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Tuesday 31 January 2012

"important" news from astronomy fengshui talk =)

Just wanted to share some "important" news that I had learned in a recent astronomy fengshui talk. It is subjective to each and every of us regarding to the believe of fengshui, and it has nothing to do with religion. Any random person with different background of religion can study astronomy fengshui and elaborate accordingly with their existing astronomers' study.

One of the "important" news is regarding to the activation of Auspicious Star. Auspicious star that will took place in the water dragon year 2012 will only begin on 4th Feb 2012 and onwards. Before 4th February 2012, it is categorised under Rabbit year 2011. Therefore, those whom are born before 4th of February 2012 are clustered in the year of "Rabbit". There are two dates given for star activation, and each date is given two time frame. First date is 3rd February 2012 with activation sector favour to West and Northeast; 0500-0700 and 1300-1500 given as the most suitable time frame. However, the first date do not benefit those under the animal sign of Rat. Second date is 6th February 2012 with the same activation sector West and Northeast while the time frame given are 1100-1300 and 1300-1500. The second date do not benefit those under the animal sign of Rabbit.

There are a few days listed as bad days and the worst day of the year fallen into 13th Nov 2012; where the total eclipse of the sun will took place. It was mentioned that those who view the activity of the eclipse will have bad lucks followings the amount of minute that one had viewed. For example, if one had view 2 minutes of the total eclipse, there will be 2 years of bad luck for the viewer.

(Please bear in mind, that I am only sharing these information and I do not hold the authenticity of the news.)

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