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Sunday 23 June 2019

There will always that some one trying to bring your day to the darkest point

There will always that some one trying to bring your day to the darkest point.
For that some one might have been lacking of security,
For that some one might have been facing difficulties.

For whatever the reason is, life is shown beautifully just like a sky...
It will have the bright side, where sun shining bright...
It will have the dark cloudy side, where rain is shadowing behind...
I have to keep reminding myself that, whenever those whom are giving you hard times,
Please to remember that karma is the best teacher.
They be have their lessons be taught soon, so soon that they will never expected it.

Hence, please do not treat those whom are trying to provide to you a solution badly,
You will be wondering why there is no help, as you had taken away your solution~

Thursday 31 January 2019

Happy Chinese New Year!

Back to hometown to get ready for a blast!

Since early of November 2018, it was a roller-coaster life for myself.

Now, it should be a blast for a brand new year of 2019, and celebration of Piggy Year!

Happy Chinese New Year!

Friday 4 January 2019

~When God closes a door, He opens a window~

"When God closes a door, He opens a window'

This is so true that I had experienced it myself.

Fast forward from the bad news that I had received, where I had been asked to resign voluntarily on early of December; I received job offer at the end of December!

It was withing the same month that I had been given the opportunity to experience the phrase  "When God closes a door, He opens a window". I had been stressed out lately, not only for the resignation, but also on the home loan where it had received bad news too. I hope other bank will consider my joint application with my brother.

Although I am still searching for the best loan and still hoping for the best to come, I am relieved. At last, I do not need to worry on the job security. I know that I should be thankful for the event to take place, where the request for me to voluntarily resign had speed up my chances to have a better offer. However, I am not forgetful about how badly I had been asked to leave. It served as a lifetime lesson to me that we do have horrible people surrounds us, and do not trust people easily!

Nonetheless, I can breathe in ease now, as the nightmare with those horrible people should ceased soon.