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Friday 30 November 2018

Shocked, to first arrived at Dhaka Bangladesh

Shocked, to first arrived at Dhaka Bangladesh, where the citizen would drive and cross the road as to their liking. There are traffic rules, and none of them is abiding it, except when there is presence of traffic policemen.

Imagine, you will cross the road everyday, risking your life or either being knocked by the on coming traffic, or from the opposite traffic. They can drive from the opposite way, even though it is the main road at the city. Yes, they do have overhead bridge or underground subway to cross the road; and those are only available for one or two places. I did not notice any zebra crossing or pedestrian stop either.

Almost 90% of the time, you will hear vehicles honking for the traffic, and it would not stop until near 2300 hour. The amount of noise pollution at the surrounding is good enough to raise your blood pressure, and not to forget that it started as early as 0600 hour.

Aside from the chaos of the traffic and the noise pollution, the airport security is stringent. When one foreigner is entering the country, the arrival card must be filled, and one must be able to provide a local phone number for the authority. Moreover, when one foreigner is leaving the country, there is another departure card to be filled in before entering the immigration counter.

To enter the international airport in Dhaka, one must line-up and there are a lot of the un-sincere airport security personnel will target the tourist or foreigner to ask for tips or they will pretend to help you for money. Not a surprised that even the airport security open their mouth asking you for money before putting up baggage for scanning. Perhaps this is their usual practice, but this is way to much corruption. Imagine is one had bad intention, and to smuggle any illegal items? All they do is to have money to pass to these security and they can enter freely?

Not a surprised that when both me and my other colleague collected our baggage when arrived at our home country, we noticed that our baggage pass-code had all switched to 000, and sign of our baggage had been searched prior to our flight. The internal compartment of my baggage had visible knife cut and visible sign of force ripped-off.  The same baggage had been used for entering Myanmar, Thailand, Singapore, Taiwan, China, and San Francisco; and nothing happened. If you were to ask me that would I go to do sigh-seeing at this country? No, I would not, not at the moment.

Saturday 17 November 2018

Ragnarok M: Eternal Love

Ragnarok M: Eternal Love
Playing this nostalgic game again after almost one decade of not playing it. It brought up memories of creating a acolyte character to a priest and reincarnate into high priest. 

Thought would like to change into playing a different job in RO mobile. Hence, created a mage, and waiting to change job into wizard soon at Geffen.

Screenshot of my pet "purring" while overlay-ed with another character, that brought a lunatic pet.

Like their FB page for more update.

Tuesday 13 November 2018

Throwback on Taiwan trip~

Remember those were the days where we went to shop crazily at Taiwan 7-11 just because their food is too fancy for us.

While it was a foggy night for us uphill, and we do not  have much choice, but to shop at 7-11 for foods to fill our empty stomach!

 One of the chips with fried eggs+oyster flavor. It was flavorful to us~yummy.

These were the items that we had purchase to fill our stomach; while it was cold at night, we did not forget to get the soupy instant noodle to warm our tummy.

This, the fruity flavor beer from Taiwan. I personally like it so much, as it as mild taste of the pineapple juice flavor with 3% of beer.

Saturday 3 November 2018

Chicken King Taiwan - 大王活虾啤酒城

Throwback of the visit to taiwan, where we visited this restaurant when we were on our way to visit CingJing farm.

We thought of to try the apple chicken, and unfortunately, the restaurant closed down permanently and we had no other choice but to try some other shop. Since this restaurant conveniently just across the road, and it was also recommended to us by our charter driver, we had decided to give it a try.

This restaurant is apparently famous for it Urn-roasted chicken. We had placed our order for a 4 pax package, where it was included unlimited rice, vegetables, soup, prawns, and kimchi as side dish. 

 This was how they serve the chicken. They provided the gloves and recommended us to use hands to tear the chicken. We did, and placed the chicken back to the dish, and one whole chicken on the plate presentation!
Here you go~ the Urn-roasted chicken (窑仔鸡) on the plate for us to dine in. It was served with two separate plate of seasonings (one is a lemon/citrus type of sauce; while the other was salt), All of us prefer the salt, as it provide the most original taste to bring out the aroma of this roasted chicken. Tender, and succulent juicy urn-roasted chicken; worth to give it a try! You may search for chicken king at CingJing, Taiwan.

Check it out here~ 大王活虾啤酒城 :