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Thursday 27 September 2018

Lokap 7 group : Throwback~

One thing that I personally cherish the most, is however we "Fu-Lan" with each other, we will still compromise and come out as the "Lokap 7 group". Lucky Seven I guess?

Where're the 6th and 7th person? 

One is based at Penang Island, and the other is currently away to pursue her study at New Zealand. Never doubt who's your friend where you had already be in the friendship since age 18 years old, Many more years to come~

Great to have such activity to remind me that there're always "Lokap 7 group" to looking forward.


(What's "Fu-Lan"? F*cking D*lan = Fu-Lan)

Sunday 23 September 2018

My kind of raw fish slices Cantonese porridge

Whenever I am back to hometown - Kampar, Perak; I will always want to fix my cravings.

This is especially to fix my cravings on Cantonese style porridge with raw thin slices of fresh fish (if not mistaken the local called it 鲩鱼). 

 Here's a mixture of 3-combos. Raw fish slices porridge with port meatball (inside the porridge bowl), with steam which chicken. The best 3 combo you could ever wish for! There is an additional creamy white dessert there, which is actually soy bean curd ginkgo barley dessert.
 Look at the pork meat ball in served with the porridge. If you wish not to have anything inside, you can order a plain porridge.
 The smooth and chewy steam white chicken~ Yummy
My favourite! The thinly sliced raw fish meat-my kind of sashimi porridge!!! 

I could not recall what is the fish stall name, nor the Uncle's name. It is situated at the Kampar Medan Makan, and operating at night from around 630pm-till sold out (sold out quite fast, though).

Thursday 20 September 2018

Double rainbow~

Double rainbow~

Throwback photo of a double rainbow which caught our attention when stepping out from car to attend a friend's wedding.

How many times had you see double rainbow? A second rainbow which is lighter and faint, looks like the rainbow is echoing~😎

Saturday 15 September 2018

Pokemon Go with local community

Recently, I still receive comment on friends and family members asking if there is really any Pokemon Go players? They thought that the game is dying and no much players left. It is not surprising that they had such comments, because they had seen less players on highly occupied place as compare to Pokemon Go firstly launch on August 2016. Some of the players had converted themselves as "spoofers" to enable them playing this game at home without having to walk or to drive to certain places; some had abandoned the game and let their friends to adopt their account; some are seasonal players -  as they do not have much free time during weekdays and could only play on weekends, and some are hardcore players.

We had a few Pokemon Go community day organized by the local community members. We even have our local community t-shirt. The photo below as taken a few months back, but it was all worth it! Pokemon Go had enable me to know a lot more neighborhood members, and to discover a lot more "short-cuts" en-route to certain gym raiding. What's more, was that one of the member even helped me during one of the raid, as my car was down due to worn-out car battery. We are not just playing games together, but also leaning towards to become a huge local family. I guess, that's what other players had missed, if they are "spoofing" or "botting" 

I had played much less now, as I had been occupied with more busy schedule from my work and family matters. However, I am still playing this Pokemon Go whenever I am free. In addition to that, Pokemon Go now had launched new features to have friends around the globe, and enable trading as well!