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Wednesday 19 August 2009

Days with alien, epi 1

As day passed by in the lab, it seems like a lot of changes happened! Partially, it might be me that felt so, due to the changes of the orientation, changes of management, changes of equipments, chenges of students, and even changes of attitude!

I, personally, also changes. I become impatient, become very very extremely short tempered, and also, I have talk less and less and less!!!

Ok. Here is the story.

Ever since Boss stc had ciao, the lab left me and another labmate. Both of us seated along the same bench and we cleared an emptied the other bench for another lecturer usage. The other lecturer also shown such a huge disrecpect when she initially enter the lab brought in by sbk. She just open every cabinet to see how full are the cabinets with chemicals, media, reagents, apparatus, and equipments on bench, also those freezer and fridges in the lab. (At that time, Boss stc still around and she have not yet officially off from musc!) sbk just brought her in and said something like...this will be my new lab...I was like WTF!, boss stc haven't ciao and you already brought in visitor to said this is your new lab. I indeed told Boss about this, and she said she will talk to sbk and the new lecturer. After that, I know, these two lecturers should had labeled me as a person whom will complain to boss. Indeed, after I informed boss, less harrasment of foreign people into the lab saying this is my new lab.

But, the story did not just end like that. It was just the beginning.

Just when we thought the two lecturers are fine with us and can let us be at where we are, here comes this huge disaster. sbk honours student. This thing indeed caused a lot of problems and troubles to us in the lab. When those who had been doing demo for quite some time, all of them saw this thing, and warned us to becareful. Why?! Because this thing is problematic, troublesome, ignorance, cannot follow instruction, and somemore, no basic wetlab knowledge at all! Yes, NO BASIC KNOWLEDGE AT ALL!!!

How do we know? Well, once she ask me, where is the stirrer and hot plate to heat the EDTA she is preparing. I said, if the EDTA that you are preparing isn't high Molarity, you can just slowly dissolve it in dH2O. It is not neccessary to use the stirrer and hot plate. Secondly, she asked me to teach her how to switch on the water bath and set the temperature. I was fine with it, so, I asked her 'What temperature you are using?'. Can you guess what's the answer? She replied " 100C". I was in total stunned and my reflection was like "WHAT?! 100C? You know 100C cannot be used in waterbath, it will spoil the water bath. Suppose you boil water in a beaker and incubate the tubes in boiling temperature to do the incubation in 100C!" Know what she did? She just went off, and i kinda don't want to know where she did the 100C incubation.

Later, the next day, this thing ask another same skin colour alien to teach her how to set the temperature of the waterbath. I overheard the followings:

Alien: I don't know how to set this waterbath temperature, so can you teach me... (some sort like this, coz the alien speaks foreign language that is non-human and non-earth, it's kinda amasing that I can hear the question!)

The other alien: OK, press this and switch this, rotate this and the temperature will rise. Ok, set and done. Now it's 65C.

Alien: It's 65C? Why have not the temperature figure here show 65C?

The other alien: It's 65C, here have not yet 65C because this is the water temperature now. it will take time and slowly heated to 65C. it won't directly shoot up to 65 after we changed it!

[Can you imagine...even if I am not doing science, and my mother also know it. When you are boiling water, you need to heat to slowly heat the water to get the temperature in the water to rise! How come this alien don't know? Obviously, this alien isn't from planet earth!]

There are more story coming ahead. i shall put the other lab mate story up, in the episode 2. so, stay tune for more interesting story from me, and more facinating action from this alien.

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