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Thursday 31 January 2008

What a day...(1st Feb 2008)

Wow...1st Feb 2008 was a really marvelous day. A lot of happenings things around..
Firstly...some mission impossible become mission possible...Secondly some unplanned n unexpected occasion took place...3rdly....a really great experience to lost in da midnight in da middle of nowhere... Oh my goodness... this was really a day... a real unforgettable day...
Wat's da mission impossible made possible? me and lets c... (Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. Matt 7:7 NIV) Understand the meaning and understand the verse...then you will have the answer. ^^

The unexpected occasion? Oh..we(Z,A,me) eat at one Korean restaurant..(er...wat's da name..? Sorry, I cant dont ask me..^^) Took some picture..and only upload this for viewers... ^^ How's taste like? Initial impression..isn't bad at all. But honestly...this tasted quite salty when almost finishing. This dish alone, had costed RM36 in da bill. Anyway...really thanks to one person...for the meal, not only da rice cake but also da whole meal.. Who is that? Ok...lets just know her as "A"... she bought the dinner. Then we proceed to NZX..just to walk around and "sight-seeing" . Dissapointed, yet statisfying... WHY?...dissapointed was because of...too much expectation towards this place...and overall..its just ok..I bad.. and not that people had been spreading da news. Statisfying is in da contexts of it's indeed another place for chinese vendors to grow..and also another place people to hang place to be proud of..?!
Korean Rice Cake...

Well...lost in da middle of the night can be fun..especially all are gals in da car...!!! (OMG, cant really believe that I said so..@@) Everythings looks so fine...until da moments dat i direct for da wrong direction in da right junction...Instead of turning left, we moved straight and endeed up paying toll...and lost in da middle of nowhere. We can hardly see our way back..., we just tried and we go..Merry-go-around...we make a real big...REAL BIG u-turn to get back into track...and a journey of 20-30minutes...become a double of it.... LOL...we are really impressed by our ability to go Merry-go-around...Any suggestion? Two heads...sometimes..isn't better than one at all times... But at least...we still found da way back..and I personally really enjoying this day...To those who involved....don't you think so? Ha..ha... ^^

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