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Thursday 31 March 2011


Not enough sleep....


Sigh... I should go to sleep now...


Tuesday 29 March 2011

BBQ TTY!!!!!

Due to TTY big mouth...

She asked for it~

Here we go....

To BBQ TTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Sh*tty things did happen,

Not once in a day...

But numerous times in a day...


That's really a sh*tty day...

(Picture courtesy of WC. Lee)

Today is a total disastrous day for a lab mate. Well...the most ridiculous things that happened in this sh*tty day was someone asked the victim not to voice out cause eventually the victim will be blamed!

Oh, hell ya... this is some verbal threatening to the victim...for not letting the someone's superior know...

Sounds fishy eh?!


Sunday 27 March 2011

Miss Tak Waras~

Out of a sudden...

I saw the chat box in my blog...

Had some one called tak waras dropped by~

So, to welcome Miss Tak Waras, I drew this ---

medical check-up 2

Besides blood test, I went for dental check-up as well.


My teeth seems like a lot more naked, without some plaques and the doctor advise to return for scaling 6 months later...

Tuesday 22 March 2011

medical check-up

Went for medical check-up today.

Found out something shocking.....

And I were told not to be too worried regarding to that....

Anyhow...I saw the scan too, the rest are all fine...

Thursday 17 March 2011

the special onion ~ four...


Scared to death...

the special onion ~ three...


This is what you got when you want to hand in something to the onion, and the onion will use somebody's name to avoid the onion to performing the duty...

Yaya...the only way you could stand firm is to...

Monday 14 March 2011

pets at home~2

Look at the doggies....

Lucky chai, always in his sleepy mode...

Thank God, Lucky chai's ear aural hematoma in control...

Still getting him to consume his medicines... antibiotic and multivitamins...

Bobby is too playful...he just want to disturb Lucky...and woke him up from his sleep...

Thus, Bobby got to be isolated in the play pen...and see his innocent look...

Dinner on Sunday night at East Ocean Restaurant

Dinner at East Ocean Restaurant, Kampar Branch.

Surprisingly, dinner at East Ocean Restaurant at Kampar did not oame out to be as disappointing during Chinese New Year dinner...

Maybe the massive order during Chinese New Year had lowered the quality of the taste of the food, but the dinner yeaterday was satisfying.

Ordered stir fried yau mak with garlic, dong po yuk, kung po yu cheung, and dang yeuk choi chuk si kai.

Sunday 13 March 2011

the special onion~three-

Here, the Onion will act as an angel and nicely says to you that the Onion is the only person you can seek....

I wonder, why the Onion only acted like an angel when the Onion's boss is looking...

Saturday 12 March 2011

~special onion too...

This was what had happened, when you're seeking Onion's advise, and the Onion will replied to you something like this.....

Friday 11 March 2011

I got confused too... =.="

This was what had happened when I "demo" a new unit!!!

Okay, I definitely need to brush up my genetic knowledge and balance it with microbes knowledge...

Sigh....I got confused too... =.="

(Alright, I know, I am nerdy...)


Wednesday 9 March 2011

Special onion*

Okay, I am so speechless...

So to express myself, I drew this...


Saturday 5 March 2011

Shang yu pin chuk+bak chit kai (生鱼片粥+白切雞) XD

When I am back to hometown, I always hunger for porridge....

Thin sliced fresh fish meat together with a bowl of white porridge tasted amasingly fine and fantastic!

I like to add in a plate of chicken meat with soy sauce and sesame oil, topped with spring onions... How's the chicken meat tasted? Those who dislike eating the chicken breast because of the less tenderness and less juiciness... you might find yourself enjoying the chicken breast, and it's smooth and tender plus the juiciness...

The sliced fresh fish meat~ yummy yummy...

Plain porridge....

The steamed chicken...

Look at the meat....delicious~

Friday 4 March 2011

-votes needed for Couple 6!!!-

One couple.....

They are needing your vote to help them to win...

To win not only prizes given for the winner, but also the blessings, the many many blessings from you, you and you...

Yes, you can help to vote for them and spread the words...

1. Login to your facebook.
2. Click at the link HERE
3. Click 'like' for the producer 'Alextan Art Works'.
4. Find photo of "Couple 6" and click "like".
5. Thanks for voting for couple 6, and may you too have your blessings in whatever you do.

Step 3.

Step 4.

Step 4.