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Saturday 22 August 2009

Days with alien, epi2 is the continuing story of this specific alien.

Oh, forgot to mention, this alien have a mentor that also behave I will try to type it out, if not in this blog, will be in the coming blog.

Some day, in this week, the alien specifically asked Stc's pHD-WC to teach her how to cast a EtBr pre-stained gel...In fact, SBK just too damn lame to bother for teaching her how to cast post-stain gel, maybe (my assupmtion). So, SBK asked stc's students, meaning us, whether we do pre-staining, and how...and so on so forth. After such questioning, SBK said that his hons stud will need to do pre-stained gel, since he have not yet found suitable place to store the EtBr solution to do the post-staining. Hence, he mentioned that he might need our help to teach the stud.

Who knows....that this hons stud is definitely an alien. I don't know if  she ever attended any of the MBB or Gen classes and labs. The damn classical incident happened to WC, when she was in the lab to teach this alien how to cast a pre-stained gel.

Initially, she asked the alien to weight the agarose powder and then measure 30mL of 1X Tae to mix well, before boiling it. So, where is the 1x Tae? Wc asked the alien to prepare 1x Tae her own, jst dilute it from the 10X. And do you know what this alien did? Measure 3mL 10X Tae and want to top up to 30mL to make a 1x Tae. Alright, it was not wrong, but it need to cast a lot of gel in the future, right? Might as well it prepare more 1x Tae as in a 1L bottle.

Then, when boiling the mixture, WC ask this alien to boil it until boiling, but it needed at least 1 minute to get it boiled, and after 1 minute, check it to make sure it fully dissolved and then can wait awhile to pipette in the EtBr. IT put the flask inside the microwave, 20 seconds later, opened the microwave door to check...OMG! People had mentioned to her, AT LEAST 1 MINUTE, and she take it out after 20 second to check if it's boiling! And after much frustration informing IT, there we go, the adding and mixing of EtBr in the flask. WC adviced her, not to swirl so vigorously, as it will form bubles and will affect the migration later, as well as will caused not nice gel image. Then this alien when mixing, needed like forever to mix, WC asked her enough of the mixing and just pour the liquid. Who knows, the EtBr still not yet mixed and stained at the wall. Well, if the EtBr still stained at the wall, what the hell IT was mixing when so vigourously shaking it, and what the f*ck IT was doing to mix it in such a long duration of time?

Here comes the best of the best. After the gel solidified, IT came by and asked WC, how much buffer to pour in? So, WC nicely replied, just cover the gel (she was doing hyberdization that time, while answering IT). Then, again, this alien asked again, how much buffer to pour in? AGAIN, WC answered just cover the gel. So, this alien, pour the buffer...and asked WC to check if the buffer covered the gel. THE MOST SHOCKING MOMENT as in the buffer indeed just on top of the gel in the tank! There was no buffer in the gel tank but just ON TOP OF THE GEL!!! Helloooooo, even I am not from a molecular or biotech background last time, I also knew that the buffer have to flood the gel as in just nice to cover the gel to run gel electrophoresis!

Then when that was the time to pipette in the product. This alien asked how much loading dye to pipette in? WC just asked her to calculate as in, we don't know how much product she wanna load in and she asked this alien a question...which was "What's the purpose of loading dye?" Well, this alien answer in such an arrogant way that the loading dye is to migrate the DNA! Wow!!! Loading dye is to migrate the DNA, so, why we need to run gel electrophoresis?

When this is just a part of the happening in the lab....and there are more to come....

Do, stay tune for more reports from me, and more interesting and classical action.

Well, before I ended this blog for this moment, I would like to mention that this alien's mentor isn't that innocent at all. Why? Allow me to continue in the coming blog....

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