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Saturday 3 April 2010

B@ck to hometown

Back to hometown....

Today really was not a good day for having yum-cha session at mamak stall at Bandar Baru. All the mamak stalls are congested, way too crowded due to the rain as well as...there was a live sport show of English league. Gosh!!! Can not even find a place to sit!!!

Never happened to us that we cannot find a place to sit in mamak stall =="


I had cut my hair. Now should look better, not that messy.

I have to wake up at 0600 later to 'harng ching' and now I am still so awaken. Sigh...

Happy and happy and happy...YEAH...can play around with my doggy, Lucky...

The best thing when you are opening the door gate and you heard the 'ting, ting' sound from the collar....then you knew that Lucky noticed you and ran out for you!!! Hahaha... :D

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