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Wednesday 29 June 2011

If this is what you see in me...

If this is what you see in me, then be it.

If this is what you want to see in me, then be it.

If this is what you had seen in me, then be it.

Sunday 26 June 2011

Frenz's ktv continues...

Thanks to the friends whom are able to have the gathering with me on Saturday.

The KTV session was great and fun!!!

I had never been to such huge room before, just 4 of us!

Appreciated the time that we had shared. Hope that we will have another day for our meet up.

Thursday 23 June 2011

Chocolate and apology~

Oh, today really a speechless day...

Speechless day for Lalang Ly...

And speechless day for me as well....

Once I had taken a chocolate, this Miss Gorgeous burst into anger and keep on scolding... (scary, but just for that moment~ LOL)

I owe her the apology at the blog...

I really want to eat the chocolate though... he~he~

But I am sorry that I had taken TWO ....ONLY...

I am suppose to take FOUR!!!! hehehe  =P

I am soooooooo sooooorrrrrrrrryyyyyyyyyyyy~ XD

Monday 20 June 2011

~Kampar East Ocean Restaurant, again =P

Dinner at Kampar East Ocean Restaurant~ again... XD

Tried out some different types of dishes...





Purchased a yellow watermelon to ease the hotness of the day. Indeed a chilled watermelon tasted superb for reducing the heat.

Gorgeous car accessories?!


Went to Ipoh DMM for my MyVi car servicing...

Saw this "attractive" banner, while I were on the way from Ipoh to Kampar.

The word "Gorgeous" must be haunting me.....from Selangor to Perak!!!

I wonder, if the Gorgeous one really open this "Gorgeous car accessories"... kakakaka XD

Sunday 12 June 2011

blogger is away

This very morning, I woke up, out of a sudden...

Without any sense of sleepiness, I drawn this and doze off immediately once this was done.

Could not manage to post this on time....

And informing people now that...

I am away....

I will be back, don't worry. Soon... real soon...

Not to be back at the moment. I do not know how soon...

Friday 10 June 2011


When you leave a lappie on, without locking it....

And this mistake coincide with a crazy research assistant....

You will see this, at your monitor screen~

 I suppose to be thankful, that the screen did not shown up something nasty or censored~

Well, the moral of the story is... Lock your lappie when you're away from it~

Monday 6 June 2011

when Miss Gorgeous went "forgetful"...

Okay....there was this weird incident that cause both gorgeous and I "Woah" for a moment.

Saw a girl brought a plushie to the university and I guess she was returning home from the library.

Anyhow, today biggest joke ever, was not the toy and the owner.....

It was when Miss Gorgeous went "forgetful"...

Sunday 5 June 2011

Pet World 2011....

Pet World 2011....

It was not a waste at all to spend RM 5 for the entrance to the Pet World 2011.

Driving alone from Kota Kemuning straight to Mid Valley, was proven boring~Luckily, I have great musics in the flash drive and the thought of meeting up adorable pets gets me going.

The worth to see, was Miss JoJo from MDDB... hahaha... All I see was always photos posted by MDDB to the fb page...Today I seen her for real!!! Wooohooo....

There I purchased some souvenir and small gifts, and a MDDB t-shirt as my support to them. =)

Weeeeeeeeee.....look at the doggies... they are so adorable~

I had already adopted Bobby, which was 5 months ago... so all I can do is to donate some amount, to help these poor fellas...


Thursday 2 June 2011

Salute the royal highness lalang queen...

Once a lalang, forever a lalang...

Sounded like a bit exaggerated regarding to the lalang-syndrome of the lalang(s)...

Salute the royal highness lalang queen...

The highest level of lalangness =)

Wednesday 1 June 2011


What an epic...{hehe...} from... you know who...

While on the way back to Sunway from K.L....

Something funny happened... (Okay, as was funny to all 3 of us...[you know who you are])

Maybe there will be more of the 墙头草's evil behaviour to be expose...

Oh...I had to admit that Miss Gorgeous indeed more lalang a.k.a more 墙头草 than 墙头草... OMG~ sounds so complicated...but it's true... XD