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Thursday 31 January 2008

What a day...(1st Feb 2008)

Wow...1st Feb 2008 was a really marvelous day. A lot of happenings things around..
Firstly...some mission impossible become mission possible...Secondly some unplanned n unexpected occasion took place...3rdly....a really great experience to lost in da midnight in da middle of nowhere... Oh my goodness... this was really a day... a real unforgettable day...
Wat's da mission impossible made possible? me and lets c... (Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. Matt 7:7 NIV) Understand the meaning and understand the verse...then you will have the answer. ^^

The unexpected occasion? Oh..we(Z,A,me) eat at one Korean restaurant..(er...wat's da name..? Sorry, I cant dont ask me..^^) Took some picture..and only upload this for viewers... ^^ How's taste like? Initial impression..isn't bad at all. But honestly...this tasted quite salty when almost finishing. This dish alone, had costed RM36 in da bill. Anyway...really thanks to one person...for the meal, not only da rice cake but also da whole meal.. Who is that? Ok...lets just know her as "A"... she bought the dinner. Then we proceed to NZX..just to walk around and "sight-seeing" . Dissapointed, yet statisfying... WHY?...dissapointed was because of...too much expectation towards this place...and overall..its just ok..I bad.. and not that people had been spreading da news. Statisfying is in da contexts of it's indeed another place for chinese vendors to grow..and also another place people to hang place to be proud of..?!
Korean Rice Cake...

Well...lost in da middle of the night can be fun..especially all are gals in da car...!!! (OMG, cant really believe that I said so..@@) Everythings looks so fine...until da moments dat i direct for da wrong direction in da right junction...Instead of turning left, we moved straight and endeed up paying toll...and lost in da middle of nowhere. We can hardly see our way back..., we just tried and we go..Merry-go-around...we make a real big...REAL BIG u-turn to get back into track...and a journey of 20-30minutes...become a double of it.... LOL...we are really impressed by our ability to go Merry-go-around...Any suggestion? Two heads...sometimes..isn't better than one at all times... But at least...we still found da way back..and I personally really enjoying this day...To those who involved....don't you think so? Ha..ha... ^^

Wednesday 30 January 2008


I promised to myself that I must blog tonight. And so, now here I am to blog out. I had accidentally stained my labcoat with some brown paint (oil paint, i supposed) when I open the door enroute from level 3 to level 4 in my working place. OKOK..i lean against the door, that's how I got the stains. The stained area was quite bad...and so do my mood. I had no more intention to continue on my lab work after that..and it continue...and continue... *sigh*
I tried to get rid of the stains by rubbing with alcohol. It didn't work out. I tried rubbing with aceton. It didn't work out. All that was in my mind that momemt is to get "thinner" da solvent which painters use to clean their paint brushs. As I couln't get this solvent in the lab, I just soaked in with alcohol. The stains? It's still there.
When I am at home, I tried to use detergent to rub and soak it. To my diappointment, it still didn't work. So, I am in desperado....(Oh my gosh...i cant believe it!!!) I went out and bought one bottle of thinner and i rub the labcoat with thinner. It didn't work out so well too. At last, I go and boiled a kettle of water (not fully boiled-maybe around 60-70 degree) and poured and soak the lab coat with the warm water. Then, again, I rub the fabric using thinner. This time, it shown signs of improvement. But stains still there. Now I am frustrated...real frustrated.... I used some Dynamo on the stains and brush it. This works. After some soaking with thinner and brush with Dynamo. It tooks me long enough to see some result. Well...the labcoat is now still soak with the detergent and I need to go wash it after this blog. Will the stains be fully removed? Nah..I don't think so...but it's still better. Want to know? Wait until I tell you the full result...when I finished my laundry ^^

Sunday 27 January 2008

Love in between

What would you feel if you were to stuck in between love? There are two person out there coming together almost in the same time trying to win your love as they are really sincere for it. Do you ever felt so heavy hearted to reject one of them? Feeling so hard and guilty to choose and to move...Yet, disaster coming along if choose wrongly. Mistakes had to be paid with pride, and life can be miserable due to certain decision made in the wrong time, at the wrong place and to the wrong person. What would you do if you faced such circumstances? You know how great the pain caused if one walked away with emptiness..but yet you cannot lie to yourself as you are not meant for them. How would you express it out? Yes, everyone will know staright and forward is the most right way that one can think of...but among all who can be really that truthful? Who can tell out the truth without thinking of others or even if this is the only way...people will still hesitate for some time before planning to move on. In such a situation, even the most rational person will be blank for moment before proceeding to the focus point. Being sandwiched is really indeed a suffocating position and to escape from this is not easy. This is how love in between feels. It is not something that pushes you to cloud nine, but something that makes you stand firm in what your mind, heart and soul are telling you. Love is something that you can see blindly, but don't fall in it easily. Love is something tastes so sweet initially, but it won't last eternally. Love is something that is pure and true, but when it fades; it turns you in blue.

Friday 25 January 2008

Thank God!!!

Thank God, Praise the LORD. My check-up at SJMC turned fine and ok. My health is ok...even though almost dropped to the zone of overweight. OMG...I am going to be overweight? I think I need more exercise and oso diet. **Ouch**...its hurt when thinking about diet. But, since the check-up is ok..I will only go for the check up again next year.
I went to to Giant and bought a carton of Anglia shandy..INSTEAD of Jolly Shandy; even though the jolly shandy price now had dropped to 20.88 per carton. Yes, it's even RM2 cheaper than the day I argue at Carrefour. Anyway...that's a history..neither will I stepped into Carrefour anymore...nor to buy any carlsberg product ....until...I don't know..When I had forgot about the incident, maybe. And once again, thank god...that day i didn't manage to buy it. If not, I would had felt cheated as well...

Thursday 24 January 2008

To read or not to read?

Recently, I found myself stuck in many circumstances which I am so s*cked-up. Okay, I know this word is quite hardy to be used, but I couldn't help but just to use it. Just bear in your mind, it's another English word!!!
I read up many peoples blog and some of them I found it really true and interesting. It's just like a real-live drama of their life!!! I wanted to left some comment, but at last, I pull out. WHY? It's been some old blog of theirs and they might be just trying to cheers themselves up during their harsh time. Write out what we feel can help release the burden and pain of the wound. From words to words, sentences to sentences, paragraphs to paragraphs and made me feel the emotional pressure and anxiety that they are having. This reminds me of my once-upon- a-time-being an ear to those of my friends during schooling times. My friends can just easily let all their matters out to me because they trust me. They wanted someone to be a good listener so that whatever they had faced, can be told to an outsider that will always be there for them; to advice them, to teach them, to guide them, and most impotantly, is to love them for what they had done/faced. Their stories were indeed a variety from A to Z. And me? I love to spend my them for them as I know they needed me at that time to help them to stand up again. Human can be pysically strong, but our mind and soul are weak. We can be pinched down by just - "Emotion". That's also one of the reason why human is placed at the top in the kingdom of animal. Don't ask me to explain further more about the revolution, read up. But, emotion that is control by our unconscious mind really play an important role. Each and every time we were hurt and stand up once again, we learned and we gained. This is because we began to be conscious about the related matter and will take caution for the future. Pains and wounds will eventually heal. Of course, it will takes time. But by support, the healling even faster. For everyone out there: be supportive!!! Because by your support, those of your loved ones can be whole again.

Tuesday 22 January 2008

I love to complain

I don't know why that recently there are a lot of cases that I felt I want to complain. Just now, I went to Carrefour Subang Jaya to buy some stuff and bumped to a promotion that's really eye-catching. It shown there this 24 cans of Jolly shandy worth RM 22.88. Yes, it's a way too cheap and worth it!!! I quickly jump to the queue to pay for it as I am also rushing to meet some friends later. To my horror, the scanned price shown RM 29.99. I demanded for an explanation and also I wanted to cancel my purchase as it is not the price that I initially saw. As first the cashier said that he will inquire the promoter of this liquor. The promoter answered that they had increased the price just a moment ago (while I am queing). The promoter also explained that the price RM 22.88 was yesterday price tag; and their supervisor just place an order to increase the price a minute ago. I could hardly see any sincerity of the promoter of this booth to solve my problem as the Carrefour cashier personel in-charged said that thay can cancel the purchase but couldn't make the price lower. They insisted that if we were to buy, we had to pay the higher price. As far as I know,(I had been into the consumers rights website for some time in complaining some ridiculous ticket price) that when the consumer saw the differences between more than one pricing amount(either in the price tag shown and scanned into the cashier machine), consumer had the rights to demand to pay for the lowest price tag. Same as to this situation. Even though that I finally didn't purchase the product, but I felt cheated for what I saw. I couldn't believe that they still insisted that they are right. Their irresponsible act was misleading consumer to buy a product with a higher price than what they saw. This is a type of cheating as well. Luckily we are aware of it and can halt this in time. Imagine those who purchase a lot of product and didn't even have time to check the receipt!!! They can cheat RM 5 for one person, imagine that there is 1000 people that bought the same product and didn't take notice the price scanned. **OMG** they are sure d*mn profiting by this misleading method.
So, to those who felt that you are also cheated after reading this news; join with me to boycott Jolly Shandy and also to boycott Carrefour as well. They are indeed too reckless in controling their staff in putting price tag. That's why today's incident happened. It might not only happen to me, it might also happen to you, your families, relatives and even friends!!!

Monday 21 January 2008

I am damn speechless

Today I read something totally irritating for my eye and for my mind. Really don't know how to express my "emotion". Thanks to one 'good friend' that make the changes. Really thought I can have a really nice break tomorrow, but it seems that it's all vanish after reading that "bull sh*t" I am indeed totally speechless for what I have read in front of me just now. How could a person being so annoying like that?! I could admit that no one is perfect and it is indeed so that every one made mistakes and anyone can do something really really wrong. But this is a way too much... TOO MUCH...
Blaming another isn't a way to move is indeed only a fool will takes such steps. Admitting mistakes need courage...and courages do push a person towards stronger points and become a better person. Being a human is actually fated to do wrong things. It's depending on how we wanted to admend our wrong beings, not to point fingers but to stand in firm that we want to make changes from the mistakes. From this, people not only become smarter, but also willingly takes challenges for their future. That's the mystery of life.
If we had that much time in making ourselves blaming others, might as well use the time that left for us to earn ourselves reputation that at last, people couln't help but to agree with our ways of thought. Wouldn't be this is more meaningful?

Friday 18 January 2008


Wanted to type out this blog yesterday..but too eagerly to watch the HK drama-Survival's Law II until midnight. So, couln't manage to pull myself up to blog yesterday.
Am indeed very happy and glad that SH asked to go for the swimming at A's place with @, SH, A and me.. It is a d@mn good experience plus the after swimming chatting that we had done for couples of hours. Overall, the credit should goes to both SH and A. ^^,
Really thank you for the nice place to swim and hopefully, there will be more ahead soon. Kakaka.
Thank you to all of you who make this a success. May God bless you and once again, thanks. ^^

Wednesday 16 January 2008

Becareful please.

This evening I had a very great shock to hear my sister asking me to open the door for her when she came back. She said she had been snatched just in front of the front gate at our rented house. I was indeed surprise and shock. I didn't know that it happen that fast and coincidently that my sister's dog is not at the front gate but is in the house. The snatch thief maybe already targetted my sister and some other ladies at the surrounding area. When we went to make a police report, there was a lady reporting of snatch thief in front of her house at USJ ?; and there another lady came in and claimed that she had snatched too when my sister was almost done with the report. Will it be such a coincidence that all this happen in the same area, same type of snatching and same identification; two guy (believed to be Malay) riding a motorcycle and waiting nearby, when there is no pre-caution of the victim, the snatch thief appear with a knife and asked for your belongings. Do be alarmed when you saw motorist where the rider that wear helmet walk towards you and the driver still stay at the motorcycle with the engine still running.
In conclusion, girls/ladies/women please be caution towards some important points and similiarity that all the victims shared.

1.They are all girls/ladies/women.
2.They are just arrived to their front house to open the gate to park their car.
3.They are carrying either handbag or sling back pack at their shoulder.
4.Thay are driving alone.
5.They didn't aware that someone is coming from behind.

So, for all those out there; please take some pre-caution.
1.Make sure your handbag isn't contain much valuables such as passport, mobile phone and wallet. Put then seperately because if there is any chances of a snatch thief who managed to take your handbag, you will still have something with you.
2. Do not put to struggle if you saw that they are armed either with knife or gun. Give the the bag, but throw it further that you or if the thief is snatching too fast, just let go. You don't want to end up injuring yourself, right?
3.Be well prepared before you walk out from your car. Make sure that you had your house key, or front lock's key at your hand. This will enable you to move fast into your house and prevent unwanted cases.
4. Press your car alarm system if really you had your car key with you. When there is alarm sound, people will be distracted to see (which car is on alarm and why the heck that the owner still don't want to silence it). Even if there is no people, the thief might be alarmed by the sound.
5.Just as a reminder, don't panic. Even if you had really valuable belongings that had be snatched, its better than it's your life that had been snatched. Treasure your life.

That's all from me now. Last but not least, please becareful and may god be with you and god bless you. Do forward this to those whom you loved, your families, and your friends. May they know about these real cases and have a better pre-caution regarding to similiar situation. Thank you.

Monday 14 January 2008


There are some people will say that love eventually will comes when it is a right time for it to start. Initially, I won't have the same thought like what other is thinking. I will try to see from different point of views/angles. My friends always said that I am a truly amasing person as I can try to make myself in both character, either in a male or a female position. This is because I tend to force myself to be understanding, to be fair and to make a correct movement for those who stucked in the situation which requires a deep thinking from both character. But why only love? Love is another amasing feeling that no one can understand better except for the one who created it. Is it hard to love? Is it hard to be in love? Is it hard give love? Is it hard to accept love? Is it hard to forget love? Is it hard to get love? There are so many more question about love, yet not all have the answer and many still in search of the answer. The one who give is more blessed than the one who receive? It depends. People nowadays is more likely to look at the physically attraction. Love lost its eligibility in the modern context and it will eventually fade off by the up-to-date living style. Would people still bind with love? Will there be any relationship that runs truly based on love? And what is my opinion that I can make for this? To find someone you love is hard, to find someone who love you is even harder. I learned this phrase from dramas, movies, even from true stories. Yes, it is indeed so. Who is really meant for you? Will it be you dream lover or someone out of nowhere that admitted as your secret admirer? Once, my friend said to me..." Although that there is a chances you didn't love the admirer, isn't it a kind of happiness and blessings towards you that there is somebody out there who love you dearly, deeply and will always love you more than you do?" From that moment, I realised it is indeed a blessing, a happiness and its dear too. But, the willingness of getting the one you love is always a lot stronger and will always drived you to the edge where you'll fall into the torn valley, where you can find beautiful roses surrounding you with a spectacular view and atmosphere; yet you are also being surrounded by the lethal weapon hide silently behind beauty. Are we willing to take such chances: To be loved, to fall in love, to give love, to forget love, and to get "Love"? Hard to explain, and hard to imagine. How would you react when someone in all of a sudden saying that the love you? And what would you do if you found someone you love and the one didn't know about your existence? Tell me friends, how love changed or moved you? Whatever it is, I will still always give my best support to my friends who seek my help and who is willingly sharing their story to me.Love is an unsolved mystery. Like it or not, love is still all around. Do you love someone? Why will you still hesitate on taking an initial move? Be courages and step forward. You will discover the colour of love more than anything you wanted. Take my challenge and dare me. The puzzles behind love are yet to be cleared. Till then, love is still love!This is just the have not yet come to an end.