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Wednesday 16 January 2008

Becareful please.

This evening I had a very great shock to hear my sister asking me to open the door for her when she came back. She said she had been snatched just in front of the front gate at our rented house. I was indeed surprise and shock. I didn't know that it happen that fast and coincidently that my sister's dog is not at the front gate but is in the house. The snatch thief maybe already targetted my sister and some other ladies at the surrounding area. When we went to make a police report, there was a lady reporting of snatch thief in front of her house at USJ ?; and there another lady came in and claimed that she had snatched too when my sister was almost done with the report. Will it be such a coincidence that all this happen in the same area, same type of snatching and same identification; two guy (believed to be Malay) riding a motorcycle and waiting nearby, when there is no pre-caution of the victim, the snatch thief appear with a knife and asked for your belongings. Do be alarmed when you saw motorist where the rider that wear helmet walk towards you and the driver still stay at the motorcycle with the engine still running.
In conclusion, girls/ladies/women please be caution towards some important points and similiarity that all the victims shared.

1.They are all girls/ladies/women.
2.They are just arrived to their front house to open the gate to park their car.
3.They are carrying either handbag or sling back pack at their shoulder.
4.Thay are driving alone.
5.They didn't aware that someone is coming from behind.

So, for all those out there; please take some pre-caution.
1.Make sure your handbag isn't contain much valuables such as passport, mobile phone and wallet. Put then seperately because if there is any chances of a snatch thief who managed to take your handbag, you will still have something with you.
2. Do not put to struggle if you saw that they are armed either with knife or gun. Give the the bag, but throw it further that you or if the thief is snatching too fast, just let go. You don't want to end up injuring yourself, right?
3.Be well prepared before you walk out from your car. Make sure that you had your house key, or front lock's key at your hand. This will enable you to move fast into your house and prevent unwanted cases.
4. Press your car alarm system if really you had your car key with you. When there is alarm sound, people will be distracted to see (which car is on alarm and why the heck that the owner still don't want to silence it). Even if there is no people, the thief might be alarmed by the sound.
5.Just as a reminder, don't panic. Even if you had really valuable belongings that had be snatched, its better than it's your life that had been snatched. Treasure your life.

That's all from me now. Last but not least, please becareful and may god be with you and god bless you. Do forward this to those whom you loved, your families, and your friends. May they know about these real cases and have a better pre-caution regarding to similiar situation. Thank you.

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