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Saturday 6 December 2008

once and twice

Suddenly got the urge to make this out.

Once and twice.

You asked me once,

Will I ever turn back if I am let go?

You asked me twice,

Will I ever  say it-that I love you so?

Along the cold narrow street way,

I remembered the embrace you gave that day,

When you  hardly let me went  my way,

And I remembered it in everyday,

Walking  alone under the dim  moonlight,

And my own shadow accompany me by my side,

How cold it is to walk alone at night,

But I know I must  go on with my plight,

You asked me once,

Will I ever remember you in my heart?

You asked me twice,

Will I ever find my way in the dark?

And here I am now walking through the park,

Alone again in the dark,

I remembered how you guided me with your love,

And  now I learned to walk with love,

I would not be missing you and that's my promise,

But how I wish I could do it with all my mind,

And all that we had compromised,

How I wish I had put it aside and left behind,

And tell me now why my heart still drowning in tears?

And my living is still in fears?

I am asking not once and not twice,

Will there be answer for me in trice?

(Copyright reserved to Emmy Sau Peng Lee)

Thursday 4 December 2008


After my friend ffk last weekend for a yum cha session at Kampar, I felt like I am so sucked up. Not only me, ok...another friend of mine whom happen and suppose to be with us for the yum cha also felt the same towards this friend. It's not that you can't ffk. But make it a reasonable one, please? The pictures she posted already betrayed her, as in she ffk because she's with other group of friend to have a yum cha after a wedding dinner banquet. I called, but her phone can't be connected through due to the network blockage of her usage. I confronted her, the following Monday...and asked her why didn't bother just sms us to inform us for a call-off. She replied as her phone got problem, she didn't have one to do so. I asked can't she thought of borrowing one of the friends' phone to send out a sms? She replied that she didn't think of that!
WTF***!!! I definitely doubted it, but what to do...she is still my friend, even though she ffk like that.
Friend, before you ffk...better eliminate every evidence that you ffk for another group of friend. I don't mind as in we have numerous group of friends...I don't mind you go out yum cha session with them at that night, after the dinner. All I mind is that you didn't even bother to make a sms or a call for us to call off the yum cha, and keep us waiting! I hate waiting, you know. Plus...where's the apology?
Since already ffk, so, me and the other friend of mine plan to ask for a yum cha session, whereby it's her treat and of course...must be damn expensive!

Wednesday 3 December 2008


Talking about love...

And lets' talk about love then...

Why on earth, that there are people who only can think of love as in boy and girl relationship? Why on earth there are people who only treasure the moment of love with their so-called loved one in the relationship? Couldn't they think of, there is other love existed? Love is so beautiful, so divine, so generous, so patience...yet love is passionating, love provoking, and love demanding...

As people who can only think of love in the relationship way...I guess...this is such a shallow thinking...yet might been caused by the blindness in relationship. When someone is in relationship..especially in the phrase that the love blossom and passionate each other...the rest of the world means nothing to them. In their eyes, they can only see each other, in their eyes, they can only see their life, in their eyes, they can only see their love...

They forgot about the 'love is divine, love is generous'... Families, friends, pets and so many more become a secondary structure to their life...their primary structure is their love. I bet, by wonder people can say out in chinese saying 'you ching yum shui bau'. Of course, not everyone is like this...this is also refering to certain people...or certain types of people.

Somehow...people questioned me, on why I look on so seriously for the 'Love' word. I treasure the 'love'. I treasure love from my families, I treasure love from my friends...I even treasure the from m pets. I lost them...quite a number of time...I knew the moment you lost someone or something so precious to you...So, I really takes in every minute. For me, even though love in boy-girl relationship is this will draw to a new family, a new life, a new beginning, a new chapter, a new is yet so suppose not to be so focused on boy-girl relationship.

Saying I love you to you families, your friends and even pets doesn't make you looked insane. It's just cultural environment in the east didn't practice this well by this, we are lack of confident to show our love to those that we really treasure. Westerners are far more open into this. They teaching and practice for this loving act is indeed good and inspiring. We should have say I love each other...

I think I should...

I always say I love you to my dog...though. I talk to my dog. Sounds silly, and crazy or maybe someone will think I am a physco...talking with a dog? I enjoy my moment talking to my dog...more than having conversation with my siblings...and parents...somehow...I can become talkative when I seeing friends that are sharing the same channel. I even will treasure them more...

Talk about the 3 words, I still hesitate to say it out, to other...anyway...I am trying. Trying to be a lovingly person to my friends, hmm...notice this...i didn't mentioned family though. I have a wall of my own...whereby I had built it for such a long time. I seldom speak with my family member, you can actually count our words.  You will see they way I treat my friends is far more better than the way I treated my family. How on earth that there's person like me existed? Well...I am who I am...I am still the one creature created by God on earth for some purpose. So, however weird I am, or my actions towards my family, I am still the one who come back to visit the most. brother of course, he wanted to...but he's far...and he needed to earn for the family. My sister? ha...that's even more nonsense...she already engaged in a relationship since young...and every now and then. Will she bother? K.L and Kampar isn't far, and I still hold on to return to hometown, every fortnight.  I don't know why, but I guess...I guess, ok...relationship of boy-girlfriend bonded them to not to return. See? Sacrifices had to be done. One of the family member shall have to hold on, until it's not necessary.

Well...whatever it is... I am still loving them...I am still loving my families, my friends, and my pets.

I wanted to say 'I love you'

It's just I am too shy to say it to,

It's just I am too arrogant to admit

It's just I am too concern for my pride,

It's not I don't want to...

Because every now and then... I still love you.

'I love you'
While waiting for a 15 minutes incubation time...I am here to blog a little bit about today activities... :p

Today is the day, whereby Dr Stc bought us (WC,Wen,Lovelybear,Iris,and me) a great lunch! We had our lunch at Zen, Sunway Pyramid. All along the way, we chat about a lot of item and we were even able to ask her birth date! haha... She was born at 5th of March. Year?! Erm...lets us all don't think about the age... :p

So, the secret unveiled. She's a Pieces...and Wen got it correctly. The rest of us have a different answer...and somehow...Wen is the only one got it correctly...Haha...Well, Wen also has a good sense in guessing... :D

After the excellent lunch at Zen, we headed to the cinema for BOLT (3D)! Woah...(people must be thinking...these fellas...lunch and movie on a working day... damn free!) Haha...well, it had happened. Bolt...what a cute dog with his fellows companion Rhino, the hamster and Mitten, the cat. Watch it...and go for's worth for it.

Dr Stc also suggested to have a bbq Christmas at her house on 19 Dec. She just suggested it ouot of a sudden and we are also quite anticipate for it, since she said she don't mind to organise it at her house...( long as, we all must come early to help her) Haha...well...another surprise by our boss and supervisor! Some more...when we talked about Iris's composing music at her music classes...Dr Stc suggested to have a theme song for Legionella and Coliphage...and it's a NO JOKE. She said she really meant it. She is giving Iris a year time to get it composed! Woah...a song for Leg and Colip? haha :p's my time up now. Gotta kick back my ass to work...and this is really another historical day...Will this kind of day ever happen again? Erm...I guess not! haha :D