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Sunday 29 May 2011

Kungfu Panda 2

Went for a free movie yesterday with Flag.

The free movie session was given as a token of appreciation by the company to the customer...

The given movie was KUNGFU PANDA 2!!!!! woooohoooo....

I am so wanted to watch some movie recently and this movie was one of the worth to watch movie.

The quote of the day when Flag watched Panda dropped onto Monkey when they were fighting with Lord Shen at the Gong Men Tower... "Ouch...that's when Ice dropped onto Flag" =.="

Friday 27 May 2011

"lalang" day for Miss Gorgeous...


What a "lalang" day for Miss Gorgeous....

I believe....tomorrow the Miss Gorgeous will "lalang" again...

LY... you lost your lalang a.k.a 墙头草 title to Miss Gorgeous...

I guess from today onwards, Miss Gorgeous also known as Gorgeous Lalang~ LOL...

Thursday 26 May 2011

豆腐花...a.k.a soya bean pudding

Smooth and milky soya bean taste...

豆腐花...a.k.a soya bean pudding, soya bean custard...

The best combination of tau fu fah together with Malacca sugar syrup...

Nope this is not funny mountain tau fu fah... this is from Kampar.

If you wanted to know how well it taste, come and had a try at the Kampar's morning market place. There is an uncle selling tau fu fah, soya bean drinks (both warm and cold) and grass jelly (cincau).

It is situated near a big tree coordination, opposite the Fye Hoong kopitiam.

p/s: Miss tak waras, do you still remember this? kekeke

Monday 23 May 2011

MDDB t-shirt sponsorship

In the effort to help Malaysian Dogs Deserve Better (MDDB), I would like to post this blog to help to urge more and more kind souls to lend your help.

Message from MDDB:

Dear all, we are looking for sponsorship to print some T-shirts to be sold to raise money. Please pass the word around and those interested in helping us raise funds to pay for these T-shirts - please call 012-2501497.

Community Development and Integration Initiative Bhd (654290-T) 

Public Bank Account Number: 3151793708.

Image and message taken from MDDB facebook page

Those who are interested into giving your sponsor, you can refer to the link, or alternatively you can bank into the given Public Bank account number.

Sorry to those who opt for alternative payment such as Paypal, you might need to contact MDDB for such arrangement; do drop the person in charge a call at 012-2501497.

Thank you very much for the sponsorship and may God bless you.

Saturday 21 May 2011

No to Chatime

First impression regarding to Chatime was good, as in we went in the correct timing, managed to buy 1 free 1 and managed to tried all the 3 flavours in the promotion package.

Second time visiting Chatime, was totally at the wrong timing, queue for 30 minutes to place the order and...waited 2 hours for the order to arrived. That was like too much, for the sake of drinking pearl tea. I was very reluctant to wait, but since the order had been placed, and paid, we had no choice but to WAIT...and 2 hours waiting time... Sigh... IF Chatime could not afford to hire more manpower to run the outlet, they should not offer the buy1 free1 package. I had uttered that I am so not going to visit Chatime again... really...

However, today was the third time I visited Chatime... due to JT suggested that we should try the roasted milk tea. So, I went for the third time...and this should be my final, and LAST time! I was ten thousand million times disappointed with their service and their incompetency into providing good food and beverage services. They should learn, how to improve, but heck...I did not see any!

The cashier told us that they had no more pearl, and for drinks with pearl will have to wait about 30 minutes. So, we agreed to wait, as we were having the macha on the spot. When it was our turn to take the roasted pearl milk tea... I noticed that there was no pearl, and I questioned the waitress. She had taken my receipt when I am inquiring her regarding to the tea, and she had thrown away my receipt in front of me. When I asked her, how would she define that I did not order pearl milk tea, she insisted me to show her my receipt. I told her, I HAD GIVEN the receipt to her and after a few seconds only she realised, she had thrown away my receipt. At that very moment, the cashier came forward and explained that he did not type in the pearl, as he thought we do not wish to have the pearl. I was like WTF!!! Both me and JT told him that we are alright to wait for 30 minutes for the pearl milk tea, and now you told us that you did not typed in?! Then, the cashier told me that to have pearl, you need to add in RM 1! I was again, annoyed and they treated me like I do not have any single cent to pay for the RM1 pearl! I took out my wallet and pay him that RM 1 and walked together with him to the counter. The manager or the person in-charge saw me bursting in anger, asked the cashier for what the customer wanted? I told the who-so-ever person that I wanted the pearl milk tea, and they served the wrong tea to me. You know what the who-so-ever person replied? We had run out of pearl, and if you wish to have pearl, you are required to wait for at least 30 minutes. I was like, HELL YA, I know that I got to wait for 30 minutes, I had already well informed initially that I had to wait for the pear! Without any apology or any form of regretting for forgotten to add in the pearl for the customer, the cashier just took my money, and gave me the change without any receipt. Immediately I asked for the f*cking receipt for they are using numbering system based on the receipt to prepare the order. Without a receipt, how on earth I can receive my pearl tea?

After such unpleasant experience with Chatime, I am so not going to drink, or step into Chatime ever! No taking away Chatime or packing Chatime for me!

No to Chatime...this time for REAL and for my goodness sake!

Friday 20 May 2011


People that could not decide....

For whichever decision.....

Often known as....

Lalang a.k.a 墙头草....

LY is know to be one... and today, she admitted the fact that she is 墙头草...

Green background to suit 墙头草... that do not fancy vege...

Thursday 19 May 2011


Out of a sudden,

I think a lot of people wanted to KILL ICE...

So, I made such thing...

For everyone to KILL ICE....

P/S: There is no second chance...

Monday 16 May 2011

---All in one day---







All in one day.

Rushing from hometown to K.L.....

Managed to rush on time and wished fare-well.....

A surprised birthday celebration by friends.....

All the rushing, journey, and traffic jammed caused such sleepiness.....

Helped to look for tag and keys.....

Felt like lost a soul for too exhausted.....

Friday 13 May 2011


Bobby''s photo of a few weeks, and 3.5 months...

Tuesday 10 May 2011

spaghetti drive-thru

Miss Gorgeous was standing in front of her house to send her spaghetti drive-thru for us.

Gorgeous... ~

Thursday 5 May 2011



Was suppose to blog regarding to someone's belated birthday celebration...


Due to something extraordinary, happening news...

Here you go....

I present to you "Miss GORGEOUS"~