chatting with you... kaka...especially when talking about dogs... Yeah... dogs... ^^ Saw baby's pictures...very much like the fur... :p

Angela's car seat stain was wiped off. Thank god for it...Luckily she managed to varnish it. To those of you who are well concern... Thanks for your concern. I am indeed very much alive although recently I had been a walking zombie (due to lack of lots..LOTS of sleep). Must be Val's and also @udrey's insommia infection. Argh...okok...I am now very much your ally...We are all lack of sleep. GG

Sunday 24 February 2008


OMG....Couldn't believe that now I am resting at home due to the over-bleeding scenario. Am sorry for Angela's car seat. Hope she can varnish it.
I would not be blogging this few days unless something really happening that needed to be voice out. Signing off...I think that I might be too stress finding suitable title. Gosh... really need some rest. Ciao.

Thursday 21 February 2008

See my Lucky Chai's pic :p

Last day of Lunar New Year 2008 celebration. Today is the 15th day which also known as Chap Goh Mei. When to McD to have the prosperity foldover because of having the urge to eat it before the promotion is over. While eating at McD at taipan, I suddenly felt that I had nothing to do this coming weekend. I had cancelled my appointment to church for this coming sunday and I am thinking whether should I go back to hometown for this time...? Because my mother will be alone at the house while my father is away to work at a very sudden pace...couldn't explain much here...I don't like to talk about my father much...So, just don't talk about it. Don't ask me why either...I will only tell it when the time has arrived. Now is not the right timing. It's my taboo...
Since I seldom go back to hometown during study period at KT, I think I better go back to hometown more often as now I am placed at Selangor which is only about 3 hours drive to Kpr. An effort to visit home is better than none? Actually after hearing that Val will go back to Kpr on next weekend; I had had the intention to go back home together with her as well...but as it's already fated, I might as well just accept what had been arranged and I can make a little bit of changes for myself in this coming weekend. Yeah...I think I should. Don't you think so?
I also want to go back to see my beloved dog-Lucky. I have been raising him since his young at year 2000. I love..LOVE him...I already treat him as a family member, not just a dog at my house. Want to meet him? I have a picture of him playing around with my brother's mobilephone. I show it to you...Cny_074

There're more....Cny_071

Cny_081>>>>> ZZzzzCny_086

Tuesday 19 February 2008

Movie Wednesday

Okay...okay...Here am I to blog again...A funny incident happened during the lunch hour. While we were on the way to car park and chatting...we talked about something that's regarding guys didn't really like sour food. I mentioned about an example that's my friend while "lou sang, dislike putting so much lime juice because he said it's very sour and couldn't take it. After touching deep into such a topic, we were thinking of any taste that guys like? @udrey said that guys definitely not liking sweets stuff, and I added in that guys must love salty foods as if it's not sour, and sweet...because we didn't think that anyone will like bitter? @udrey make a very spontaneous phrase; it must be (salty) because that's why guys so "hamsup". (Ok...hamsup is direct pronunciation from Cantonese. It's actually a.k.a as pervert in English.) For you who can catch the meaning...congratulation.. :D At least you know what had really happened.
Later after lunch, we'd done something that shouldn't be done in a lab...but..Hey!!! We did it ok... and we always do it. We "lou sang" at the lab. can put in whatever imaginative things that you can...but our "yee sang" is definitely consumable...keke...Want to take a look? Here you go...(Wait...jutomatekudasai...I had forgot that @udrey haven't send the pic to me... I am sending the message to ask her for it. She said she is watching Astro now. So, what can we do? I have to halt this blog for awhile and taking this opportunity to shower as well. BRB to continue this blog. :p

Omg...I think @udrey is too upload da pic for me..Well, I might just upload the pic taken by replacement...
I had waited until I felt I want to Zzzz...

Here is the pic of the yee sang..prepared and arranged by Shin Hwa and @udrey...Ok..I am not free to help and somemore...My duty is just to eat... ^^,

(Picture courtesy by @udrey on 21/2/08)

After lab hour, four of us; Angela, MeiZhen, Shin Hwa and I went for movie (Kungfu Dunk). How's the movie? It's not so bad at all. The story is about Jie who is an orphan and brought up in a Kungfu School. He develope strong interest in basketball (sound..ok?) ever since he is young due to the reason that he was abandon by his parent nearby a basketball field. His life changed after he meet Li and ever since that, he have been involved actively in inter-universities basketball championship. How he actually involved, why he wanted to be in a basketball team and what's the realistic in becoming a basket-ball player and who is his biological parent? Go watch and'll know... (la) ^^.

Sunday 17 February 2008

The way?

The path way that God have choosen for me is indeed very very challenging. I thought that with His guidance and by following the road that He leads is blessed and protected all the way. I guess I have planted a fig that didn't bear fruit; or to be simplified-an unusable plant. Things started goes wrong and spirits running low. Now I realise that some sayings that I had read before are very true. I still remember one of them..."Whenever you are weak and you pray to God so that you could be blessed to become strong; God will not give you power to be strong, instead will give you obstacles, so that you can learn and gain from it."
The road of life is indeed not easy and full with challenges. Some leads to excitement, some leads to disappointment, some leads to wilderness, and so many more. I understand that this is the spice of life...human needs to undergo all the circumstances to grow and to be mature. Ronan Keating's song life is like a rollercoaster and it is indeed correct. Life couln't be a straight line. Peoples always used curved line to describe life, which seems like a rollercoaster pathway. The rollercoaster pathway is the life-span. It starts slow and steady initially, and accelerate to push up to the peak...whenever reached the peak, all things become uncontrollable and loosen. Now, at this is wholly dependant to the pathway...whatever it is...the rollercoaster will still pass it by and moving lively...but when it comes to a steep, it needed energy to be pushed over...and again and again...forever repeatation...
I am a kind of person that will sometimes...spend my time any place where I can be wholly alone, and thinking deep alone. By this, I can recharge my spirit, becoming one again...and move on in my life. Time of loneliness, didn't means that we have to be sorrow and meaningless. Instead, time of loneliness rejuvinate my minds, body and soul. I can be transformed by the time of loneliness.
So friends, it is no harms to be alone in the right place and the right time. Whenever you felt that you are weak and alone, think of the reasons: Obstacles given unto you are to make you a stronger person, loneliness is to make you grow, rejuvinates and to be transformed. Do it works for everyone or anyone? I could not make any further works for me... :D

Saturday 16 February 2008

CJ7 :p

Watched CJ7 at midvalley. Seriously, it wasn't worth to pay RM12 to enter into cinema to watch such a movie. I guess this is the first and the last for me. Anyhow, the movie do has its value in terms of comedy...that some parts of it is so hilarious...when you understand typical cantonese joke. I noticed that our front and back rolls didn't laugh much. The most and loudest laughter originate from our roll. :D OKOK...I admit, we were really laugh out loud...when it is hilarious...why hide? I want to laugh whenever I want...hehe :p. Overall, not bad but not worth to be watch at cinema...(psst...better buy or download :P, guess you know what I mean...keke). The story is about a father and his son, whom the father-Mr.Chow worked hard to earn for his son expenses at a famous school. The son called Dick, always being teased and bullied because of his poverty. One day, the father accidentally collected an unwanted toy(a rubber ball)...which he thought that it would entertain Dick from his disappointment of not getting CJ1-an eletronic toy dog. They never did know that the rubber ball is actually an alien dog...How did the alien dog transformed? What can the alien dog-CJ7 can do? All these shall be reveal to you...if you watch it..ok? I won't type all out. Watch it and laugh...whenever you felt that it's funny...muahahaha :D


Oh my gosh...I passed by the ldp kj to sunway highway...and I saw the's quite huge billboard...and the news about a guy purpose a girl by using a 40k billboard adverisement stating that "will you marry me" along with at 14k diamond ring had been in the news paper since friday...(it happened on valentine's day). Quite impressive tho...and guess that the ad will be on board for a month; or at least for a week.

Thursday 14 February 2008


215. Yesterday night was indeed a great night. Everyone seems to enjoyed the activities planned even though not all had been proceed. We lost our way to the destination. Huh?! Yes...yes...we lost our way again...I know it sounds that we are all road blind, but hey...we still managed to reach to the place. What place? We went to eat seafood at Sri Petaling, the restaurant just opposite Sri Petaling Hotel. I cannot remember the name, so...maybe I can checked it out later if I remember. I apologise that I didn't manage to capture any picture of nice food and great activity. It just be happening... kekeke
Anyhow, I also enjoying the time at swimming pool. Feel like swimming still the best...besides eating tasty food (okok...sounds that I am greedy..but who cares?) After having meal at the seafood restaurant, we went straight away, back to where we swim. At night, we continued with "dry swim"...haha...I supposed most of us can guess what's that mean? Initially I didn't play...I just observed and teach a friend to play. Well, it was consider a good game as a beginner who didn't touch mahjong at all...I hope she also don't mind in learning how to play... :P
Played until midnight and everybody started to felt's more? Anyway, I hope my cough during 6++ morning didn't woke up everyone. I couldn't help but just cough...and cough...and cough...OKOK...I drink again double dose to ease the throat before I continued to sleep..DOUBLE DOSE? Yes...DOUBLE aren't see it wrongly. I had to. But I didn't overdose, ok...I am still at here typing this blog. :D
Well, till then...adious... ;)

Tuesday 12 February 2008

I am addicted @@

Yes...I am finally back...I think @udrey is right, I am indeed now getting to become addicted to blog...more towards to become a serious blogger. OMG...I couldn't believe it. I had just taken my medicine for my cough and sore throat (it happened since the forth day of cny).
I have lots and lots to patient...please wait... (arranging the blog from 7th Feb to 10th Feb) :P

7th Feb 2008

Today is the 1st day of lunar year of rat.
The celebration of lunar year for until presently is dull. Not much acts of
celebration being noticed. Luckily, the norm lunar new year: traditions during
New Year still proceeding.I am very happy for that someone fro
m Medan,Indonesia called to wish an early “Gong xi fatt chai”. I didn’t expect such a surprise.
Thank you, Wisianto.

At night, I went to pay a visit to a friend house nearby. After much chit-chatting at there, we proceed to have our “yum
cha” session…as usual. Someone bought fireworks and light it on during the hour
to 2nd day of lunar new year. It was fantastic, as we were at there
to celebrate another friends’ birthday which fall on the 8th Feb.
The timing was perfect, but unfortunately, the birthday boy went out to the old
town for awhile. Yet, we still manage to celebrate his birthday. Here want to
wish him once again “Happy Birthday”.

“The hour of happiness always end up fast, and
it’s time to say goodbye” (Is this verse familiar..?.check it out yourself...I
know you knew it :D). The yum cha gathering dismissed after reaching 2++ am in
the morning. When we all were to take our’s another happening news.
What a joke of the lunar year!!! Our driver-the birthday boy had to drive us home.
There in the car were Sarah, Vicky, WengKit, HoongKit and me. When we reached a
white proton saga-which is the driver’s(HK) car, we all rushed in as it was
late. The passenger’s door didn’t lock and V opens the door for us as well.
Then, HK as us to get out of the car… he noticed something amiss. He whispered
out that this car wasn’t mine. All of us were so shocked. We when out to check
the plate number…OMG…and to our horror, it was indeed not HK’s car. We find it
so funny and amusing that we can get into the wrong car and somehow…all of us
were in the car. The only thing that is amiss…is we still haven’t starts the
car… Oh my gosh…!!! We are all drunk even we didn’t consume any liquor. The funniest
thing is…we all laugh out loud when we reached the real car which was parked in
the opposite direction. :D Such a midnight… **Ahem* *an amusing midnight
incidents...that I wanted to blog out. I typed this in MS word before posted
this on blog. As I know I tend to have those so called “short term memory
lost”, I planned to type out this blog and saved in before I forgot all about
it. Hahaha….:D

8th Feb 2008

Second day of lunar new year. There was
this reunion lunch held at Mambang Diawan, my aunt purposely chose it for
saying that it was nice and cheap. Well, the foods served were indeed quite
tasty although the vegetables were a “no-no” taste. The lunch started very
late. With all the aunts and uncles delaying the time, the lunch which was
schedule at 12.30 hour was postponed to 13.45 hour. They rush out to serve the
foods and I felt kinda uneasy with the “speedo” though. Anyway, I am delighted
to taste out the red wine bought by one of my aunt. It was a little bit less in
aroma, but the smoothness of the wine is there. Yet, I still prefer the wine
suggested by Angela; it was great.

I opened it for my family and also share it
with my friends when we were out to celebrate WaiLeng’s early birthday.I am thankful to all those who came along
and make the celebration of WL’s birthday a success…really happy and glad that
all of you did make it for the gathering. And to YenLeng as well, thank you for
making a slot of your busy schedule for us. The same goes to all of you; your
presence meant a lot to all of us.

Well, the night was still young after the
gathering-so we ended up at Irene’s place. We went there to play mahjong all
along during the midnight. may call us crazy. We aren’t playing it
as gambling, no money transaction involved. We just play for fun. And I do
really enjoy the play. I had won a several times which I only win by the “7
tong”. Weird, but it’s the truth. After tired of playing mahjong, we play “chor
dai di”. Time flew fast when you are playing and gathering with some friends
and enjoying the moments. We played until 4 am in the morning…Yes, 4 am in the
morning. You aren’t seeing it wrongly.

9th Feb 2008

IpohIpoh Woke up quite early this day…and the reason
was…to watch movie at Ipoh.
Initially planned to watch CJ7 but, my friend couldn’t get the ticket. All
fully booked and sold out for mostly all slot-except for 12.45am (midnight
show). Anyhow, we still proceed to Ipoh
for any movie that’s available.

After much discussion, we watched Meet the
Spartans. It was quite funny and amusing when we entered the cinema. The cinema
mistakenly views out Sweeney Todd instead of Meet the Spartans. Then we waited
for almost 10 minutes later for the exact movie. Overall, we laugh all the way
for this movie. It’s kinda ridiculous and non-sense. But, the well-blended
jokes for the ancient and modern hit-news make it entertaining. There were a
total of 5 of us. We sit at the second front roll. Did I say sit? Actually we
lay back and watch the movie in a too near view position. We laugh out
real…REAL out. Couldn’t help. It does have the element of underage scene in a
non-direct form, but who cares? I even changed the name of the Meet the
Spartans to Meet the “N” (guess what?!). The scene when the King Xerxes
accidentally plucked out his nipple and staple it back with the wall stapler
was d*mn good. We were still laughing about the scene when we’re all out from
the cinema.

I went for the reunion dinner for some
photo session. Then proceed on to Bandar Baru to “yum cha” with Irene and Weng
Kit. Chat there until 2am midnight. Somehow, I had inhaled too many second hand
smoke due to a God “bless” smoker at the next table. He started smoking since
he arrived until the very hour that my friends and I planned to return home. (I
think he finished one large packet of don’t know what brand of cigarette) After
the yum cha, I felt my throat is getting sore…and now I really had sore throat
and cough. **Sigh** really thanks a million to that s*cker. (Ok…it isn’t rude
to use this to emphasize that he is really a s*cker :P)

10th Feb 2008

Most of my friends were leaving for work
today. They started the holiday early and ended it early as well. Anyway, Hoong
Kit had planned a yum cha session at 8am. Due to the midnight chatting at the
night before plus the sore throat sickness, I had over slept and miss out the
opportunity to meet all of them. When I arrived, Chee Wai already left for his
bus. Luckily still manage to catch up Ting and also LiYin. Later, went to
gather at Sarah’s house to play “Chor dai di” and been there for almost 2 hours
before proceeding to lunch at Golden Wing. Missed those ‘cau yun’ so much. I
bought RM10; five each packet-one for the friends and one for home.

Rest at home after the lunch. Felt like
getting old and tired. Felt fatigue and really wanted a good rest. At last, we
cancelled the yum cha at night. Really, really need a good night sleep… I
looked like a walking zombie after so many days didn’t sleep well.

11th Feb 2008

PenangWent out for breakfast with Irene. My
sister and my parents drove up to north to Penang Island
for a day trip. My brother and I didn’t accompany them. We had our own programme. Okok…our schedules were fully booked. :D Kekeke… After much
chit-chatting at Pasar, we went to Irene’s shop house. Tired of not getting any
connecting to the internet, we head of to KFC, since we missed Kampar KFC too
much…What’s the special of Kampar KFC? Erm…I can’t really tell…all I know is
that the aroma…do play an important role. We ordered a snack plate to share,
since we were still full by the late breakfast. Yes…yes…I still have the sore
throat and the coughing is getting severe…but since I had been in this kind of
situation, why not…to eat KFC…hehe. Coincidently, saw Yuen Yee, Mee Erh, Shan
Ni and the rest at KFC too. Irene’s bf-George came by to fetch Irene and
dropped me to my home. I guess these ended my CNY programme at Kampar. Well,
still have one more planning…soon to be…real soon. Anticipating for it…, though.

Tuesday 5 February 2008

Just another blog

The drama "Love is all around" ended today. This drama at least shown some reality in life from the middle towards the end. Overall, a great drama from both Malaysia and Singapore. And I am truly hooked onto it from the middle onwards. The story line was good, and it was suitable for the modern viewer. The love story embeded in the drama really reveal the truth of 21st century's love. People will still make the same mistake in term of to love and being love. To learn that someone is loving you isn't hard, to learn that someone you love isn't loving you is harder, but the hardest is... to learn that you couldn't love the one that you love for the rest of you life! Fate will brought two love together, but faith of love will hold two love in one and forever. Love isn't involving lovers alone, love is so diverse, love is so divine, love is so pure and love is so true...that everyone can be in love. Be it the whole world, be it the rest of your life, be it now and be it forever, love won't change. The one that is changing is your desire. So when learn to love, ones must learn to control desire. Once desire and love in one, then may you hold it well eternally. Don't lost the faith of love. Remember the fate and faith of love.
I will go back to hometown tomorrow morning (6th Feb). See ya after the holidays. Happy New Year....May the year of rat brings you good health and good luck.

Monday 4 February 2008


As the festive season drawing nearer and nearer, it reminds me of those reunion dinner or get-together time that we have to spend with friends and family. I heard from one of the chinese radio station stated that one doesn't need to only go home or "balik kampung" during festive season. Non festive season also is appliable. To return home is the greatest feeling that you are now back to your own family, your childhood place and memories lies. Of course, to return home during festive seasons meant a lot to your family, relatives and friends. They had not seen you for some time and we are all only to meet one another during this big seasons. Although heavy traffic will be caused due to the celebration, but everyone are willing to bear it because they are happy to be back to their origin. Those who didn't return to hometown or those who is far away from hometown under some circumstances can always send their greeting via phone, email or even a card by snail mail. All these shown to your loved ones how you'd care and thought of them. I will felt heavy-hearted, everytime when I have to depart from hometown. Anyhow, this is how life goes by. One must learn to go and return; then only they will realise that there is none other that loved us like your family, relatives and friends. (Okay, it might not appliable to all, but yet there is the truth of it). Wherever we are, there is always an origin place for us to return; our home. Be it a happy or unhappy family, isn't important. The most important is, you love them and they love you. Before my reunion with my friends, I will surely have my reunion dinner with my family first. Like it or not, they are still my family. For those who is at hometown, spend the quality time with family, those who is not going anywhere, remember you family is always be there, those who is staying with family, love them more than you love yourself, you'll discover the happiness behind all these. Even without much talking or cummunication, action speaks louder than voice. What's your plan for this coming festive season? Be it nice and be it wise. :D Greetings to all of you.. :P


My friend said to me that the new year has come. Today 4th of Feb is a very crucial day of the whole year, as it will takes effect to the rest of ones' day along the year. Whatever goodness that happened today, will indicates to us that good things will come along in the whole year. Whatever bad or unfortunate incident will indicates that bad luck in the rest of our days...until the next year arrive. As I heard this, I am shocked. I won't say that I didn't believe it, nor fully believing in it. Just act as normal ordinary day that we used to be; fair enough. Do not put all your trust into something that is so intangible, in fact keep on believing that something happen onto us is by Gods' will. If we are to be so auspicious, I don't think there are activity going on in the whole whole. Also, if something bad happened, didn't mean that you are in bad luck forever in that particular year. There is an ancient chinese saying "Human will have 3 bads and 6 good luck" So, if its bad today, maybe something good is around the corner.. Have faith. Don't be affected by something that is not a truth. The truth will know it after the truth is unveil.. So, don't worry, be happy :D
God be with you, and God bless you.

Saturday 2 February 2008


Finally, I finished watching Wars of in laws II. Though it was kinda funny and amusing initially, but it started to slow down in da middle and not at all when it is coming to the end. The bonus ending, was a total disaster, ridiculous!!! So "mou liew". I don't know why they wanna make it. Anyway, the drama is also worth watching; overall.
Now I am starting to watch the gentle crackdown II. I just watched the first episode, not even finished da 1st episode...actually. I didnt have the intention to watch it. Maybe wait until more than 10 episode...^^ Watch it during holiday at hometown... :D
By the way, I am going back to hometown for holiday from Wednesday, 6th Feb onwards untill 12th Feb. Wish you all Happy Prosperous Chinese New Year.
There you go the year of Pig,
Rats take over and the nations celebrate,
May the coming year 2008 shall be,
A happy and properous year for you and me. ^^