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Friday 29 April 2011

Lab Midget...

Lab midget?!

Things had been mysteriously gone wrong...

When there aren't anybody around...

Monday 25 April 2011

When research lab equipments ran out of orders...

When research lab equipments ran out of orders...

Sigh, the consequences of having research mate that does not appreciate the equipments....

Tuesday 19 April 2011

Adz special delivery~

Yesterday received a sms from Adz, written that there was a special delivery stored at the PG room's fridge...

Here is it...

Adz special delivery~

 After much anticipation... the chocolate ice-cream cake was made by Adz... =p

 The topping was melted while on the way from Adz house to PG room... too bad, did not manage to see the original, initial decoration...

Nevertheless, the chocolate ice-cream cake still taste superb and do come to PG room to try~ =p

Monday 18 April 2011

God Bless

Needless to say...

A picture tells thousand words...

Sunday 17 April 2011

At Sushi Zanmai with two hometown's friends.....

Went to Sushi Zanmai with two hometown's friends.....

Ruby and Kit siu.

Coincidently, Ruby was here for a full moon dinner and Kit siu was here for examine the Medic students' first aid test.

Out of the blue, we went to meet up at Sunway Pyramid.

Kit Siu pretending reading da menu...

Ruby just keep on smiling there...

See, Kit Siu "sudah tua"...

Me and Ruby still looks so young... kekeke :p

The images of the food that we had orered, but notice da last photo which shown a large fly entered the premise and flying around =="

Friday 15 April 2011

what a day!!!!!

I don't know why, this person did not utilise her eyes to read the comments written in her paper.

She simply complaint regarding to don't know where she lost her marks, where all the comments were well stated!!!

Sigh, with people like this, my life span will be shorten...

Thursday 14 April 2011

New lappy's skin

Changed the skin for my lappy... =p

hope that new changes can brings luck~

Sunday 10 April 2011

Yee's wedding~9th April 2011

Congratulations to Yee n Ming.

Although Yee did not invite many friends for her wedding dinner, she still have Menaka + her hubby, and me attended her wedding.

I manage to make myself to wake up early the following day, for Yee's tea ceremony and arrival of the bridegroom.

Friday 8 April 2011

LY and her joke

While LY was driving towards SS2 the past Wednesday....

The conversation:-

JN: LY, remember to turn left and give the signal...

LY: Yayaya...I gave signal...hear tik tak tik tak....

The whole car passengers: Ahahahahaha...(OMG)the signal can talk...tik tak tik tak...

Friday 1 April 2011

April Fools F&C

Went to The Manhattan Fish Market for their promotion Fish N Chips dish (Dory only).

Never seen The Manhattan Fish Market so crowded with lots of people queuing for their turn to get a bite on the promotional dish.

The promotional Fish N Chips named: April Fools F&C priced at RM6.99 (not inclusive tax)... LOL such a name... hehehehehehe XD